Tfw you will never be in an effay gay relationship because you were born straight
Tfw you will never be in an effay gay relationship because you were born straight
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tfw you will never be a female and in a lesbian relationship ;_;
>tfw you will never be male and in a gay relationship.
I'm only attracted to men who like men. It puts me off when a straight man is attracted to me. Any gay anons that want to be pegged by a girl please reply
>tfw gay and only attracted to straight men
and no i dont want to be pegged by you lol fucking freak
Never too late to change your mind comrade. Although I look feminine, I can be quite forceful. I'm only interested if you have a very masculine appearance though.
be glad being gay sucks, its fun and it makes fashion easier but it sucks
sorryi meant to reply to
ive actually thought about this alot, i find the female figure and alot of feminine qualitys attractive but i hate the majority of women plus vaginas and big boobs gross me out.
if only futas were real
That's not very nice of you bud. I'm a tall, light-haired attractive 21yo in excellent physical form. No need to feel disgusted.
>believing someone can be born "straight" or "gay"
this board's iq is getting lower by the day
At least I’m bi.
This hurts.
>homosexuality is something you are born with
Every human being is born heterosexual.
Homosexuality has nothing to do with genes
theres no proof either way...but looking at human history everyone from the greeks to the chinese to the africans were fucking young boys / men. hetereosexuality wasnt even a concept until the modern period. assuming people are born hetereo is just as moronic as thinking they are born gay.
Prolapsed anus is effay
everyone's born bisexual
Just choose to be gay like the gays do?
>He can't take a dick up his ass without prolapsing
I hate that meme, it's just not true.
Every human being is born asexual. Sexual preference is shaped by nurture. That’s why homosexuals exist. Do you think they’re lying or some shit? They had a bad childhood/upbringing that’s all
It is true if you just try enough.
it is
send in the traps!
nice bait
whats all this
>people cant be born gay
i know not all gays are born gay but think about the prancing steryotypical homos, do you think they chose to be like that?
the irony is palpable, you're probably a faggot too
How fucking stupid do you have to be to fixate on two unrelated possibilities like that, and why are there so many of you retards? Nobody is born gay or straight, nobody chooses to be gay or straight. Your genes at birth play a tiny role compared to your environment.
its ok user being gay is a choice
>assuming people were meant to fulfill their biological imperative is moronic
the absolute delusion of fags
there you go, feel free post that in the facebook group you got that from
W2C Armie Hammer's white converse?
>mfw I'm as /pol/ as possible and hate all fags but love Sufjan Stevens' music
He gets a pass
>it makes fashion easier
Being gay is okay !
Movie just made me want a French gf even more than I already did
nope but i'm in a strait relationship with a fa girl
same shitt different wrapping, girls have waaay more fashion to work with then men have too so..... women>men in terms of fashion?
> have a french girlfriend
i dont really understand why it is so romanticized
>I'm as /pol/ as possible
Wow you're a mentally retarded loser.
>relationship with a fa girl
Post pics pls.
>i dont really understand why it is so romanticized
I hardly see anyone romanticize it outside of myself, but I personally love the accent and incessant cigarette smoking, and there's something to be said about how nice their butts are.
I want to fuck a lesbian.
t. male
yeaah trying to avoid posting pics of my GF on Veeky Forums for obvious reasons
>but I personally love the accent and incessant cigarette smoking, and there's something to be said about how nice their butts are.
okey the ascent is sexy as fuck at first but you quickly get use to it, no cigerretts but dat french bubble butt
nigga just edit out the face and use pictures that aren't uploaded anywhere else so they can't be reverse-searched
This isn't 2008 Veeky Forums anymore no one cares that much because people steal pictures from social media to post here all day, but I to each his own.
>tfw tragically str8
I'll take it over full homo but biscum are objectively the most effay
I may be interested where u located?
fuckin jews at it again
get the fuck out
polboi gets buttpained? no one cares
I can't think of a worse person to talk to than you
Sufjan is good tho ur right
You can rest easy now OP. I'm here to tell you that you are in fact gay, and i would even go so far as to classify you as a "faggot" in every sense of the word.
>thinking the "biological imperative" isn't a normative constrict forged to justify and uphold biosocial regulation and control
read Foucault, cuck
and thank god for that
the joke is that if you are interested you don't fit the criteria.
>He actually feels attraction and experiences libido.
>he doesn't use sex purely as a way to infatuate everyone that falls for his charms
How uneffay
>literally a faggot who died of aids from getting too much faggot dick in the ass in san fran bathhouses
"read this faggot on why youre wrong about the degeneracy of faggots!!"
ad hominem is all you're capable of.
>tfw you live in a shithole where coming out is a death sentence
>tfw only ~5% of the population is homosexual
>tfw even if you find somebody you're attracted to AND he's a part of the 5% there would be no way to know because he's gonna be closeted, just like you
>tfw you will die alone
life is hell
this is a gross exaggeration, unless you live in some islamic states or n. korea
>t.anti-intellectual right wing brainlet
>left-wing pseudo-intellectual
>the intellectual tradition begins in 1960
>this is a gross exaggeration
it is
1. try explaining to your parents that their heritage is not going to be continued because you're attracted to men
2. my country is close to 90% catholic
3. i know of at least 2 people in my class that have /pol/ tier levels of faggot hate
even though most of the new generation would tolerate it, you ARE going to be "the gay guy". i don't want to brand myself with something that makes up less than 1% of me.
Why not just move to Ireland like half of your brethren?
Tfw qt twink but too much of an autistic incel to find an effay bf.
good. that's a GOOD thing.
there seems to be nothing more horrible than being gay.
g o t h e n b u r g
It’s fun for gay people
Wtf where do you live? I live in Indonesia and we don’t even have laws towards gay people, we only don’t accomodate gay marriage that’s all.
but being gay is the reason i wouldn't want to get pegged by you
>tfw the amount of faggots in the world
you should transition
grindr bitch
look at this faggot propoganada
Penetrating a whole where the shit comes from isn't effay pal.
Think about all the weird shit that comes out of a vagina
are you kidding me? just use the internet
>tfw asexual and will never be in a loyal, loving, non-sexual relationship with a tall, wealthy, portly dork with a bent up face
why even live
You can honestly learn it, I think. I didn't really have bi thoughts until I turned like 19 and that was through practice
This, I learned my attraction to serial killers. Now I can't imagine not loving them...
m8 just fucking move somewhere else in Europe then
you've got fucking freedom of movement across all schengen zone
Głupi pedał
>you will never be a cute diverboi
the only effay fag movie
>hip dips
wtc ministry shirt
That faggot is flirting with you, clearly wants your rubber non-aids dick.
>In memory of Bill Pullman
why would Bill Pullman want to be associated with a movie about faggot raping a peach and giving to his boyfriend to eat?