How do you take an Veeky Forums dick pic?

How do you take an Veeky Forums dick pic?

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You don't

Send him someone else's, keep your micropenis a secret until the last moment

What the fuck

This is an anonymous board, you can feel comfortable here you big flaming fag

Veeky Forumsggot.


Attached: 482.jpg (608x608, 41K)

bend your dick 90 degrees to make it look like a triceratops

bifaggot here, all of mine are aesthethic because i wear thighsocks , try that even if it's a girl

Post boi pucci

What kind of triceratops have you heard about.

use a mirror and do a sexy pose, i cant fucking stand it when boys gust take a close up of their dick, its so unflattering

>try that even if it's a girl

no, just no.

only if the dick is ugly m8

What does a male sexy pose look like? I've googled this (no homo) and looked on gay porn reddits (n-no homo, r-right?) and all of them were either things I can't do without a professional photo crew OR just a man without clothes on who was flexing whilst pulling his underwear down to show his pubes.

Attached: N5sfvM4l.jpg (465x357, 23K)

Do the latter but with your dick out

wear anime skirt

Put a geobasket on it

>gay porn subreddits
Therew you'll find what men like in men, not what women like in men. Try looking into women's zines, they usually have some "who's the sexiest man" section or poll, there you can see what they tend to prefer.

welp i'm small so i guess it doesn't matter