What the fuck is with the shit storm of ETH short shills on /biz today? It's like have those doom and gloom assholes must have missed their BTC hedge and are now desperate for an ETH reversal. Well everybody hates an asshole you bullying cock sacks.
ETH Short Shills
Eth is doomed. I actially read and understand white papers and am well versed in computer science fundamentals. Ill debate and destroy any ether shill on this board.
u a lil bitch ass nigga with a shittty casio watch.
No you couldn't
shorted eth all the way from 0.017. Have concluded eth is basically a cult and i will never trade it again. The price rose something like 80% while news were dropping that eth is vulnerable to attacks.
the real value of eth right now is something like 0.003, that doesn't mean the market is gonna reflect that though. Anyone with money in eth should know that at any point it could collapse like a house of cards, it's almost as vulnerable as dao and it's only a matter of time.
>while news were dropping that eth is vulnerable to attacks.
The actual news is that shoddily programmed smart contracts are vulnerable to attacks, which isn't really news to anyone. So it was pretty obvious that the big drop was just irrational panic.
>tfw succesfully bought the dip
>price rises, never going to trade it again
ballin trading strat m8, lemme know how that works out for ya
Nice arguments shills.
Nice of you to inform everyone about the impending death of ETH. I'm sure just because your a nice guy and have no agenda. Karma dude.. It's the reason your mother is going to die of breast cancer.
>I am an expert debate me!!!
>you start tho
When you find yourself hidden in a dark closet sobbing is it because you shorted ETH and nobody is panic selling on your "advice" OR
Is it because BTC is correcting a bit and you have huge ETH envy OR
Is is because that's where your Mommy made you spend time when she caught you touching yourself?
Please provide reasons why ETH is doomed, be as elaborate and technical as possible. I really need to know this as I'm holding bag of 1000 ETH and must decide if to sell it or not.
>shoddily programmed smart contracts
Doesn't that defeat the point though? That's ETHs whole purpose.
Pretty much. Its software, and every piece of software more complex than hello world has bugs. They'll iron it out with time, ETH is fine, they'll make an IDE plugin which will remind retards with popups "BE CAREFUL THIS FUNCTION IS DANGEROUS", or just resolve it automatically. The problem is javascript codes (kek) who decided to "learn" solidity.
why the fuck are you not buying dgb ?
microsoft is buying them
This. If some of the best autistic crypto programmers cant collectively program a safe smart contract, how do they expect normie programmers to do so? Law and contracts are not meant to be immutable. The whole reason judges exist is to interpret the law when there are disagreements between parties. Often the letter of the law is not sufficient to cover every circumstance which is why there needs to be a 3rd party to decide what the spirit of the law is. The DAO hack was a perfect example of someone operating "legally" when literally everyone else would agree that someone taking millions of dollars of investor funds would have been considered theft if it was real currency, security flaw or not. If there is one thing that technlogy has shown us is that there can never be enough safegaurds to prevent these instances from occurring.
no seriously everyone thinks some random devs will win over mega corporations like microsoft ?\
large companies will buy simple smooth chains for example dgb
or they will build their own smart contracts, no one not bill gates or carson will ever endorse ether or any garbage.
lisk is future internet, but dgb is the future of e-sports
you are the future of shilling, dumb and low quality
Yea, the language probably needs a lot of work to make it inherently more safe and simple to use/audit. But it doesn't defeat the point any more than Toyota's uncontrolled acceleration incident defeats the point of having microprocessors in a car.
> Law and contracts are not meant to be immutable. The whole reason judges exist is to interpret the law when there are disagreements between parties. Often the letter of the law is not sufficient to cover every circumstance which is why there needs to be a 3rd party to decide what the spirit of the law is.
The whole point of them is to be immutable and rigidly interpreted. It will take some getting used to, I'm sure, maybe in time we'll see failsafes, voting systems and stuff like that in smart contracts.
Go away shill :^)
from here you all look like a pack of shilling niggers...
doge ftw!