Cute Nail Ideas





tumblr taking over Veeky Forums

Are you suggesting an
actual fachion blog?
Genuine and for real?



mauve, dark rich reds, browns, and black are nice nail polish colors. cute with designs isnt effay

Painted toe nails are disgusting

>tfw allergic

Cutes more for fun and festivities,








No, they're definitely more suckable.

These and neutrals/bare are the only acceptable options for an adult woman. Almond is most effay shape, rounded for practicality. Garish colours, square tips and French manis are absolutely disgusting.

Excellent post. Women love to accessorize.
Holidays, parties, you name it.

Great material. Not sure if /b/ is
ready for it.

Seasoned and knowledgeable critique.

trimmed unpainted nails are the most effay, anything else is trash


Do you sisters mess with acrylic or gel, or do you just nail polish with your natural god intended nails?


just nail polish for me. gel is good too

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Is there any way a man could paint his nails without looking like an uberfaggot?
A-asking for a friend, of course!!


The other day I saw a guy wearing dark red nail polish and I instantly assumed he was gay, or weird. Turns out he was just weird. Which was hot.
Moral of the story: You should do it because you shouldn't do it ;)

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What kind of red? I assume glossy would look much more effeminate than a mate colour.

Life is like a box of chocolates.