Are bangs on a guy effay

are bangs on a guy effay

Attached: Short-Textured-Bangs-For-Guys.jpg (500x500, 61K)



a noose


long hair like that on a gay is a signal to everybody that you would take it up the ass if pressured to do it

yes, but you dont look like him

Yes if you don’t have a prominent brow ridge you’re not a man. I’ve learned that from my years of spotting traps

Depends on your face

best poster

kinda not really

as long as it doesn't look like you're trying to hide your bad hairline. aka not op

yes but not if it's like OP

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It makes no fucking sense.
Bang is a sound.
Hair doesn't make FUCK ALL SOUND.

It shouldn't piss me off this much, but it really fucking irritates me that Americans call shit by weird names just to be different from the rest of the world.

Get the fuck out of here.

bangs means "fringe" you fucking mongoloid

Actually it was coined by a man who held the Guinness world record for most sensitive hearing; apparently one day he snapped at someone who kept sweeping their bangs back and said something like "would you stop banging your hair around" and it caught on.

Is self awareness effay? If it's not I'll never look inward again.

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>thinking regional nuances in language are "to be different"

>Per the Oxford English Dictionary, "bangs" as a term for the fringe of hair lying over the forehead originated in the stables. Horses' tails were sometimes allowed to grow to a certain length, and then were cut off in an even, horizontal trim called a "bangtail." Racehorses were sometimes called bangtails. And Green's Dictionary of Slang suggests "bangtail" actually originated in Scotland, not the US. "Bangtail" was first applied to human hairstyles as early as 1844, but the OED cites the first use of "bang" as 1878. "Bang" meaning "abrupt or sudden" has been used in English since the late 18th century

But why do Brits call sausage bangers? They don't bang. They hardly make any sound!

How to get hair like this tho

That dude would be effay with almost any hairstyle

Thats gays in general though

Sperg somewhere else kiddo

Looks great but I used to have hair like that and all I can think of when I see this image is barely seeing anything and hair getting in my eye all day long to the point where my eyes actually hurt by the end of the day.

No expert but I think texturing clay.