have 10k what stock should i put it all in at market opening.
Have 10k what stock should i put it all in at market opening
How can people be allowed to post here when they don't know about index funds?
Veeky Forums SE.
All memes aside ATVI or AMD
These are going up steadily. Not moon missions but guaranteed returns. Trust me I play video games all day.
GALE trust me.
trust me man do your DD.
ANZ. Up 4% in a week. I bought in at almost a 5-year low now I'm going to the fucking moon.
CERU my nigga
Possibly PMT, PGF, or EPL on the TSX. I'm up 53%, 61%, 78% so far.
dayum you talking about australian new zealand bank? what price did you buy in at and how much did you invest? is it too late?
The 50/50 chance?!
On the 29th graphics cards are released and in October new zen cpus are released
Might tech 8 pps
Mid-sized oil company with the best books in class
is it normal for a bank investing account to be charged 20 dollars per trade every time? or is that a yearly payment but it's just doing it for my first trade?
it just seems like that's alot
>pic related
You need a new broker
yeh seems abit too much for every trade? I'm using westpac online investing, any recommendation guys?
I don't have much to invest at the moment only around $1500 but I have to start from somewhere and will keep adding to my account but trading with that amount then having to give them a $20 fee every time I buy seems abit strange I'd struggle to make 5 dollars profit lmfao
Optionshouse or robinhood
Then something like Scottrade that only charges $7/trade, once you have more money
I'm from australia don't think I can use those
AMD going to hit the 20's by EOY.
cant help you then m8
MGT later in the day when the dip is complete.
>Picked up stockmarketing.
>Invest 1000 Euro in several trades.
>All i do is buy extremely low and wait for it to rise.
>It actually works.
I made 400 euro profit so far, what is a good thing to invest in during brexit?
that's awesome, when you say 1000 in several trades
did you invest 7000 in 7 different shares
or you invested 1000 in one trade then closed it and took profit then did that 7 times?
what sort of stocks are you buying into to make that sort of return? especially after the brokerage fee per trade in my country it's 14.95 per trade lowest
You have to invest with larger money.
Invest 50k and sell when you gain 2%. Profit is around 1k. You don't really care if you pay 15 transaction cost.
MGT if you want a cheap ticket to the moon
the fuck, you must have to be confident in what you're buying stocks for risking that amount of money?
I'm saving up for 10k and I'll buy shares with that but I guess I'm going to have to hold it for longer to make any decent profit from it, it would be devastating to put 50k into one stock and finding out the market has crashed or your stock has gone very low but I guess you'd just have to wait it out till it goes back up again... if it ever did.
is this what people do sometimes if a trade goes wrong? and how likely is this to happen