It was fun while it lasted. Time for contraction. Are you ready for the incoming recession, anons?
Recession 2017-2019
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It's only going to last 2 months.
I never even got to make any decent money yet
>implying a recession is possible with the yellen put in place
"If there were to be a negative shock to the economy...we don't have a lot of room using our traditional tried and true methods to respond," Fed Chair Janet Yellen told Congress Tuesday during her semiannual testimony on the U.S. economy.
>that was yesterday
That's just a scare tactic so they can blackmail the entire financial sector to vote Hillary.
Bring it, I've been saving in anticipation. When everyone is panic selling I'm gonna be loading up on the good stocks cheap.
>Are you ready for the incoming recession, anons?
I have literally been anticipating this for the past 1 and a half years,
yes i am fucking ready
What's the procedure to benefit from the defaults on student loans and car loans ?
buy after the crash my mannn
Lets say I have a 401K heavy in stocks and I take out a loan. What happens to the amount that I have to pay back if the stock market shoots way up or down?
not if it wipes out equity prices. What should I put my money into fellow /bizantians?
Shit that won't go belly up like GM did. Things people buy even when they're out of a job. Coke is probably going to be my go-to.
I put 15% of my stock portfolio into gold in January, not reinvested dividends and gathered cash. I won't buy stocks again before the next shitstorm which can't be far away.
Do you think gold/silver mining stocks will be part of the next crash?
Stocks might well be. In panic people flock to gold so that raises the price of gold. Also now when the interest rates are 0% the central banks cannot lower them anymore so the only option they have is destroying the value of currencies.
This will also increase the dollar nominated value of gold.
I might still get some more gold because I'm sitting on quite a wad of cash at the moment anyway.
yes for the love of god yes i've been holding off on investing because i am waiting for the fucking crash bring it on motherfucker
buy puts
same here...i think half of the world is "waiting for the crash" that is why it won't fucking happen. The "waiting for crash" is already weighted in the current market price of stocks and indices.
"Waiting for crash" isn't weighted in the stock market hahahaha.
The NYSE and other stock exchanges are at or near their historical highs for fuck's sake because returns from bonds and everything else is so shit.
Well look around. One crash already happened recently in 2008 and people still remember it. They are in "waiting for crash" mode, just look at this thread. Everyone wants the dip, and when everyone wants the dip, the dip never happens.
The Big Short movie also predicted another crash soon, which is more reasons it won't happen. Only those things happen that you don't expect. If everyone is talking about it, then it won't happen.
Crash will happen, it's just that we don't know how. Market was already overpriced in 2013. Higher heights will make the situation even worse. I hope for a sudden crash but a long-term bearish market would be even worse.
>Market was already overpriced in 2013
How do you know market is "overpriced"?
crash in your wages? stock market? bonds?
stock market is going up, there will be no stock market crash as poor people and gold bugs hope. the reason gold bugs etc. hope and forecast crash all the time is they simply are poor and want other people to get on their level while their little fantasy is that gold price goes at the same moment to 100000 lel. bonds will crash.
The next crash might be caused by the bond bubble bursting but it will also go into the stock market just as the collapse of the housing market went into stocks 2008-2009
Every other stock is expensive compared to what is the company intrinsic value / earnings (hard to find bargains). Big concerns all around the world, yet that does not seems to correct exposed markets. Also, high volatility all around.
so pension funds withdraw their money from bonds and equity market at the same time? to hide it under a pillow? trillions in cash... atm depending on the fund most have some 10-40-50 splits, some have 70-30, some 30-70 bond stocks ratio
It's going to be a massive shitstorm
>intrinsic value / earnings (hard to find bargain)
valuations have little use when the world is dealing with zero and even negative rates. and basic pe ratios are nowhere near bubble leves. in dotcom and 2007 pe was 300% higher than currently in us stock market. not to say pe HAS NEVER had any use in predictin bubbles and market timing.
>Brexit fails
>Eurostocks go up hard
>Shillary gets elected
>Ameristocks go up hard
Im not selling yet. The globalists will ensure both outcomes.
I am not predicting anything, just saying that stocks are overpriced.
>recession happens
>bitcoin rises again
First of all there's no way we would have a 2 year recession. No chance
Second - even if everything goes wrong the most we lose is 20%. And that's apocalyptic bear market territory
There are a many companies that have low PE ratio, high cash flow, and solid growth they just aren't attractive to most people because they typically don't move much. I can think of several off the top of my head
>dollar collapses
>bitcoin becomes new world reserve currency
>even those with 1 BTC become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams
hey, we can all dream, right?
>start investing at the end of the longest bull market in history
>no tools left for the fed to manipulate things
>everything overvalued and inflated
>low single digit market returns for the next decade at least
>boomers living longer every week and demanding more and more of an already stressed system
>student loan bubble
>pension system crisis
Well it's not like I wanted to retire anyway. I should probably just spend all my savings on lip balm and glory-hole sized drill bits.
I am currently selling 40% of my holdings and putting it into savings and bonds
Its gonna be a wild ride brehs, but I can take it
tobacco seeds it is. Glad my family owns land.
The government debt bubble will pop starting in Japan and then Europe, capital will flee to US stocks
Stocks and corporate bonds are literally the only place to put money, companies are sitting on a SHITLOAD of cash they're just waiting for the social democracy meme to die and then they will start reinvesting in the economy
Governments are FUCKED they're all broke, debt has been rising faster and faster and the millennial generation is way too poor to ever pay it off, people are pissed off and nobody trusts politicians anymore
So, to summarize, what can we agree is the best course of action?
>Pro: I will have less work to do
>Con: Might lose my job
A tightrope act
>the good stocks
such as?
Plz warren talk to me about sears and cal maine lel
Tobacco and liquor stocks are an excellent buy
Gonna be a lot more hobos walking around
>people still borrowing what they will never pay
>almost all job growth has been part time cashier slave shit
>mediocre economic growth besides the literal reckless printing of money
>lending institutions, private businiess, and wise individuals hoarding money
You do realize that USA is likely going to see hyperinflation, and your money will be useless.
Diversify dude.
Bitcoin can not scale to that level.
It's already struggling to keep up with the current amount of transactions...
Save your money for down payments on real estate
You'll be able to buy 500k houses soon for half the price and flip them 3 or 4 years later and get a couple hundred grand profit on each.
it gets paid back in..
you are taking a loan out at a certain price, and you'll pay in the full amount back..
Honestly, unless you really need the money, just sell all your positions and leave the cash there to buy on the big dipper.
did you sell all your other stock positions?
>Veeky Forums brokerage services everyone...
so short the indexes like that smart billionaire did with the s&p right before the 2008 crash? good idea.
more likely outcome is deflation and that's why the fed is propping up hard
>I have literally been anticipating this for the past 1 and a half years,
Jesus, if I wrongly predicted the economy for 18 months running, I'd kill myself for being too stupid.
>more likely outcome is deflation and that's why the fed is propping up hard
Would you mind telling me the highest grade of education you attained? I'm curious how the system could have failed you so badly.
Does this mean I should be buying bitcoin now or wait until the shit hits the fan?
>Recession 2017-2019
It's happening on or by October 2, 2016. Be ready, the SHEMITAH has only just begun.
You "predicted" this last year, and nothing happened.
Hold on, guise, this is the Super Duper Shemitha, which means it will actually happen a year later. :^)
Close but not quite. Here's how it'll break down
>less than 2 btc - lower class
>2-10 btc - middle class
>more than 10 btc - upper class
>more than 20 btc - aristocracy
>more than 150 btc - nobility
>more than 1000 btc - god-kings
You can't deny that a crash did happen last year. And again at the start of this year too.
>You can't deny that a crash did happen last year. And again at the start of this year too.
Yes I can, because it didn't happen. Markets move up and down in minor fits and spurts all the time. Just because you get scared every time the market shifts +/- 5%, doesn't mean we all have sensitive vaginas like you.
There are accepted definitions for words like "recession" to keep faggots like you from crying wolf all the time. It. didn't. happen.
>it didn't happen.
Keep telling yourself that, slave.
Correction, recession, depression, Call it whatever you want, technicals are not in your favor. Fiat will never sustain itself, it's not a matter of if a collapse will happen, but when. This has been proven by power thirsty, economic fools (Though masters of slavery) throughout history time and time again.
You really have an active imagination dont you? Thats great. Kids these days really arent allowed to daydream much. Bravo for you.
A lot of you kids don't even know what it's like living in actual non-depressed times. There really hasn't been a recovery from 2008. Kind of.. but not really. You don't know what it was like before 9/11. It was a different world. It wasn't all roses or anything but.. i don't know. It was brighter, and lighter.
Shit sucks now, and its getting worse. We're out of time, but we're not doing anything about it. It's not looking good for the human. I hope you kids get your shit together, but it sure don't look like that's what you're doing.
/pol/ poorfag detected. Engage ignore protocols.
Get some help, user. Times are great and have been for years. Even 2008 wasn't terrible if you didn't get caught up in the emotion or the housing crunch (which was limited to certain markets).
I see depressed losers on Veeky Forums all the time claiming that things are currently terrible. Objectively, they're not. Medication or professional counseling might be in order.
Where are all the trades jobs in Canada then?
When a bunch of poor people come for your stuff you will think otherwise, lol.
Just sell and buy the dip.
welp, it was fun while it lasted.
time to hibernate for couple of years
Fuckloads with Irving over in the Maritimes. Literally hundreds. Met a guy who worked there and said if you interview well, they'll find somewhere to put you
what in the actual fuck?
Surprisingly yes. I have 80k usd saved up for a house, but it looks like I'll be pouring it into the stock market instead. you're retarded and don't know what deflation is?
Oh, I know what deflation is and the factors that cause it. And the tools the Fed has to curtail it.
What I was asking it what level of education you have that gave you such a poor understanding of monetary policy? Did you graduate from high school? If so, what state. Did you attend some college? If so, where?
This kind of anecdotal evidence is interesting to me, as I often lament how stupid people are and wonder about the causes. You're an interesting piece of data because you're among the dumber people I've run into recently.