*blocks your path*
Why aren't you wearing kimonos in 2018?
*blocks your path*
Why aren't you wearing kimonos in 2018?
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because I'm not autistic enough
Also being Asian counts as autistic.
Would you refuse a Kimono by Hiroki Nakamura?
that's a fucking Haori you double nigger
I unironically wear one a few times a year. people like it. then again I live in LA and people in LA like weird shit
Why aren't you wearing a poncho?
I wish I was rich enough to buy one of every visvim item each season
>John Mayer is one of our biggest supporters. He’s been a good friend of mine, he’s great. He probably has a bigger Visvim collection that me.
Imagine having so much money and being so obsessive that you have more clothes than the actual designer.
god i love john mayer
>master guitarist
>$40 million dollar watch collection
>fucked his way through half of hollywood
post pic
Ma nigga. Also from a non-hick city - tucked in haori's are fucking sick, and the airflow is great for summer/clubs.
Old picture from 2015, can't be arsed to put together a fit rn
Because I'm not a weeaboo fruitcake.
I'm gonna sew my own when I get back to the city for the summer.
because I'm not desert punk
also mayer
Shitty music except when he plays with steve jordan. He actually is more upsetting than most pop stars. Does anyone bastardize their talent and taste more than this goofball?
blues doesn't buy visvim
under rated reference
I'm not a yellow boi, so I'd just look like a weeb or LARPer, or both
But i am
I've always liked the bleach captain haori
What's the difference between kimono, haori and noragi?
Kimono: literally means clothing. Usually used to refer to the main garment.
Haori: kimono coat
Noragi: working class men's kimono coat.
Can't, not Asian. What about dressing gowns for everyday use?
thanks lad
Here's your (You)
Cuz I'm doing this slut fashion:
you look fukin gay m8
Why? I feel like I'm only a cigar away from being a mafia boss
he looks like a gay samurai
just go the full mile and get some woodblock sandles like Mugen or Samurai Jack you absolute fucking faggot
this is not a kimono
I watched every single episode of parks and rec with my girlfriend and the only remotely funny scene was when leslie went to jeremy jamm's house hand he was wearing a kimono and had nothing but japanese decor but in a non-weeb way
No shit
>babbies first techwear fit
lol i picked up the same kimono from H&M
i'm asian tho so i can actually pull it off
Personally I think this makes you look like you just rolled out of bed, even if you put work into this fit. It looks more like a night robe desu
I suppose with us Westerners, we could at least do Old West/cowboy type clothes, right?
Keep dreamin bb
Oh. Ok then.
would wear on a comfy sunday morning going to a café
Cowboy hats are effay as shit and i dont care what you tell me
Because it's cultural appropriation you nazi scum
Why aren't you wearing a kilt in 2018? Scotland strong!
Where would one cop for a relatively cheap price
spring is coming so watch out for one on H&M
where to find cool looking kimonos?
when i google kimono man, theyre all anime convention tier.
because you are looking for a jinbei, not kimono
although in the west they don't give a shit about the naming
fucking culture vulture