Veeky Forums DID I GET MEMED
Veeky Forums DID I GET MEMED
I'm going to punch a wall what the fuck
stocktwits said some guy sold 84 shares at 1.35
Yes. Hard.
XGTI was a dead meme from the start.
MGT and VMEM are prime memes, buy during reversals
holy fuck I'm glad I bailed out when the market opened
I hope he dies a horrible death
it's a reverse split you retard
It dropped 20 some fucking percent you retard.
do these guys not read
because of reverse split... you dont buy on the reverse split... you let market balance out
youre the fucking retard l2trade
splits dont do anything to the intrinsic value of the stock, what are you talking about, faggot
if you dont think there is a psychological aspect to how the market reacts to a split then youre a fucking autist can you please use some sense jesus christ
How can you determine from that graph that it's a reverse split?
you dont usually, you read the news
I don't see any news that it's splitting
Seems like a good short
What's the emotional response to a reverse split? Sell sell sell?
You're retarded, senpai. I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do.
Anyway instead of panicking I went and checked out the stats in my broker and the ask is at 1.80. There's just some faggot that sold 83 shares in AH.
What's your stop price? I have mine set at 1.75, but I think that's a little bit optimistic...
why do we even bother