Anyone else premature /greyhair/ here?
I am 24 and have noticed a few strands. Odd thing is it is only in one spot on my right temple, but if I get more idk how I would embrace.
Can grey hair be Veeky Forums?
Anyone else premature /greyhair/ here?
I am 24 and have noticed a few strands. Odd thing is it is only in one spot on my right temple, but if I get more idk how I would embrace.
Can grey hair be Veeky Forums?
LAst bump
I seriously doubt anyone thinks grey looks good in your 20s, it's just awkward and an obvious indicator of inferior genetics. Dye it
When i was in Tokyo last summer I saw lots of highschool kids on the train with speckled gray hair. Youngest i saw looked like he was 10 and had 100s of gray hairs. Could it be their shitty conbini food diet?
Oh well. At least im not balding.
LAst bump of today
My older coworker has a few strands and he doesn't give a fuc. It looks fine anyways. At least its not balding vro
1) yes, since I turned 20. 36 now, lots of greys particularly around my temples.
2) yes, very much so. Men simply look better with slight signs of aging. Oddly enough to a certain point it doesn't even matter; people still mistake me for being in my late 20s. Remember to moisturize, my fella Veeky Forumsgs!
What do you moisturize with?
Is it wise if i mix some horse semen into my daily cleanser?
I've been going gray since I was 16. I'm in my late twenties now, and I'm comfortable with the fact that I'll be mostly gray by age 40.
Never had any insecurity about it. Having a couple of gray/silver streaks can look pretty cool, and I've actually gotten a lot of compliments on it, almost always from girls, usually in the vein of "It makes you look older ... in a good way, sort of distinguished." A surprising number of people bring up Catcher in the Rye, because I guess Holden Caulfield was supposed to be prematurely graying or something? I honestly don't know, I haven't read that book since high school.
I'm not trying to brag, it's not like I look like a sex symbol in general or anything, but for any dudes out there who're going gray early, I wouldn't sweat it. I don't think anybody really finds it unattractive and some girls actually like it. As for "inferior genetics," literally nobody thinks that way off of this shitty site.
I heard that if you go grey early its less likely youll go bald too.
I think it’s stress. Japanese people get grey hair early because of this
I have no idea whether there's any actual science behind that, but it's certainly true in my experience. My dad has been gray for as long as I can remember and he still has a full head of hair, and he's in his mid-60s. It seems like a pretty common refrain among people who start to go gray early, "Hey, I'm just glad I'm not going to lose it."
only if you're at least past 30. Ethan is.
otherwise, yeah, dye it. I know I will if I get any.
I'm 26 and have a lot of grey hair at this point. I'm rather fond of it. My hair line is the same it's been since I was 18. My father is almost 60 and still has the majority of his hair. My late grandfather on my mother's side still had plenty of hair when he passed last month. I'm not even going to bother dying it.
Yeah dude. Started getting grey hair when I was 22, little strands on the sides and top.
i've heard asians complain about their premature grey hair.
It's just asians genetics, like the superior intelligence, no butt and small dick.
god I wish that were me
grey hair is the GOAT
its cool. would you rather be balding???
25, going grey above the ears. No idea how quick it will be but it looks kinda cool now. Way better than balding.
grey and balding
well atleast I have a good education
>Can grey hair be Veeky Forums?
Same rules as fedoras. If you can pull them off (and few can), you'd be better off without it.
I'm 20 and i alredy have some grey hair in my eyebrows and even on my chest.
Have you ever seen ginger person graying?
Korean here, it's in my genes. Both my parents and grandparents have a fuck ton of grey hair.
I'm only 21 now and I've had lots of grey hair since junior high.
26 and speckles of grey. Don’t give a fuck.
Do many Asians get grey hair early?
Not a lot.
yeah but with a twist, my hair is going white instead
mom went full white by 30
I'm seeing more white hairs every day
fuck I can't wait till I have a full head of snow white hair, shit's gonna be so cash
My father was pretty badly greying by 35.
I'm 27, turning 28, and my hair is still very much brown.
Any day now...
I'm not the most fashionable guy, but I reckon if you ran some color through that it'd make you look like one of those kpop faggots women are always swooning over
Started getting grey hair when I was 27, at least thats when people commented on it the first time. Actually I don't mind though, would never dye my hair like some insecure pussy. Embrace your genetics and live a happy life user.
Only if my face looked like one.
Gray hair = best hair. Embrace it, nigga
>dye all of it grey
>instant effay effect
I've had a few gray strands since I was in my teens, maybe a few more now at 25, but it's not noticeable to anyone (or at least no one comments on it) except my barber. I assumed most young males experienced this. There seem to be quite a few in this thread and they all seem mild. I always considered premature graying to be a whole or at least majority of the head to be almost entirely gray.
Holy shit, that's fascinating. I've never seen a person your age with such a huge amount of grey hair. Must be some genetic mutation.
OP here. The kid i saw in japan who looked to be like 10 had about half this.
24, I have a few white hairs on the sides, like 4 or 5 max. Also receding hairline.
it's effay
OP got that salt and pepper action.
>The cow-jew is Veeky Forums
Next time just say "Only if you're past 30"
Not yet. Literally just 5 all in one spot, hope it develops into one of those skunk patch things so i can grow it into a white stripe