So how many of you bitches cut your own hair?

So how many of you bitches cut your own hair?

Brb saving $800 / yr

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lmao @ poverty undercut. i just pay 5 of your americans dollaros each month to a professional for a nice haircut and the good thing about well done pro haircut is it still looks good as the style changes, i go from a nazi to greaser to sleazecore in a month and just cut it again when it gets too sleazecore

Haven't been to the barber for 4 years 1/2 now


Attached: HTLRJGND.png (442x502, 869K)

>haven't been in 4 years
>digits are repeated 4 times
>it's a quad 4

Attached: large image sweet johnson.png (787x649, 95K)

such a gay cunt

That guy's tutorial was absolute DOGSHIT. Looked horrible too. Retarded flaming faggot had no clue whatsoever.

As for the topic, I want to start cutting it myself. I'm rocking a 2 block (want to do picrel tho), and in theory, it should be easy. Only thing that's stopping me is the lack of good clppers and no hand mirror to do the back. I'm tired of paying $15 bucks just for 3 minutes of basic maintenance.

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You need to get the top properly styled you faggot, or are you going to whip out the scissors and layer and texture that shit yourself?

>implying you need to relayer and texture your hair at the same rate you need to shave your undercut to keep it at desired level

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Here you go man:

This was the simplest fade tutorial I've ever found

I use wahl cordless magic clip and a $20 ikea hand mirror

Usually just a hair razor for on top to give it texture and keep it from getting too long

What ethnicity are you?

>$800 / yr

Just worked it out at ~$30 every fortnight.

Some guys spent ~$1800 / year on haircuts.


What tier are you on fortnite

is that [spoiler]plus tip[/spoiler]

I'm not saying that's an unreasonable price for a haircut. It's not, I pay about that much. But if you're getting your hair cut that often (I cut mine every few MONTHS, and I'm not into long hair, either - it's never been longer than chin length), I'm guessing you keep it fairly short. If you can even dream of cutting it yourself, I'm also gonna guess you're not getting it cut in a particularly elaborate or unusual style. It sounds like you have a typical, shortish, regular dude haircut. Am I wrong?

If I'm not, why the fuck were you paying $30 for a haircut?

I just buzz my shit

just die

I'm a metalhead. Nobody cuts my hair.

But seriously though, I do trim my own hair although probably not as often as I should.

I used to shave the sides of my head every couple weeks and just sorta let the top grow out because I started from a buzz, so I did that for like 8 months while I wondered what I would do about the top

eventually my fiancee started doing my sides, and we have her stylist friend come over and keep the top in order in exchange for money or weed, depending on which I had on hand

p comfy, never have to leave my house

I get a haircut maybe twice a year. Are idiots really spending that much time at the barbers?

i have been for about 4 years now but i haven't really done anything with it except for buzz cuts, poverty fades that probably looked like shit and poverty undercuts that definitely looked like shit

once you cut the the sides and the backs, without any experience properly cutting hair, it's a nightmare to do something good with the top so you end up with a buzz cut agan. buzzed a few months and im just letting it grow out and going to start going to the barber's again. i wanna have some nice long hair ala keanu reeves instead of varying lengths of short hair

the thing about saving x money from doing it yourself is that you're severely limited on what you can do, the money you save is going to be spent on shit anyway or locked away. what's the point of having money if you can't even afford yourself a few bucks to get a nice haircut

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i cut my bf's hair. i do his undercut every 6 weeks but the top only needs to be done every few months.

>tfw my mom's a hairstylist and I've never paid for a haircut..
>tfw I like barbering and when my mom can't or won't cut my hair I just practice what I watch and learn from jewtube..

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cut your throat next time

go to a hair salon once to get that cut and then its easy as fuck to maintain in by yourself. you dont even need a hand mirror for the back becase you can do it by feel. tie your hair up/use a shit load of wax to keep the top part up and just run a clipper through the short part

Who here /growingitout/? Haven't seen a barber in 7 months, I just trim the sideburns

You're such a freak.


same here man


>66 dollars for a haircut

Ive been cutting my own for two years now, undercut of course. Only problem is that when it gets to long i just go neo nazi and buzz all of it off. Any tips on maintaning the top?

im going bald so i buzz my hair, its just like trimming my facial hair into a 5 o'clock shadow every couple days. i dont go to a barber for that, and im not gonna go to a barber for the same thing

I go from Democrat Senator to Perfume Ad to rugged fuccboi

i cut my own hair too, and i look like shit for doing it, but mainly it's because i'm an ugly fella with an ugly fella bone structure.

what are scissors for 500

what's wrong with this freak


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I don't and will probably stay that way until my barber dies the service and conversations are just too good.

He's Mexican

>He's Mexican

Mexican isn't an ethnicity. Anyway, how is his ethnicity relevant at all for this topic, or what does it have to do with his post?

So how many of you bitches still browse this site?

Brb saving normie points
[spoiler] how do i reset life [/spoiler]

Mexican isn't an ethnicity, but most Mexicans most Mexicans are some degree of Mestizo.

You don't even know with what to reply, right? Pfft, fuck off, idiot.

yeah that dumbass went too high with the trimmer

How do you cut the back of your head?

>paying more than $3 for having your hair cut

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Do you know these things called "mirrors"? Well, with two of those.

Damn if only way to get second person involved. would make whole process lot easier.

Not really, it would actually complexify the process, making it more difficult, not easier. You only need a second mirror on one hand, and hairclipper on the other hand.

Are you stupid?

>tfw haircuts are $20 everywhere I go
>buzz cut is $20
decided to give myself a buzz cut the other day and it did not turn out bad, it looks pretty good. The ears were messed up though

ouch user. still sounds like hassle if you are not just buzzing the whole thing. Think i'll just pay the five bucks, thanks for the input and your concern tho.

i usually buzz my hair then grown it all they way out with maybe a trim or two in between, ive only been doing it for 4 years but still.

i cut my own hair and im black
my shit is fucked up right now but it used to look good
i'll just slather it in growth oil and wait till it's overgrown and then cut it back into shape again

I'm just growing my hair out after getting sick of years of awkward encounters with hairdressers. Sick of them fucking talking to me, fucking my hair up and then charging me for the whole painful experience so I'd rather do it myself.

Shit genes reporting in; I shave my head.

Don't do a fade unless you're a nigger or wetback

How long is your hair rn ?

>not a single person who cuts their own hair has posted a picture yet
really makes you think

This. Where you at you talentless fucks?


What the fuck does this mean? Quads? Hasn’t cut hair in four years? WHAT THE FUCK

I really don’t know why I’m wasting energy to tell you this but dude you’re not cool. This attempt at being esoteric and edgy is genuinely just autistic as fuck. Stop


$800 a year is a bit steep

I get my haircut every 3 weeks and it's $32 a cut, not even close to $800

I couldn't do my zero-one-two fade myself either

When I read pic related the narrator is doing a voice-break-scream

2 years i think , i now have neck length hair , used a dog razor trimmer to thin out my hair on the back bc it got hot , i have thick hair. now letting it grow a little more .