Internet marketer here, got some free time so figured i'd contribute a bit of knowledge to help someone else get started. Feel free to ask me any questions regarding internet marketing.
Internet Marketing Q&A
What are the most common white-hat methods of advertising a new website? Been out of the game for the past 6 years.
Social Marketing. Start a page on facebook, find awesome pictures and use them for featured articles on your we page, use catchy titles for your content and repost to your facebook page. You can increase your fb page popularity via link collider or typical social engagement for posting interesting content that people will share that may or may not be connected to your webpage.
Having a few decent backlinks and making sure your website is submitted to google/bing/yahoo will go a long ways aswell.
really depends on the website and type of content you are trying to promote.
is link-building still relevant? Seems like a fastidious process. Is it possible to rank up this google places thing an how? Is it worth the hassle to rank for minor research engines?
link building is very relevant. However, it is best to do it the old fashioned way and stay engaged with other blogger and webmasters. leaving links in forums is a very good way to generate links relevant to your niche, just don't go willy nilly and spam your domain everywhere as this could count against you.
google places can be ranked just like any other webpage, but if you're lazy just get good backlinks, verify your business with google, use facebook to post content that has a highly likelihood of being shared and gain free marketing via shares/likes. i would highly recommend spending at least $20 on facebook advertising to gain likes .
TY user makes sense. Also is, in your opinion, Amazon affiliate program still a good method of making passive (or low maintenance) income?
yessir, one of the oldest blogs i have that still brings in revenue is a blogger page with 25 500 word articles of reviews for a certain product that is available on amazon. It was making about $250 a month about 5-6 years ago but now its only making about $75/m. still ranks on the first page of google though. the difference in revenue is from a change in ranking from #1 in google for my keywords to 6th place.
how can I link build on Veeky Forums,Reddit,Tumblr,Pinterest, and quora?
my seo website domain is rankraising, is this good or could i do better? also how is my logo?
post interesting and relevant OC (like pics and vids with catchy titles like "this chick took a fat dump, you'll never guess what happens next" related to your niche with a link back to your site. Its all about content these days, your site can look like absolute crap, but as long as there is awesome content, it can look like it was made in 95.
Could you be a little more detailed?
and the logo is fine.
i plan to rank websites higher on google searches and i'll also offer web development that i'll just outsource.
If I were to try and rank for that niche, i would probably join forums and begin posting on a daily basis, just give people kudos and ask some questions, then slowly introduce your website services. BlackHatWorld has a board for advertising seo services and so does warriorforums. wouldnt be a bad idea to join a small business type reddit and promote yourself when possible. Maybe spends $50 fiverr for some commercials or fake user reviews. There is a few social bookmarking sites just for internet marketers to being driving traffic to their page, get likes, shares, etc.. May be worth checking out, especially since that seems to be your niche.
i'm already part of a group that gives each other recommendations and testimonials on linkedin also soon to pass the easy google ads test to claim to potential clients that i am "google certified". I just need to get some business cards printed and finish my website.
>Its all about content these days
What if I don't have any 'normie' interests that can make money?
I like say, mountain biking, but that kind of thing is totally saturated. And I'm not an expert who can go into some deep sub niche. I also like linux, but there's only so many autistic nerds that youtube can handle. etc.
I like making websites and tinkering with this stuff, but I fall flat on my face when it comes to content. Also it's not that I'm a bad writer, somehow none of my school essay writing skills translate into people giving me money.
Is there a forum/website of any kind where 'we' can talk?
I want to talk about facebook ads/adwords and any other paid traffic sources.
I want to talk about the strategies and tactics involving 'the funnel'.
Subjects could be white hat, could be black hat( I am white hat)
-I have a long list of different kind of courses things that cost 5k+.
-email marketing
-paid traffic
-funnel creation
-etc...( a lot if etc...)
- I can share, and i will!
Do you want to work and make some cash together?
I am sick of procrastinating, things will change for me soon, for bad for worse -- they will.
What you are doing now is stupid.
Why build walls when you can build bridges.
Can't create content yourself?
Pay someone?5$ for 300-500 words 50$ and you have 10 High quaity articles.
What is a 'normie' for you?
It's not the strongest that survives it's the most adaptable.
I mean that I'm a cheap bastard and my interests reflect that.
Also I agree about spending money on articles to focus on the site as whole. One thing I see is that people don't really just rank a site anymore, to really make money you need some incentive like an ebook/pdf. Something that requires real expertise (or at least appears to). I guess this is where I struggle with content, sure it can be bought as well, but how to keep costs from getting out of control? Or should I just provide some pirated pdf?
blackhatforums is cool and people are helpful, warriorforums is iffy.
I am on most IM forums.
Was on some secret ones but those got empty quick.(many who were there were looking for a magic button)
I am looking for people who are willing to work test test test share info and scale.(Everybody wins in this)
>One thing I see is that people don't really just rank a site anymore, to really make money you need some incentive like an ebook/pdf.
Start small.
Get some pirated material.
When you start reaching 500$-1000$ profit just buy a few pdf's 100$ worth at most.
> Something that requires real expertise (or at least appears to). I guess this is where I struggle with content, sure it can be bought as well, but how to keep costs from getting out of control?
Research is important.
But how much research do you need to create a website with 15-30 articles(to look legit) a landing page capture some leads and then send some emails and sell products?
It sounds simple because it is simple but it is not EASY. It will take some time.
The more time you invest in it the more you will have to gain.
Landing Page->Capture Lead->Send Email with offer.
This is the basic concept.
I can expand this as much as you want.
-Optimization of the Landing Page
-Optimization of the Offer
-Optimization of the copy in the email
>I mean that I'm a cheap bastard
If you think this way just invest small don't go guns blazing.
With time it will be 'normal' then you will scale things.
>Or should I just provide some pirated pdf?
Do this when you are small.
Like under 1k profit
After just pay the taxes... just to be on the safe side
don't fuck the GOV
their dicks are bigger