We've all got one. How do you wear your MAGA, Veeky Forums?

We've all got one. How do you wear your MAGA, Veeky Forums?

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Erm i only tend to wear mine when i wanna be punched in the face or make enemys..
Tfw murca wont be great again

thank you for this bait. it has made me realize a positive thing about Veeky Forums for the first time i can remember. i have never seen an unironic maga hat.

i have the camo one but i never wear it lol

Lol XD

its like a yellow star for idiocy

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I own four of them
red, two black, and a white one
I would just add them to random outfits(ex:black ones with rick fits) and my gf used them on lazy days when she doesn't fix her hair

stopped wearing them since people against Trump are so violent and don't want to take any risks, so now they just gather dust in our closet

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I bet you have a 3DS and autism and are a Literary major, education, major and ironically think Starbucks is good coffee

Gay fucking hat, America never stopped being great.

I spilled my latte when I saw this one, hilarious post xir

lol u sound like a pussy


unfortunately I'm surrounded by violent libtards, so only at home when I'm shitposting online

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>mfw imagining you guys only wearing your maga hats indoors like little betas

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That whole thing made me really dislike John Oliver. What the fuck was he thinking, making fun of the guy's name? He already has a funny name, how about actually criticising his politics instead of trying to sell merch on the back of a slogan that doesn't even really work

the election ruined this website
all of you please

I like how you can tell half of them are clearly deranged just by looking at their eyes

Bought the Veeky Forums edition one. Worth like 900$ rn. Maga gear is better than Supreme for resale scumming.

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wish there was more of a push to call jews by their real names before they got de-jewed at ellis island when the drumpf thing was popular.
or something to do with how trannies hate being called Jim instead of Jenny because it's their "dead name"

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Please don't ruin aesthetic Asian girls with that gross hat

I get the pic is trying to make fun of them but there's nothing to laugh at, they're just normal people making silly faces for their meme hat.

Like this

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>someone took the time to make this image
they probably look no different than the people they're making fun of