Were Public Image Ltd Veeky Forums

Were Public Image Ltd Veeky Forums

Attached: pil.jpg (1280x720, 341K)

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yeah. lydon was peak effay in pil. he apparently wore lot of cdg back then

Attached: b9bb94ff9f29920c3b72502802abda46.jpg (1472x2171, 763K)

I like to think so

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Huge fan of wire and magazine, but I just can't into pil, what am I missing?

jah wobble was very fa

Attached: BBC.Punk.Britannia.3of3.Post-Punk.1978-1981.720p.HDTV.x264.AAC.MVGroup.org.mkv_snapshot_16.55_[2018. (657x656, 96K)

No genre is more Veeky Forums than post-punk, honey.

Except for black metal

Attached: our_guy.jpg (598x392, 54K)


Since when looking like a rejected KISS going trhough an emo phase is more effay then classy 80's post punk?

>80's post punk
The genre was at its peak in the 70s though. In the 80s it turned into fag shit.

I tend to count 79 as 80 so yeah, my bad you're right

They look nothing like Kiss or emo. You have no taste and you're a queer.

Attached: ccat.jpg (905x881, 266K)

Found the edgelord. Let me guess, varg did nothing wrong?

It wasn't even a genre in the 70s

>you're a queer

There's a battle raging inside you isn't there?

Their second album on vinyl

I always thought black metal was the silliest. The music is not always bad, but just can't get over the funny aesthetic.

Flowers of Romance. It's difficult album, but with unique and groundbreaking (yet minimalistic) level of detail to drums.

>Let me guess, varg did nothing wrong?
He literally did nothing wrong though. Just because you say it in a condescending way doesn't make it not true.

t. retard

It was just some bands that didn't wuite fit the punk rock bill, only in the 80s or at least 79 they were starting to consciously distinguish post punk from the larger punk or new wave scene