Fashion is pointless

It's a waste of resources to feed ignorant people's insecurities.

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everything in life is a waste of resources. i choose to waste my resources on clothes.

>But then OP made this thread, sowing cognitive dissonance amongst the common folk

It can be a very good use of resources.

Following hype beast trends is what you're describing, but that's not the only way to do fashion.

sam hyde really let himself go

its not.
Fashion houses has created job markets for a "useless" aspect of life.
ppl always complain about zara and stuff, but the ppl in Bangladesh and china are in fact employed, yes the conditions are horrible but they are getting paid for a service.
So in a way, fashion is like a charity for poor countries, next time when your at H&M, just think of the kids your helping by buying their shit and spawning a job market that should not exist

if something makes you happy is it really a waste?

Being a trendwhore or buying expensive shit just because it's expensive is pointless. You have to wear clothes though so they might as well look good on you.

is he Sam Hyde the shooter?

I've never been in zara or H&M

99% of my clothes are used, bought online, got free or from dumpster

uh... Except these industries not only pollute, poison & deform the people in the immediate areas of the factories but also do not provide safe working conditions for the employees (many of whom are children).

The "fast fashion" industry is having devastating environment, social and political impacts on the world. You should try to source your garments from ethical manufacturers.

So, last generations, like 20+ years ago? moms were beginning to explore carreers and opportunities beyond the home, and this led to them having children much later in life, as late as 45 or more.
The problem is that this creates autistic spawn. These border line retards are born emotionally illiterate, often speaking with a flattened, emotionless monotone.

It fits, it's appropriate - but you've got to consider the reality of the barely functional homebound autist. People like OP are blind to such human exigencies as the appreciation of art and design, the intrinsic value of joy or love and other things that make us human. You're really best off ignoring this unique breed of faggots than ever engaging them.
Besides - you couldn't engage OP if you wanted to. There's a functionally retarded man on the other end of this thread, someone who can't even drive a car or balance a checkbook. The real waste in this thread is you and I, expending thoughts and energy upon a deficient mind that could never grasp the understandings we take for granted. You're talking about the emotional/developmental age of a six year old.

Or his mom coulda been drunk the whole pregnancy, which makes sense cause OP is a two bit faggot and the reason O'm pulling out from now on.

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Thanks for reminding me to filter your underaged ass.

Dis nigga need sum fashion history in his life.

Is that really all you have? Really? You unimaginative hack. Try harder. You read like a downie.

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Get a life you spastic.

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You took the time to dig that up! HAHAHAH! More, gimme more. I own real estate in your mind, faggot. I want more, so do better.

If you don't, we'll just assumed you ran away with your tail between your spindly faggot legs.


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Honest point....but what do the Hindi women who spend their time making this shit do then? I like the idea of buying ethical, but I cant help but think the alternative was and is...nothing

looking good, Sammy


shut the fuck up faggot i just like cool clothes

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Posting on Veeky Forums is pointless.
It's a waste of resources to feed ignorant people's insecurities.

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