another one of these
what's the best kinda block out curtains for a bedroom?
another one of these
what's the best kinda block out curtains for a bedroom?
That's hard to say since it depends on what your bedroom looks like and what style you are decorating in. Post the room.
inb4 portgues flag everywhere guy
hard to say anything against a flat like this but that pillow is disgusting. also the mirrors seem redundant to me.
i can appreciate when something looks nice
but im poor, have shit taste and no ability
my home looks like garbage
i know how nice things look and how its supposed to look but i cant make it that way
end my life
Where does Veeky Forums buy their furniture?
Although I don't have family of my own, I often think about how a large home ( Two stories, 2-3 bedrooms) can be effay all throughout.
Does anyone know of nice (~medium nice I'm not very rich) office chairs that I can use to sit on in front of my computer all day?
My current one is falling apart a little bit
These are basic as fuck, literally every art and design student on earth's rooms look like this. Where's ur imagination
post something imaginative
my room doesn't look nice like that
Anyone got inspo for a place without windows, or natural light?
That's the current situation I found myself in.
buy plants user, not that expensive.
And they are pretty
What said
Just keep your place clean and buy a bunch of plants. Succulents are super easy to maintain and bitches love succulents.
I prowl the online marketplaces (FB, CL, Offerup) and buy vintage furniture for cheap off of people who think it's trash and then I restore/repair it if needed. Bought a 1950's Danish modern lounge chair for 20 bucks a couple weeks ago. Could easily be worth 50x that or more in good condition.
My apartment has really ugly flooring that cant be changed. How do I remedy this?
that carpet is only making it worse
get a different carpet
>every room in my house looks like Stanley Kubrick film!
post what you think is good then faggot
Layer some more rugs. Try jute or something fluffy like fake sheepskin.
I washed the curtains and absolutely fucked them
just a disclaimer, moving into the room right now and I don't have much furniture or anything but it'll get better
Beovox S45? Nice
mad jealous of your windows
ah why thanku
btw has anyone come up with a good/more hygenic alternative to keeping your matress on the floor?
My new place only has two of these thin foam matresses on top of each other, and even if I could afford some cheap bed frame, I have no absolutely means of transportation
>even if I could afford some cheap bed frame, I have no absolutely means of transportation
they sell them packaged in a box at ikea you know
So my house is this color and my floor is nearly the same but i feel like i want my room to be a different neutral color. Maybe like a gray or something. Idk, would it be a bad idea to have one room a different color to the rest of the house? Ive still got to paint my bathrooms and spare rooms as well so that could also end up a different color if if i want
Markus i guess. Its a pos though for the price. The pillow wore out hell fast on me (only 70kg)
The current chair that's falling apart a little bit is a Markus, I've had it for a good bit though
Mines 4 or 5 years old now and while the cusion still holds up a little it wore down a long time ago. Im thinking about putting it my spare room and getting a herman miller instead but idk. All the leather on mine is still good surprisingly. Maybe ill just buy some memory foam and try my hand at upholstery.
remember that interior decorating is 90% MATERIALS WINDOWS FRAME and furniture is just cope
My window frames are literally nothing, the brick of my house has been rendered all the way up to the window. Would i gain a lot by adding some wood to them or something?
i think he means frame as in hows the room look if it were a cube, like the 3D layout, it's dimensions and whatever
I meant
Walls, floor, doors, etc
placement of windows and what's visible from them
the entire framework of the room, placement of walls and so on
I'm joking a bit but it seems to hold pretty true
My work area. Just received my new floor lamp from anglepoise.
Any suggestions for plants? I have a small dracena, thinking of getting a med sized pencil cactus or something else. Also taking suggestions for a chair (considering an eames armchair or prouve chair) as I use the ant chair for my dining table.
Oh right, i interpreted that too literally
Too true, honestly no point trying when the architecture itself sucks.
Any tips for designing a comfy room when having not so much space? I'm trying to administrate the room with only basic things and making it wider, so I can always rely on free space. Images would also help me a lot.
that looks like a dope apartment. As for plants I personally love ferns and ivy's
it's okay buddy. as the other anons said, keep things clean and get someeasyto care for plants. golden pothos hanging down the walls look nice, as do succulents and cacti on shelves and tables. also minimalist décor is easy to pull off, get rid of random clutter and get only the furniture and things you need.
you can laugh but i love ikea. and muji.
Pics of room?
Small plant obv
Thr issue with ikea is nearly everything they sell is utter trash. Seriously you end up ditching it within a few years.
Thanks user, I appreciate the advice. I can tell you are an expert because you put a ´ in decór
I'm trying to hang shit from my walls so it looks less barren, the plant you mentioned sounds like a great idea if i can find a spot with enough light
It's nice you named specific plants, that's helpful
I think a certain amount of clutter can be sort of homely
Thank you both, I'll get more plants
I have a Aloe Vera and that's a succulent sort of plant as far as I can tell, but I'm not sure
how can i light my premises like the bar scene from eyes wide shut but also simultaneously prevent it from looking like it's christmas all the time?
please advise
just embrace it
get some indian chilli lights
eat curry
ddude looks like hes with his mom the fuck is he wearing
Please get a different carpet. A bright colour would Def not hurt - something like this perhaps
Anyone has the picture of the brown bedroom with the oriental tapestry?
>that random rope in the room
is this an hero's living room?
I'm renovating my house in a couple of weeks. Among other things, I'm going to be redoing my office, which is more of just a computer room. I don't really want to post a photo but a list of things I'll be doing so far.
-Off grey carpet
-Off white walls
-White fake wood desk (might get rid of this)
-2 Detolfs (pic related)
Anything else I should be adding? Plants?
How to make a a flat with a rather low ceiling and windows not too big feel more spacious? Should I break down some walls to make it studio like? What color the walls and floor should be?
i like that lamp. where'd you get it?
check this
you hang a lot of shit on one wall
the opposite wall is left blank, makes the room seem less narrow
BUT then you fucking hang a giant mirror on the blank wall - the room is now twice as large!
the lamp store
I got it from Anglepoise
1227 floor lamp (aka the "Pixar" lamp). Basically, the archetypal design of task lighting. This is the mini version, which is 2/3 the size of the original. I went through a lot of options and decided on this. Can't go wrong with a classic design that also comes with a reasonable price point (got it for 20% off with spring promo = $188).
They also do some fashion collabs (Paul Smith / Margaret Howell etc,) Worth checking out.
where to cop cheap-ish rugs?
Living there would make me anxious
Thank you
how long are you planning to stay in there? You can put click on vinyl flooring over it which comes in all kind of colors/textures.
I did the same for my kitchen and my landlord even paid for it
>tfw no true one-way glass
i saw that shit on Navy CIS
it exists.
do you have no stand for your tv?
World Market during their Rug Caravan sales events have some passable wool rugs in the $120-250 range.
Hot in the summer and freezing in the winter.
Deltofs look cheap just keep that in mind
Nice swimming pool
I'm all for minimalist, but the matress on the floor, tacky art, small window, and dingy walls just make this one look really depressing.
It would be such a pain in the ass to water those plants above the bed.
Fake? I don't know NYC that well, but isnt that the new WTC in the background? So is this just shopped?
Dope setup. What city?
I think the NYC one is 432 park avenue
nice kitchen
Fuck off minimalist vanillafag
In the first one all those vinyls are fucking ruined and look like shit. Thr three xs are the worst offenders.
The second one is literally clutter
That clutter is called maximalism, some people feel comfy with a lot of organized crap
Scans from John F. Pile's Interior Design (1988)
1980s influences: De Stijl. Rietveld's Schroder House
Fabric ideas for the home 1985