This thread is dedicated to the discussion of boots as well as boot related topics such as fits, leather care and collections
>all boot related faggotry belongs in the dedicated boot general
Also, doctor marten containment
This thread is dedicated to the discussion of boots as well as boot related topics such as fits, leather care and collections
>all boot related faggotry belongs in the dedicated boot general
Also, doctor marten containment
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Previous thread
>rick in 2018
I know it's pretty low res but anything similar?
They were in a guys collection he posted last thread, you could try summoning him?
My Iron Rangers are the best pair of shoes i own, I don't give a fuck what you niggers say
how do I fix this, Veeky Forums? Bonus points if needed products can be found in Europe.
They're fucked. Bin them
OG god tier wings + horns
>hate my beckmans to death and think I wasted $300
>stuff them with socks and put weights over the cowboy looking toe
>days later they actually look really fucking good in the mirror
Guys I use dubbin for my boots (they are not dyed), are there any other products or something you can recommend for boots?
I use protexol bufalo
I got myself a pair of Red Wing Beckmans a year or two back from Grailed. I live in the UK and foolishly forgot that US sizes are a size up from the UK, so they're about 0.5-1 size too small. I've just been leaving in the wooden Boot Tree from my Loake Bedales, that are the proper size, to keep them stretched a little, and I only wear them with thin socks. They're comfy af now.
I haven't worn them very often, but I might change that, cause I want to wear them so much, the leather is more supple than a gymnasts thighs.
how do you walk in those
Go to a shoemaker, they are usually not that expensive. Don't bin them damn it, so wasteful to bin them.
I just had a shoemaker change the soles of my boots for 20 euros. Now they'll last me for another 7 years.
If you ever feel like you want to stretch them out a little more, a quicker way to do this is to stuff the boots with plastic zip lock bags filled with water and leave them in the freezer for a couple of days, works a charm
They're timbs, what did you expect. Bin them and get better boots
cop or not?
Similar happened to me, went to a shoemaker. Told me to bin that garbage. Cheap production makes non-durable boots. Get leather boots with strong soles next time.
Thoughts on this? Would you use this in an everyday fit? I want em to go to university and use casually, but idk since almost everyone in my classes aren't into dressing properly at all. I don't want to look too try hard tho. They are made of parol btw.
hello Veeky Forums I don't have any boots, should I buy one? I live in a hot-climate country (malaysia), btw, whats the best hi-top now?
Wait, you literally put weight on the toe to collapse the bump?
Why? The bump toe isn't even bad unless you have huge feet.
Half a size smaller than your usual shoe size or half a size smaller from the half down you should already be getting your boots in?
I half size down in all my Red Wings and they fit great. I have no complaints with my Rangers
Copped leather boots for 35 euros on discount the other day. We'll see how long they last.
Beware the inevitable CQ issues. Wolverine is famous for their shit quality. Also leather soles are trash.
looks like ma+
As in they're half a size too small for my feet. If I wear thick socks, like I usually do with my other boots, they get uncomfortable quickly. It's alright with thin socks.
Far left ID plox
Need some fit advice.
I currently have pic related in 3 sizes:
14D - clown shoes
13D - probably too narrow
13EE - maybe okay?
There's a bit of room in the toe box. My little toes slightly touches the side and my big toe toes touch the side of the boot.
Is this fine? Will this break in or are they still too small? I think the flex point is okay.
yeah theyre nice. get them if you want them, i would.
Looking for similar "western" type boots like these discontinued Urban Outfitters ones, but not just cowboy boots.
Got a pair of Austrian combat boots 2 weeks ago and they squeak every time I step. I think it comes from friction from the bottom of the insole under the balls of my feet. Can someone please tell me how to fix this?
I’m not familiar with that brand, so I. And tell you how they break in. Will you be wearing thick socks? Generally you want a half-once between your big toe and the wall. It’s ok if your toes touch the wall a bit, but if they’re pressing into it and it’s painful, that’s not good. Choose whichever feels best, and if none of them feel right then try more sizes.
Take out the insoles and replace them with something that doesn't slide around.
I am getting really bad blisters/wounds in the back of my heel in one pair of my boots. Anything I can do to prevent this? I don't even know why is it happening, when I feel it around there is no breaks or any points that could be doing this.
anything that doesn't cost me a thousand dollars? I'm not that cheap, just saying ysl is a bit much for me.
story et fall or everyday hero
Is that a half inch between the side of my big toe and the side of the boot? That sounds pretty big to me!
Replace the insoles, then seriously oil the vamp. The liner in the toe might be rubbing against the shell, so use something thin like orange oil to soak the entire creasing section of the boot
These are the most recent pair of boots I've purchased. Margiela distressed suede side zips with crepe sole. Quality is okay I guess...haven't bought a pair of MMM boots in a while. Nothing like the older seasons. I think due to the material, the boots tend to be a bit loose in the profile and shaft. Would've returned, but I got them for $250 so I'll just use them as casual beaters.
Thinking of getting a pair of Guidi 995s in cordovan contrario next.
Any other boots that are similarly styled (as Guidi and not too "peacocky" ala M.Moria/Layer 0 clown toe or CCP)
Rate these.
Some of these are peak avant-garde, some are autism, most are both
What are they? They look pretty cool.
look nice desu
you can get used slp boots for like $500-$600 which is a pretty good investment honestly
Android Homme Tactical Boot
The white ones are impossible to find.
Frye or Thursday’s? I can’t seem to find good casual boots.
Can someone just recommend me a good priced, good quality, and fashionable pair? All black.
t. pleb who wore trainers all his life
Do you have any suggestions of what type of insole? Any specific material or characteristic? I appreciate the help by the way.
is there anything similar to jarmund put design-wise that has a good sole and doesn’t slip all the fucking time on every possibly surface?
cop or nah?
Need an /out/ boot that looks good on feet casually
Anyone else have any input on
How do your toes fit inside boots? Is there lots of space either side or are they touching the sides (lol).
>ass p
Most people are gonna wonder why you have ass burnt into your timbs.
I'm not a huge fan of moc toe boots. Could go well if you want a workwear vibe I guess.
I've trying to find some formal-ish black boots, similar to pic related. I think these are slp and I don't want to spend 4 digits on a single pair of footwear. My budget is ~300 yuros, any ideas.
Fake slp, then off yourself for buying fakes
>formal-ish black boots
Just say sleek. There's nothing formal in boots like that.
Sanders Kelso
Solovair 11 Eye Hawkins. Much sleeker than their regular 11 eye derby boot
Fake timbs with a fake welt. Mother fucker.
They can't fix that tho.
Real timbs have a fake welt too, you know?
Looks really solid for the price
Lol fucking trash. You probably think youre some "street ninja" or some shit
got these ann d's for 200 new. fingers crossed they can hold up
These are Abe boots by Caterpillar. I want a pair of them but all I can find online are Abe boots with canvas instead of all leather.
Does anyone know of any similar all-leather boots?
>ass p
I see what you did there.
damn nice, where at?
I've had mine for about seven years and they've held up really well despite my beating them to hell. It looks like they've reinforced the stitching and switched the insole since I bought them. Mine are probably nearing 1000 miles of wear and still going strong. The leather is not the highest quality but they have a nice slim profile and they're worth the $200.
Thursday boots how is the quality? Is there anything better at or around $200? I don’t like the look of meermins.
ID/10 !!
What are they?
guys why did my perfectly black boots became basically brown by using them? can i fix that?
I'm looking to buy some derby dress boots. Six or eight eye, not sure yet. Any recs?
Captoe or plain?
is is possible to remove that ugly ass tag
You can just cut it off, or just ladder-lace and push it down with your laces. I do that, works out fine.
shit quality, shit leathers. go english bootmaker or meermin.
8 is very atypical for a derby boot.
Would Thursdays at least be good beaters or are they not worth the price at all?
If you're looking for a very slim toebox there's some impressive made to order Indonesian bootmakers for around $200~300. Otherwise British makers like C&J or Meermin would be better.
Thursdays age terribly.
Is it anything to do with the Chromexcel leather?
chromexcel is great leather but clicking is everything and thursday seems to consistently do a bad job.
Went to the shoemaker, you guys were right, they' re fucked. Recommend me similar boots, 70€ max pls.
Only 20€ tho, but I guess I got what I paid for
are the left boots docs?
ID bottom middle
Do steel toe boots go well with cargo shorts?
Entry level boot recommendations? I'm aware of Docs but I'm trying to explore my options.
>cargo shorts
Please do not
I want to wear boots but they make me look like im trying to dress older than i am (19 still looking 16). Any advice?
>logger heel
>12,5 E/EE to a 10.5 FF
what is this fuckin meme
otto white plz
>Need an /out/ boot that looks good on feet casually
danner mt light an option?