My undergrad is math and my university offers a masters of science in "Stochastic Processes in Finance and Insurance"
Is this a good degree?
For those who haven't done math stochastic processes are basically random processes like stock prices.
My undergrad is math and my university offers a masters of science in "Stochastic Processes in Finance and Insurance"
Is this a good degree?
For those who haven't done math stochastic processes are basically random processes like stock prices.
no math is not a good degree
>literally having insurance in your degree title.
You don't know what an actuary is, do you?
Fuck the degree - you're an uneducated fuck. Failure is guaranteed.
I know what an actuary is. I have passed 5 of the core technical exams, retard.
I passed my cock through your mom's pussy over 5 times and then finally came inside her, faggot
don't ever talk to my friend like that again
>I have passed 5 of the core technical exams, retard.
So you already know what career you want to pursue, and yet you didn't mention it in the OP?
Makes perfect sense. We can totally help you when you give us incomplete information.
I don't want to become an actuary though. I sat the exams because I knew most of the material and found a lot of it interesting. I'm interested in getting a career in trading, or anything that relies heavily on financial mathematics really. It seems like this degree is closest to what I'm after.
Shut the fuck up and leave
is your undergrad a top 15?
if not, don't waste your time.
Learn python and machine learning algorithms. Finance world can't find enough of those people right now.
Nope, but undergrad doesn't really matter for university rankings so long as it's not from a third world country. University rankings are only important for post graduate stuff.
I've definitely been meaning to get on that. Have any advice on where to start? Only programming experience I have is in Java, R, SAS
>undergrad doesnt matter
whoever told you that is from a third world cuntry.
It matters a lot more than you think.
Try to go to a better school. Look into Financial Engineering programs.
Fair enough. My university is the best in my country (NZ) but only ranked in the top 200 world wide. Do you think it would be worth going into debt to study overseas in Europe or the States?
Pretty sure I could get in. My 4 years of math/stats courses are all A+.
Not sure how much money you can make trading kiwi's.
If you want to work in Europe, get a degree in Europe. If you want to work in the states, get one in the states.
A degree from a top ranked school from either EU or US will take you farther as you will have more options down the line. Just be sure this is what you want. The financial/mental commitment is going to be rough.
If you want an easy neet life, just be an actuary. It's almost the same as working in risk at a bank but with less stress.
And with those stats, you should definitely have a shot at some top programs.
there is a niche field called topological data analysis, but that is if you did topology, which is wholly unapplicable to the work actuaries do.
Really appreciate the advice user. Fortunately I also have Irish citizenship so might consider doing the EU. Just need to find a good finance program there and any scholarships that I'd qualify for.
Did topology and analysis but honestly that's so boring. I'm more interested in advanced probability and finance, so I think financial mathematics is the way to go. Really sucks being born in an irrelevant island nation.
wow that is the opposite of most math students. most math students LOATHE statistics and probabilities. Maybe machine learning might interest you, machine learning is basically statistics. It seems like you are in the right field and it suits your interest, also consider going to hong kong,china or singapore alongwith learning mandarin.
Funnily enough am learning mandarin now. About 2 years of learning. My goal is to work in Taipei or HK one day. Never thought that'd be a place for stats though?
where there are finance/markets there are stats.
Why would you do a Masters and Undergrad in the same institution?