What do you call this style?

What do you call this style?

Attached: IMG_4736.jpg (682x998, 537K)

being attractive and fit

"winning the genetic lottery so you don't have to do fashion" style

The Loose Goose

Genuinely solid and simple fit.

Pic related

Attached: 1430779334451.jpg (3000x4269, 1.02M)

AHAHAAHAAH you must look like shit

lel, you don’t mean the op pic do you?

t. mad and jelly

Attached: stump.jpg (800x445, 49K)

hahaha you wish you skinnyfat basement faggot

100% mad and triggered.

Sad and pathetic to get tangled up in an image-board argument

Attached: 20526071_10154540475196086_6168884415758346649_n.jpg (500x375, 27K)

The Goose isn't overly attractive, it's the characters he plays / clothes he wears.

Attached: Screenshot_20180318-173057.png (1480x720, 447K)

are you overly retarded by any chance?


Idk but it looks cheap
And for god sakes put those nips away

Bad style. This is so much better.

what is the gooses body fat percentage? coudl anyone guess his lifts also?

It's called "casual"
Id on boots?
Also, is it comfortable to wear a boots like that in a relatively hot weather(the photo is taken in Bangkok, if I'm not mistaken)?

>relaticely hot weather
Why not, at least you get used to it? We wore rubber boots with wool socks during the summer in the army

probably around 15%. as for lifts I'm guessing intermediate numbers.


how to distress black jeans to look like that?
I got some pairs that don't look fresh enough or worn enough to look good

you can tell he doesn't squat

he's not even that handsome, you just repeating the msm narrative. You can easily encounter a 727279 of dudes who pretty look better than him in the streets.

>winning the genetic lottery

If you mean white and not manlet, then yeah, ok. Otherwise he is sub average for a white dude. Wide hips, narrow shoulders, not very bright.

Attached: ratios.jpg (855x1287, 398K)

>Sad and pathetic to get tangled up in an image-board argument
Said user as he got tangled up in an image-board argument.

Would guess that he cant 1/2/3/4. Has really bad insertions and wide hips.

Attached: The goose.jpg (660x495, 86K)

looks about 14% there
but shit genetics. he is coasting on his vibe

What jeans should I wear with Nike sfbs?

basic bitch normies out.
fucking moron

This. Also why are his legs so skinny. If you're gonna lift at all, you only fuck yourself by not training legs. Have fun with your back problems Goosey boi

Precisely why he's cast. He gives hope to all the lanky sub-average losers across America that they too could be banging Ana de Armas.

w2c them boots

how do you know he doesnt train legs? only juiced up manlet legs look big in clothes

Are you implying that there are degrees of retardation, and that I've somehow crossed the threshold of acceptable retardation into unacceptable retardation? All this over an ugly picture I posted of Ryan Gosling?

Fuck, I dunno what to tell you user, you might just be retarded.

you should only squat when you take a shit


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There is no need to be upset user.

W2C boots?

>implying that there are degrees too retardation
Guess how I know you're retarded

Be fit enough that wearing white Ts every day is not a bad idea.