Shaved head and beard inspo?
Also, I know people say to build muscle/lift to compliment a shaved head and beard but I want to get to the lower range of health BMI. Also I'm only short, 5ft8. Can this look good?
Shaved head and beard inspo?
Also, I know people say to build muscle/lift to compliment a shaved head and beard but I want to get to the lower range of health BMI. Also I'm only short, 5ft8. Can this look good?
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Oscar Isaac is best
My biggest inspo
>Shaved head and Shaved head inspo
Pretty much why I am forced to have a beard
ah yes, nothing beats the upside down head look
Shaved head and beard is probably the worst possible look one could have. Unless you're absolutely Veeky Forums you will just look like the stereotypical nu-male pussy.
The pic you used for the OP is disgusting. Does that man even have any testicles?
This, desu
Wrong. A beard when lacking hair can frame the face and stop it looking like a wierd ball...
What is it with you soyboys and having a beard after balding? Are you that facially unattractive you have to misdirect people eyes to your face-pubes?
Go full Hitman you fucking tosser.
It's the stereotypical soy face. It's what first comes to mind when you mention a pathetic beta male.
You really need to be fit for this to avoid the soy connotation. 2pl8 bench minimum
I'm going to hide this thread to avoid seeing this disgusting picture.
What a complete soy riddled man-child. Nice bowtie, faggot.
For most people its bad idea cause of soft facial features
You will look like tryhard soy faggot
motherfuckin THIS
S O >Y
Let me show you guys how it's done.
only if your ugly. like literally everything else in fashion
Basically be ripped, and you won't be a soyboy. If you're skinnyfat or actually fat, you're fucked
Good one, but with buzzcut. I prefer bald(perfect hairline, bald by choice).
No, shaved head and beard absolutely does not work for low BMI.
Get huge and jacked, or at the very least huge and fat for a biker/metal look. Either way, you gotta be pushing over the top end of BMI to even begin to consider pulling this off.
Shaved head
Shaved face
Cancercore 2k18
Hi Hitman,how are u?
Can't wait for the next Hot Ones
you need a thick neck n big forearms to pull it off with some semblance of masculinity
if you are bald just don't be fat, don't be a twig and don't be a tryhard.
f o u c a u l t w a v e
I'm into it, need new glasses anyway
Just need to get a leather jacket and catch aids then
hardy's beard is shitty though. Nonetheless he looks absolutely 10/10. Currently with a crewcut, but this guy makes me want to buzz it again
this and this
things that makes a masculine face
>strong jawline
>eyebrow close to the eyes
>eyes and eyebrow angles
its not possible to obtain these if you weren't born with them, but what you can obtain is a thick ass neck
best example I can think of is corey taylor. He is a straight up skinny dyel shirtless, but with a shirt on, he looks strong, masculine, and is one gorgeous motherfucker