Are they worth it?

Are they worth it?

Now fuck off

Also objectively speaking - no, not for the retail price

Get out of my thread you utter miss

you get what you pay for

Which is what?

a stylish high quality shoe that goes with everything

And these Chucks wouldn't?

I love Ricks but they definitely dont go with everything, theyre very oversized and a specific look

>ramones go with everything

if ur asking u shouldnt buy them

pic from the back?

this is advanced fashion

ramones are easier to pull off than people say to be honest. just make sure your outfit isn't especially form fitting and your colors are right

>implying the problem is the shoes and not this manlet faggot thinking he can be fashionable

so 99% of Veeky Forums cant wear ramones? i guess youre right

sole is poop and when it goes to shit its over

i love this pic more every time i see it


>op wasting a thread asking if a $70 pair of converse is worth it
the state of modern Veeky Forums

post the one where he puts on CCP



that's a really unfortunate style decision nothing about the shoes match the rest of the outfit

If you can get them for cheap, go for it.
I have two pairs and i like them a lot.

>"why are you wearing fake converse user?"
>a-actually they are rick owens and cost me $400 an-

>"why are you wearing fake converse user?"
>i just like this style more than the originals

>talking about haute couture in real life

>haute couture
I don't think you know what this means


diffusion line rick owens shoes are not haute couture Boy

>Rick “Piss in my Face” Owens
>haute couture

>implying anyone would ask this in real life

yes, but just wait since they always go on sale once the new season comes out or look on grailed

>Worth the money
If you're willing to pay that much

They are good quality, feel good and look good imo

jew or poor? either way fuck off

>thinking ricks and chucks give a similar aesthetic

Ah yes, the sought-after "I want to wear Chuck Taylors but need validation from wearing expensive shoes" aesthetic is a unique one indeed

manlets don't deserve nice clothes.

its not 2009 anymore lmfao who the fuck wears this garbage

shutup you probably wear CPs and ankle boots you soycuck

Chucks unequivocally have a better cleaner silhouette. But the Ramones are a higher quality more exagerrated version of Chucks. They are just different, each one is what it is. Chucks are not Ramones, but Ramones would not exist without Chucks as their Father.


nobody wears rick owens but what ever helps u sleep at night, maybe crying under the pillow softly so ur mom doesnt now ur in credit card debt over meme clothes that in vogue over 9 years ago is self therapy?

They used to be. When they were fresh.

>standing on the bed frame

there’s nothing inherently wrong with chukka boots or common projects, and i challenge you to explain otherwise.

he's probably standing on the edge of the bed because the mirror is at some height

buy replica you fucking cuck. It'll save you more money.

they look nice in person but if you need to ask if they're worth it, then you should have something better to put your money toward (nonconsumerist hobbies, savings/investments/loans, etc)
dont be that faggot with thousand dollar shoes but rents a shoe box and eats cup noodles