Robinhood General Thread - /rgt

Robinhood General Thread - /rgt/

Brexit Soon Edition

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--FAQs for Robinhood--
Visit the website first -
If you're not into robinhood -
> How is it free?
They invest your unsettled funds after a trade.
It's also pretty basic software.
> When is it coming to my country?
Probably never. They only have plans on an Australian beta (
> It's been X days, why isn't my account isn't verified yet?
If it takes more than 3 days, try emailing their support. They are very good.
> Is this the right place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?
No, please go to Stocktwits, Plebbit, or one of our many chat groups.
> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
No, that would actually be illegal. Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.
> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
thinkorswim is bretty gud if you want to go open a second account with real broker.
Otherwise you should be using Yahoo/Google finance or even Stocktwits for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.
> If I have Robinhood do I need to worry about 'Free riding' violations?
No, its not applicable for limited margin accounts (instant), and if you don't have instant, RH won't let you buy with unsettled funds
> Can I use Robinhood on my PC?
Yes, download an android emulator. Setup is extremely easy.

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first for $ceru

CERU my nigga

Why are you using the inferior copypasta? Use mine from a few threads ago with the calendar and latest discord added in.
The fact that you have "Robinhood General Thread - /rgt/" in both the subject and the body is just silly.

IMNP about to break out!



Welcome to the meme cavern froendo.

Tfw I'm all in at 6


Reminder: ARRY has an NDA filing due by next Thursday

Noko always said to short it at 6, you guys just misread the man.
"Short above 6 and then buy below 4.50 and hold for final court decision" - Noko bruva 2012
I'm still bag holding with confidence, 200% 4th of July

Word up.

What ur pops say, still hung over?

Oh look, I was right about AMD, AGAIN! when will you cucks learn that AMD is better than nvidia

is IMNP dead in the water?

No. There's a conference at 11. Stay frosty.

No, just waiting for the conference at 11

Soooo. We buy now?

if you don't like you make the new threads at the 315 bump limit

Around now would be the lowest point, possibly. Unless it tanks for whatever reason.

Yep lol


>it'll go up unless it doesn't


Noko, any opinion about the newest freshest meme stock IMNP? Your opinion is interesting and informative, if you can/want to provide it.

>expecting clairvoyance

why the fuck TLOG tank? Thank god o set a stop

Because it went up for literally no fucking reason. You're retarded if you bought it at a high.

No mews pump. Buy in at .28 or lower

It went up based off of technicals. That's all.

Yeah. Literally nothing.

So .58 was the lowest possible huh? .53 now lol

Resistance level for CERU is 2.17
If it holds above, expect outbreak.
Ascending triangles.

I can't predict the future. If I could, I'm pretty sure I'd have been shot in the face by the Government.

but, wouldn't you see it coming?

Agreeing with my from last thread about TTNP it. Buy at $6 or lower and it'll swing back to the 6.30's later this week or early next week after the Brexit shit is passes.

All aboard the aluminum train AA. Next stop 11.00

The bullet? Yeah, right before it face fucked me.

Just because you can see the bullet coming doesn't mean you're quick enough to dodge it :^)

When will kmph rebound

>t. bagholder extraordinaire

Why? I read they're trying to split the company in September or something

Kek. Never.

You know these meme pharma pennystocks we dick around with here? Ever look at their all time history and see a massive tend down from several dollars? I'm pretty certain that's what's happening here.

I legitimately feel bad for you if you are a bagholder or trying to play the rebound and holding.

Imnp conference now? Too late to buy?

First real stock trade accomplished. Bought 8 shares of IMNP based soley on Veeky Forums advice. I'm poor and stupid, but this is only the beginning.

anyone have link for $IMNP conference?

So aside from AMD, what leads do we have? This is looking like a pretty dry week for meme rockets.

Still have no idea why you think aluminium will be set to rally.


scared as fuck for it desu senpai

you can still buy, it's at 0.55, from 0.6 before.. it's probably the last dip if the conference goes well.

>I was up 20% at one point

MSTX's "EPIC" results will be released sometime in the coming weeks. If the results are good that'll be the next moon mission.

Buy more. Get some life changing cash


This. I don't know why people don't understand the "day" part of daytrading. You get in, you get out, done. If you want to play buy and hold, then go buy P&G or something.

I feel you fampai. I sold TLOG this morn but only holding AMD now. Feelsboringman

>literally nothing
The truth behind all stocks is that they are "literally nothing." There is no inherent value to them.

Nigga I attend a liberal arts college. I don't have to cite my sources.


Bought 13 more shares on your advice. How dumb am I to be listening to a stranger on a japanese image board?

ARRY, PGNX, and TLOG when it gets back down to $0.27

$ISR is on a strong upward trend right now.


Pretty dumb

ARRY is definitely making a voyage to the moon, right? R-right?


When should we expect movement based on the IMNP conference?

Live and learn. Already lost money on WAVES going through Yobit the day before it came out on Bittrex. Fuckers.

>set limit buy for 1.10
>stock reaches 1.10
>doesn't buy

Forgot pic. Why won't they listen?

look at the volume, it's increasing rapidly because people are buying

For sure
Don't use RH for charts. Try tradingview,, or yahoo finance

ISR for a quick 5% if anyone is interested. It's gonna pop up.

>my stock in Weibo constantly green
>my memes constantly losing
>should be rich by now but just breaking even most days

One of these will go to the moon, r-right Veeky Forums?

Naw nigga fuck you

Bought it pretty low. Still made 10% gain

Holy shit! Just got a dividend from FRO. I sold that stuff last week and they threw me 10 more bucks. Dividends go straight to your buying power.

93$ in 1.5 hours on netflix puts

Made back the losses from VHC

If you niggas arent playing options, youre doing it wrong

How do you play options? I don't understand how it works. Any good reading material on it?

Yo who has been listening, I just got on. Heard something about the stock trickling for the last few weeks and this news might make it go up

Watch and youtube etc.
Options have actually less risk per reward benefit in a lot of senses. Check em out

You on discord? PM me, Morafranco Ill send some videos your way

Get a look at the next wolf of wall street right here guise. You almost got enough money to cover a pizza party for the class.

Almost a 100$ in an hour with a few soft clicks while sitting in bed aint half bad my mang, better than losing money on VHC like all these RH cucks

They are saying that similar companies have been sold for 1-1.5 billion (Current market cap 22Million) to Pfizer and other big companies. Says if drugs gets to phase three we are looking at those prices for a sale. Says this is relatively short term (Don't know what that is in the industry) Say phase 1 done on one of their drugs, and phase 2 clinical trials are coming up.

Any chance IMNP gets back over .6 today?

Is anyone in SKLN here? .16 looks like a good bottom

guess that conference didn't go too well

lol bro. it's like do I even want to be charged the fee to trade this shit stock

except it did. wtf. it's just stagnant. complete bullshit. i'm about to reee the fuck out.

what did those niggers say

it did go well, they have no debt, FDA approval incoming, like 5 billion in sales already from drugs already approved, makes no fucking sense.

it seems like everything is down or cautious as fuck today. why?

Volume is good. According to the conference this may be a short hold.

Sell the house wife and car and put your money into it

Investors getting scared from brexit

>makes no sense

It must be your first time trading a pharma. Welcome to the show


This is feeling like how I got fucked by MGT. All signs pointed to money and it's just falling.