Lets stop the bullshit

Honestly, can we be honest for once?

The only reason anyone buys shit isnt cause "It looks nice", "I have my own personal style" or whatever lack luster bullshit excuse you mentally give yourself to make it seem better.

Any dumbass with a following can make a brand and have it sell cause really people are all dumb enough to equate fashion = hype branding.

Its why bape is popular, its why is popular, its why nike and cons are successful.

The real reason any person buys in this "culture" (shouldnt even call it that and more like "mental insecurity") is

A) Other people are wearing it and your shallow mind feels you have to buy it to fit in ike the scrub you are

B) The brand is being promoted or hyped to hell when more than likely everything theyre making is straight garbage.So you buy cause of a nice fonted word than actual fashion.

C) You feel that you could be some self business dumbass like majority of people trying to resell nonsense.

D) anything else i didnt mention.

You people dont give a fuck about fashion at all in hindsight, all you care for is trying to impress others with some pieces you buy and can talk about.

At its core its your insecurities youre trying to hide under some branded shit. I guess in that regard you do care about something. Shallow self satisfaction for owning something it cost less to make than you buy.

Am I really wrong by saying all of this?

Did you get lost on your way to r/streetwear ?

Funny little witty comment, you sure showed me.

First of all, you can’t just put “everything else I didn’t mention” as a bullet point for your argument. That doesn’t make any fucking sense.

Secondly, your entire shitty little argument falls apart the moment you introduce the idea of fashionable clothing without obvious branding.

You made a dumb post. I’d suggest you delete it before you embarrass yourself.

>fashionable clothing without obvious branding ruins my argument

How so? Still falls under you buying it cause of the brand and how it isnt shown you can then talk highly of it and how your such a stylish person you have small logos to flaunt your superiority in getting something people wont know much about.

Falls perfectly in line with my statements if you ask me smart guy on Veeky Forums

You are buying it for the design. The design is enough 'branding' for real fashion designers

>design is enough

No it isnt if they want to make their work known they have to brand it either way, its unavoidable.

What has the industry ever done to you? lmao
It really seems like you got lost in the way You truly take fashion too seriously when it's not.

>You people dont give a fuck about fashion at all in hindsight, all you care for is trying to impress others with some pieces you buy and can talk about.

What is fashion? What is art?
Go read a book, kid

ok so how do we "stop the bullshit" of buying clothes from these evil "brands," since being a brand is apparently an inherently evil and shallow thing to do. since you think that even wearing clothing with no visible branding still means we're "falling for it" do we have to start all making our own clothes?

even if this isnt the point youre trying to make, it sure sounds like it is. youre like really dumb either way.
this lol

fpbp this is like the dumbest shit i've ever read, you have the writing ability of a below average high school freshman

A sweater without branding is 9 out of ten times boring as fuck. For example a stone island or ralph lauren logo on a sweater makes it simply look better and more fashionable. You can call me a fashion victim but i spend happily my money on clothes with god tier branding.
What i agree with is shity branding like most cheap stores offer.

Ok so how do we "stop this bullshit" then because even wearing clothing that doesn't have branding on it is still evil to you somehow.

Personally, I don't care about branding on clothing and I don't like brands like supreme, bape etc. I care more about the fit, style and the quality of the materials. But you must be a fucking idiot or this is b8.

It's a combination of design and brand but the brand is very important yes

>Youre dumb cause I have to disagree since ive bought from brands like you said but am too self-righteous to admit im wrong.

Sure, meanwhile the wheels keep turning, you wonder why clothing and fashion gets less and less attractive and more just straight out nonsensical?

They market these clothes to you and your dumb enough to buy based off brand loyalty, being a follower etc.

You people are incapable of thinking for yourselves really is the main funny point.

Its like youre stuck convinced these brands are good cause you bougth them and the one thing people hate to do is admit that theyre stupid like you are.

Now go justify spending an arm and a leg for clothing branded that costed less to actually produce.

holy fuck you are so goddamn stupid. you sound like alex jones telling us sheeple to wake up.
it's not news that garments cost more at retail than what the producer spent to make it. that's called a business. again, should we just all make our own clothes? you sound like you just discovered banksy or something.

there is nothing wrong with brands marketing clothes, and there is such a thing as being a victim of the hype, but that doesnt mean that every single person is one. give me a list of brands you find ok to wear.

>Sure, meanwhile the wheels keep turning, you wonder why clothing and fashion gets less and less attractive and more just straight out nonsensical?
i actually do not wonder that
>They market these clothes to you and your dumb enough to buy based off brand loyalty, being a follower etc.
is it news to you that youre always being marketed to? you realize there is such a thing as marketing that isnt coercive or unethical? and that most brands people on here wear (uniqlo, docs, acne, rick, our legacy) dont do any real marketing - unless you consider cultivating a brand image to be marketing, in which case, lol lets outlaw personalities too.
>You people are incapable of thinking for yourselves really is the main funny point.
as opposed to you, the original anticonformist in the entire world.
>Its like youre stuck convinced these brands are good cause you bougth them and the one thing people hate to do is admit that theyre stupid like you are.
which brands are you talking about? which brands do you buy?
>Now go justify spending an arm and a leg for clothing branded that costed less to actually produce.
your beef is with capitalism my dude, not Veeky Forums. take your socialism to twitter, it will be better received there.

In the world I see you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rock feller Center. You'll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life

>You people dont give a fuck about fashion at all in hindsight, all you care for is trying to impress others with some pieces
Is that not the point of fashion, nigger?

Are you the same autistic brat who made this ?

>wearing branded clothing

post is too long to read OP but I probably agree. fashion changes every season. brands come and go the same way. what u should care about is STYLE. If you got style, you don't need all the latest designer fashion at all. Some basic fits will always be in style, brands won't. I once heard a gay guy say this, so it's definitely true.

You're so obviously 12 and shitter shattered you afford what you've come to like, fashion is just a hobby for most of us, an expression of self through attire. Saged, you tremendous faggot

>fashion is an expression of us

Yeah just like my ass, you must be underage if you feel the need to use brands and corporate clothing to express yourself friend.

By all means, spend your time thinking the definition of fashion is to please others. You'd have a very shallow life if all you cared about was how people viewed you based off clothes you dont make.

Have you ever read Goffman and/or Simmel.


But cultivating a brand image IS marketing, so your entire argument is invalidated right there. Positioning as "anti marketing" is still marketing, albeit a more cleverly subtle form of it. Also every single one of those brands you listed market, some of them do a ton of it. So I don't know what you're talking about.

OP is ultimately correct in his points, but what I'm curious about is his take on things, his idea of the alternative option, or the "better" way of going about the process of dressing yourself.

Be careful, the style vs. fashion argument as it is commonly presented is also another form of one-upmanship that isn't rooted in anything more "authentic" than what it perceives "fashion" to be. They are often opposite sides of the same coin. I understand what you are saying but for many who tout the supremacy of "style", it is just another form of hipsterism, whereby their desire and/or pursuit of "style" as an object to be achieved or owned is just another form of the act in demonstrating "hype", or the "it" factor.

I would also be careful to say that it is an "expression of the self", as if there exists and fundamental core "self" beneath layers of masks and costume. It may be more accurate to say it is an expression of the desired image of self through attire.

I hope you never wear clothes lmao.

>give me a list of brands you find ok to wear.

None, if you feel the need to somehow justify branding as a sense of quality control, style, etc. Then you can't be helped, style, clothing, quality, and craftsmenship dont require a branded word or nice looking logo to justify them.

You live in a capitalistic world and youre shaped by the "Its just business" mentality so you really can't comprehend or keep a debate over why branding is a waste of time and ultimately just a facade to a consumer to make you feel more secure in buying.

once you guys are out of high school youll realize that people do buy clothes just because they like them. it seems like you cant grasp this concept, maybe because you yourselves can only enjoy clothing for the hype value? im not sure, but it's really obvious to anyone reading your posts that you really dont get it - at all.

also, how is having a brand image somehow unethical? if you like a band's sound, would you still not listen to them if they dress a certain way that might signify trying to be cool beyond just their music?

>None, if you feel the need to somehow justify branding as a sense of quality control, style, etc. Then you can't be helped, style, clothing, quality, and craftsmenship dont require a branded word or nice looking logo to justify them.
so since brand is apparently a trigger word for you, ill try asking this a different way. where does a woke person such as yourself buy clothing?

>You live in a capitalistic world and youre shaped by the "Its just business" mentality so you really can't comprehend or keep a debate over why branding is a waste of time and ultimately just a facade to a consumer to make you feel more secure in buying.
negative. im anti corporate to the entire extent that i can afford to be.

branding exists in literally aspect of life, retard. doesn't even have to do with clothes. no matter what choice of a product you make it more than likely is because of the brand. fuck off

I don't know what you're talking about dude I just bought a pair of aviators literally 1.5 hours ago and they aren't ray bans they are a small brand that has good scratch resistance reviews

>no matter what choice of a product you make it more than likely is because of the brand

You know this would be actually valid if it were you know....true? But sadly it isn't you are aware that majority of the world's brands are owned by at least 10 different companies correct?

There is a reason "The illusion of Choice" exist, take supermarkets for example. Majority of those "brand" choices you think is so vast is actually around 7-10 companies world wide.

Think before you speak.

>once you guys are out of high school youll realize that people do buy clothes just because they like them

Yes because the term "like" is so broad it fits your argument. Everybody likes something, doesnt mean you'd go out of your way to buy it, especially if the price is higher than you would "like" to begin with. People like things other people like and in terms of branding that retains to this argument and in fashion. "Liking" something enough to buy it equates to either wanting to be unique (which isnt wrong), buying it because its popular and apart of the social trend (which is more than likely stupid), etc. The reasons someone goes into a store and try to buy the most hyped of newest release due to good marketing and branding isnt them liking the product because they themselves feel its great, its the illusion of feeling that by way of having every opposing force say its something you should get now buy it.

Maybe you dont understand that.

>negative. im anti corporate to the entire extent that i can afford to be.

That is a backwards statement, and a contradictory one.

>think before you speak
you're completely disregarding my point. you're still buying into a brand no matter what company owns it. i don't think you really understand what you're trying to say.

>you're still buying into a brand no matter what company owns it.

You are aware that the world had existed before branding.

Not this fucking lunatic again

now you're starting to contradict your own point lmao. branding has existed since the early existence of humans and the concept of trading. if you buy a piece of meat from caveman jim, you're buying into caveman jim's brand. you're just sounding like some anarcho-capitalist kid who just got out of his 3rd day of first year economics class at this point.

I get the impression he's the same person who made the fashion expert AMA thread.

>People like things other people like and in terms of branding that retains to this argument and in fashion. "Liking" something enough to buy it equates to either wanting to be unique (which isnt wrong), buying it because its popular and apart of the social trend (which is more than likely stupid), etc.
ok it's pretty clear by this point (just providing an example here) that all your grievances are either incoherent nonsense (the first sentence) or rely on a vague "etc." in order to stand up to even the slightest criticism so im just gonna let it go for now and ask: what is the solution?

You must be some teenage "rebel" who just read Marx and suddenly thinks you know the answer to corruption. Kill yourself you commie nigger.

Start one pussy

>Youre a kid whos being edgy.

If this is your solution or go to reply to anyone with an opposing view then really who's the child in this debate. I'm stating my side of the argument and you yours, I could claim you two are soyboy children into capitalism but have I? Act like adults.

The solution is what I want us to discuss. Not one person has all the answers

if the problem is as serious as you say, then only option is to move away from capitalism (which works for me but doesnt really seem like a fashion issue). you just sound like a clown whining and moralizing and making the issue out to be much bigger and more pervasive than it actually is and offering no suggestions on how to improve.

so idk where you get this information here buddy, none of this is true and its all assumptions. i am a marketing major

This is an awful think piece.
>The only reason anyone buys shit isnt cause...make it seem better.
This is just blatantly false. You seem to have a misconception. Adults don't just feel compelled to buy things that they would not otherwise desire.
>Any dumbass with a following can make a brand ... equate fashion = hype branding.
Why do they have the following in the first place, my friend? Because they have some kind of product/service (be it music, comedy, sporting prowess, entertainment of any other form) that people subscribe to. If this "dumbass" creates a brand, the purchase of said brand by fans is simply a manifestation of their already existing support. Example: De La Soul starts making shirts. I buy the shirts because I support De La. I'm NOT buying them because of the "hype branding".
>Its why bape is popular...nike and cons are successful.
Again false. Where do you think popularity comes from? Does it just spontaneously appear?
>The real reason any person buys in this "culture" is...
Again, where does A originate? B is just restating A in stupider terms. C shouldn't even BE addressed in this post, consdering how you're attacking people for being sheeple, case in point next line:
>You people dont give a fuck about fashion at all in hindsight, all you care for is trying to impress others with some pieces you buy and can talk about.
CLEARLY if I'm doing C, I wasn't even TRYING to present myself as a lover of fashion, but I digress.

What IS fashion? A dictionary lookup: "a popular trend, especially in styles of dress and ornament or manners of behavior." Also: are humans not CONSTANTLY vying for the acceptance of the herd? Do you not do the majority of things you do (go to school, work, etc.) for acceptance in society?
>At its core its your insecurities youre trying to hide...
Truly a perfect ending to a fedora tipfest. Goodness gracious, I mean this is some seriously poorly written stuff. Are you in 10th grade, OP?

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I genuinly wan't to bash your skull in with a club holy fuck how come your mother didn't drown you in a river when you spoke your first word?

Attached: 1499924838197.jpg (1128x1120, 136K)

>D) anything else i didnt mention.
>Omg I love blanket statements

Why the fuck do you type like you're from reddit? Go kill yourself before trying to shill here again.

>So stupid they resort to insults

Interesting, did I break your view on your clothes and shoes you buy that much?

>with an opposing view
You don't have an opposing view. You have a skewed bias and don't even have a logical argument to support it. Maybe if you weren't some marxist teenager, and actually understood how marketing works, then you wouldn't even bother posting a thread like this and start shitting up the board with your idiotic attempts to trigger people who understand more than you.

You faggots are so fucking easy to bait, it's embarrassing

This shit thread should have died days ago

>50 replies in 5 days
yeah this is really some bait for the record books
it's only still here bc it's such a slow board
and im pretty sure the guy actually believes this so

>asking if you were in the 10th grade invalidates my entire post and absolves you from coming up with any kind of refutation