t-there's nothing wrong with wearing backpacks r-right...
T-there's nothing wrong with wearing backpacks r-right
How insecure are you?
that guy is alpha as fuck
Why is this even a thread.. yes, backpacks can be fashionable. END.
>/threading your own post
When will you people learn?
Get on my level
i wear this daily
Debate me, bitch
i would unironicall wear this, with an all black fit.
w2c ;^)
W2c some sick backpacks for the summer
PS I'm pretty tall so looking for ones big enough
He's probably holding it for one of his relatives in front of him
Backpacks don't even look unprofessional or whatever. I don't get why people look down on adults wearing them. Is it because kids also wear them?
Fuckin stupid to me.
They ruffle "professional" attire in an unattractive way. That and anything people can make into an us vs them situation, they will.
That show was dead average
>3.97 MB
Fuck off
when you walk into a building people probably think you are there to shoot up/explode the place
just making sure that's the impression you want to give off
Honestly why would somebody take a picture of this? If you saw this and didn't assume he was carrying the backpack for his daughter, falling behind looking at his camera, then you are socially inept.
I think the entire show in general was pretty good, above average, but the ending finale was so bad that it brought it down to average
There isn’t you insecure manchild
It's pretty obvious he's a dad but even if he wasn't you could definitely pull off this backpack ironically if you had a siqq fit
Look at that alpha mf carrying his daughters backpack so she can enjoy time with her mom. Kids that age really do usually like mom best, but he doesn't take it personally. It's rare that he and his wife both get a day off at the same time, so usually one of them has to handle both the girls on their own. He just wants to make sure the girls have fun while they're in the city together as a family.
A real goddamn Chad right there.