Are there any American made items that are synonymous with top of the line, luxury, or niche? Think Swiss watches, German cars, Italian leather goods, etc. I'm having difficulty coming up with a product in this category.
Are there any American made items that are synonymous with top of the line, luxury, or niche? Think Swiss watches...
jack daniels
America makes the best whiskey.
nuclear weapons, arm developments 5th genny fighters and silent helicopters - computer products from silicone valley. I'm gonna say something to do with leather too maybe. bentlies are pretty sweet people like and recognize them in ireland. Kardashians
Nothing is luxurious on your list
also worlds best american flag manufacturer
nuclear weapons are pretty dam luxurious, being able to wipe a nation out with a flick of a button is the height of convenience :)
I should also clarify that I'm not looking for specific brands like Nike, Apple, etc but more product categories.
jordans are luxury to niggers, does that count or do you want to only consider luxury for people?
Try looking into Real estate /houses apartments etc and all the things that go into them
power boats, man toys, services etc
Quite frankly I do not see anything yet. Like the other user said, America is highly regarded in other coutries for producing big reliable heavy shit that will help to construct stuff or blow the shit out of stuff.
USA has gone past the point of making their own luxury goods...its a luxury to be able to purchase another countries luxury goods.
Movies and musics
We don't export nuclear weapons, but America does export nuclear plants. We design and help build them worldwide. Beyond that we make many automated machines for factories and zillion other niche luxury things.
Tourism travel to luxurious destinations...Private jets (i think) USA is a consumer of the worlds luxury goods not a producer thats the aim of the game
Yes! entertainment is a mainstay of USA is world leader in recreational pursuits.
Uhh any civilian items?
Twinkies and the dollar itself is v sought after currency - considered a luxury corrupt dictators and criminals use it
Ralph Lauren
Scotland does, hands down.
So overall takeaway is that America is a consumer not a producer of luxury goods.
What about services? Are there any services that having an American firm or company do that are synonymous with top end?
swiss army knives
There are all sorts of American luxury/top of the line niches. That's the sphere where most of their obscure, but famous brands are developed. Often handcrafted/traditional products.
Movie studio
really? I bet you think you're so edgy don't you. the 2007 /b/ train has already left the station friendo
Mass shootings?
US are definitely top of the line there...
I would say automobiles, but merica ingenuity fall off like bad bag of dope. FORD, Chevy, Cadillac, and Buick produced some aesthetic beauties back in the days. We're all immigrants, jack of all trades, master of none. I treat all people with respect all colors and creeds. Yanks aren't so bad, 7billion people walk this rock and theirs bound to be some shitty people.
Mega Yachts. Boating capital of the world is america.
Airplanes. Boeing (and formerly McDonnell Douglas) makes the foremost commercial, passenger, private, and military jets.
> furniture
there is some really really nice American furniture
> whiskey
like the other user said, the best whiskey I have ever had is American made
That's all I can think of.
>Pickup trucks
>muscle cars
>Sears used to make the best tools money could buy.. not so much anymore. But America is still known for high quality hand tools
>aircraft carriers
>baseball bats
What part of luxury don't you get?
Luxury is for Euro faggots
We don't give a fuck you stupid euro
Education -- Harvard, Yale, Columbia, MIT, etc.
Firearms and ammunition, tractors and heavy construction equipment, healthcare if you can afford it.
Movies, television, and music.
The rest of the world is on a lower shelf.
you said top of the line you fucking faggot
Allen Edmonds, red wing, etc.
>bags/leather accessories
Filson, duluth trading, etc.
Austin reed, Hart Schaffner Marx
actually taiwan and japan lay claim to that now
This. We produce the best celebrities ever. Trump is almost President of the country for fucks sake and he's a reality TV show star. Reagan became President and Arnold became Governor. Welcome to America!
Gulfstream and yachts.
>synonymous with top of the line or niche
It's like you didn't even read the OP
>Austin Reed
Austin Reed is/was a British label,
And has recently gone bankrupt.
Sneakers (literally)
Fast food
ITT europoors circle jerk each other while wearing Armani