Does anyone else hate stupid bitches that dress like this? Like grow the fuck up

Does anyone else hate stupid bitches that dress like this? Like grow the fuck up.

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who can hate a mark-ass sucker who advertises their insecurity and proclivity for rando BJ's this clearly?

usually the dude worrying about what this girl is wearing is the same dude who has to be affirmed by random strangers on the internet before he can wear something out of his comfort zone.

uppermost kek

i think she’s hot and those pants are cute. shoes r wack but that’s my only gripe. how do u get mad at a girl wearing regular clothes

lol this is the second thread i’ve seen you make about this girl today did some girl break your heart?

some girls can pull it off. but mostly its unflattering. I live in fucking toronto. I see this shit everywhere and fucking weird dudes.
weird person + weird clothes isn't cool.

you ALWAYS see this shit.

buzzed head. septum piercing. Hoop earings and chunky shoes. Long coat and a fucking fanny pack over the shoulder.

you look like TRASH

Fuck off, we didn't care about your dumb talentless daughter on /mu/ and we certainly don't care about her here.

Haw haw haw
Thank you for that

ya i hate this po-mo hipster faux avant gardist t r a s h

fucking cornballs

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I love you Clairo!!!

I'm guessing you're a girl.
Nobody fucking cares, please fuck off.

leave clairo alone nigger

i n d u s t r y p l a n t

Nah. I'd give her the trusty ol' "wham, bam, thank you, ma'am."

Nah dude she's hot, unless she's a minor in which case she's not

>unless she's a minor
uh huh

go on

I figured out awhile ago that girls dress like this mostly to be liked by other girls. For some reason, if you're a girl and you wear tacky shit from 25? 30?+ yrs ago, you're magically "cute" and non-threatening to other women.

Like, that same girl in op's pic, if she was wearing yoga pants and a crop top and making a pouty face, other women would sneer and think she was vapid or whatever. Same girl wearing all that dumb in the pic is "fun!"

Joke's on her though, as the ultra vtg etsy male is an even more atrocious human, and that's the only kind of person you attract dressing like that. You're basically just a pile of accessories dating another pile of accessories at that point.

she is just showing that she belongs to a group

what group*

"If you r hot you r hot, if you r not you r not" man.

But obvsly thats not the main consideration for fucking someone or not.

How do I seduce these girls so I can steal their parents' wealth?

The “daddy has the connections to make me a famous” group

dress like them, be attractive, be a dick

That "bitch" has a beautiful face.


Pentaquints of wrath

how about you let people have fun and stop worrying about things that stress you out. have you tried therapy OP? don't be childish and petty, but you clearly have some issues going on, so i can let those character flaws go if you work on it.

Incels need to fuck off fa. You’re the antithesis of fa

they dress like that to attract dudes that like tyler the creator and brockhampton

nice one but Veeky Forums love "art hoes" and make threads about them constantly

this but also fuck the term "incel." just generally antisocial losers

I want to sex her

"art ho" and vtg queens have some overlap, but there are some distinct differences. The post you responded to could apply to rockabilly girls for instance. I think they "art ho" appeal is based largely in the crypto-lolita "daddy issues" fantasy, whereas the vtg cosplay approach is all very PG and sexless.

I'm los Angeles adjacent, so i see these way too well curated 70s couples all the time. They look like walking ads for fabric softener.

It's more to do with facial aesthetics. Women who have girl-faces will make roasties jealous.

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dont u ever talk about clairo again

Clairo is an industry plant firmly rooted in the genitalia of an a&r exec whose last name ends with 'berg"

Is even breathing now considered the mark of an incel or what?

Who the fuck dresses like that? Must be a Gen Z thing.

did someone plant those pants on her or did she put them on herself?

The pants are early 60s retro. Needs sandals or espadrilles to really pull it off. Overall, would keep for summer fuqtoi

I think girls on average have a better range of acceptance of clothing than men. Not to say there aren't a lot of bitter women but in general I see a lot more hangups and confusion from guys.
If a girl is wearing something interesting / putting thought into her clothing she could still trying to be sexy, I would appreciate it for both reasons.
If she's just wearing stuff that shows off her body but doesn't have an interesting element, It can look lazy because guys will eat it up but low it's effort. That's not a bad thing alone but if it's all someone does it gets tiring.
What you said can be true though. It's better to have a balanced opinion.

nice blog
where do i sub?

she still is if that's what you think regardless of a law that varies depending on location.

genuinely cant tell if ironic

they call themselves that tho...

>what are hemispheres?

p-please tell me they're not all traps

who's the top middle on the right group

I dunno what bothers me more: the schizophrenic color, pattern, and silhouette choice, or that fucking stance she's taking like her outfit was just THAT COOL today

Save for two or three I prefer the left side honestly.

this tbhfam
they got manlier faces than myself like holy shit

Be nice

Just drop the facade and title it correctly: Adults and teens.

I think everyone in Veeky Forums hates them

thanks for the laugh

*blocks ur path*

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Ignore and move past contrived hoe whose daddy has connections for her music career

>mfw roasties hatin'

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i like it when she does the sparkles

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fuck off to mfa, dorks

>So random
>Holds up spork
>I'm not like the other girls
>Fucks Jamal behind your back

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>triggers Veeky Forums

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>Continues to shill talentless hack

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That is a kid. She is probably like 14. Who cares what a little girl wears?

um... she's 38 sweetie

>Adults and teens
There are teens who look like the women on the left. That's how women get manly faces in the first place.


dear diary
today fa got triggered by clairo

So? None of the people on the right are over 25 and once you are, you will stop caring about what teens look like or think about. At least I hope so.