how to pull off /palewave/?
How to pull off /palewave/?
Have brown or black hair
Fuck yeah I do
anyone know the shoes?
How do I achieve that fold?
I don't know but Common Projects Achilles Low looks similar
is this fits for palewave
unironic palewave is cancer, fuck off to reddit
how can something so inoffensive get you this riled up? If you saw someone wearing palewave shit in person you'd probably not give it a second thought.
You wear the same colours and materials as the pic you posted, retard
Yeah they're CPs Low
any camera store
what kind of jeans are those?
honestly dark colored shoes look better with palewave imo
but then it stops being /pale/.
if you're talking about how white bois need dark shoes to get the contrast in the outfit that brown bois naturally have with their skin, fuck off
light washed
the classic infograph is good imo, i just disagree with the clarks suggestion
>not every piece has to be pale
palewave ugly asf ngl, too simple
inoffensive doesn't belong on fa
>buy pale clothes
>buy time machine
>set date to march 17, 2015
>suck a penis because you're gay
eat pussy for hte lord
>be chill
That's it
not happening
>navy pants
I thought palewave was dead already and is now only used for entry level fits
what's up bad fits mcgoo