The fact that a physically attractive man can just buy a v-neck and look fantastic is deeply upsetting to a large...

The fact that a physically attractive man can just buy a v-neck and look fantastic is deeply upsetting to a large population of Veeky Forums.

Many unattractive men push the narrative that fashion is a deeply intellectual art to compensate. They are threatened by men who look good with minimal effort and will do everything they can to smear them.

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Not everyone is as insecure about his masculinity as you are OP

n-no u

You can be both Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums. It doesn't take a lot of goddamn effort to crank out a few push ups or chin ups every other day.

>Implying that can make you fit
Ask me how I know you're weak as shit

>implying dressing decent requires all that much effort

If you do that, and add in some squats and go jogging every other day or so, and of course make an effort not to eat crap, you'll be in decent shape. You won't be Veeky Forums, whatever that means, won't look like you lift weights or anything, but you'll look healthy, with good proportions. Which is what this thread is about.

Another hard pill to swallow: a lot of girls will actually prefer that guy with his "on the fitter side of average" build to one who lifts and is more muscular. Not all, of course, but a lot.

>squats and cardio
>well proportioned

Yeah maybe if you wana look like a delicious little twink

>bodyweight exercises targeting the upper and lower body
>jogging every other day
>Maybe if you want to look like a twink
Thanks for reminding me why I don't go on Veeky Forums

because you get confused when people don't buy your vague and nonsensical workout advice?

This guy isn't attractive and doesn't seem like he has good taste. He looks like he's too old (wrinkles) to be single (a guy with redeemable qualities would be settled down right now), but portrays himself like a bachelor (spiked hair, "the pump"). He still doesn't seem to understand that his ugly ass beard, and dogtags don't make him seem attractive

Vague and nonsensical? My advice is literally just "start exercising." If you're currently somebody who basically does not exercise, and you fix your diet and start doing bodyweight and cardio exercises every day to every other day, you'll see modest improvements, for a while. Obviously you'll hit your ceiling pretty quickly, and I'm certainly not saying that's the best or most efficient way to exercise, it is just A Way that happens to be dead easy and requires zero thought. If you do that for a while and you decide you're not content anymore with just being in "eh, decent shape" obviously you'll pursue a routine with a little more thought put into it, which is all to the good. Do you actually disagree with any of the above? If you do, you're an idiot.

It's similar to the fact that you can drastically improve how somebody's fashion sense is perceived by giving them a 15-minute crash course in color theory and showing them how to actually buy shit that fits them properly, which unfortunately is more than like 75% of dudes do. With both fashion and fitness, it's so fucking easy to be better than the average (at least if you live in America), which is of course not to say that putting a little more effort into it isn't worth it.

And that's way more of a reply than your lazy shitpost deserved.

wheres the fantastic look you speak of? a v neck is a v neck on any type of body, awful

Don't post on Veeky Forums's behalf if you're going to act like some low iq mong.

How do you know I'm weak as shit?

lmao, i love incels trying to cope
you put all this effort into being "fashionable" when some dude with a 5 dollar tee looks better than you ever will
just lmao

>muh masculinity
>describes skinny men as 'delicious'

the absolute state of you closeted fags
more pussy for us Veeky Forumsggots i guess

This guy gets it.

>it's another Veeky Forums tries to pretend they aren't a bunch of 120lb faggots thread

>Another hard pill to swallow: a lot of girls will actually prefer that guy with his "on the fitter side of average" build to one who lifts and is more muscular
Also most girls absolutely refuse to lift weights at all because they think they'll get all bulky. Women have zero clue how much work goes into building muscle. Who's the Hollywood dreamboat nowadays, Chris Evans? To get his physique takes like 2-3 years of dedicated weightlifting. He probably did it with steroids in 6 months, because that's what hollywood does, but still. Girls think he's athletic, but not too bulky.

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you’re burning calories typing these long ass paragraphs

>good looking people are good looking
You don't say.
Personally I would like to look like MRE Jesus.

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He looks like Nickelback's good christian younger brother.


Imagine being such a fashioncel and anything slightly artistic is beyond you so you resort to crushing iron with your ''bros'' knowing those protein shakes will never fulfil the emptiness inside you when the only thing you're not counting are the days towards your death.

Have you never watched his channel? They are some of the comfiest videos on YT.

He looks like shit tho

clothing isn't about looking attractive lol

>tfw every art hoe I know is dating a guy like op’s pic

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