Supplements of Veeky Forums

What supplements does Veeky Forums take for prime financial gains?

I take
>Testosterone enanthate

Other urls found in this thread:

I take

>government bonds in B+ rating countrys
>buy low/ sell high strategy
>leveraged microtransactions
>freelancing translations

git gud fag, my gains are off the charts


>high protein consumption
n-not by choice it's about survival
no homo

>Yerba Mate
>Reishi, Cordyceps, and Chaga mushroom extract (Breathe by Host Defense)
>Gelatinized Maca root with Ginger, Cocao, and Rhodiola (Maca Boost)
>Ginko Smart by Irwin Naturals (choline, DMAE, etc..)
>Local bee pollen
>hemp protein powder

Also a high fat diet, 1tbs. coconut oil and 1 whole vacado in my smoothie keep my energy levels sustained. Banana has natural beta blockers which help with anxiety. I also apply vetivere oil topically and inhale it if I get anxiety. If it gets really bad I take kava extract.

Before this I was a tired, depressed, lazy faggot. Now I get shit done. Even my anxiety is better although too much maca and bee pollen at once makes my anxiety worse and gives me back cramps?...

>60mg of adderall a week at strategic points to minimize tolerance
>Modafinil thrice a week
>Caffeine+L Theanine in the mornings
>Xanax binge for hibernation after ensuing all nighters
>micro dose acid+molly for fun every now and then
>HGH and tren so I don't have to work out

Does Modafinil help? Some say it's not worth it but I'm sensitive to stimulants and don't like the anxiety they give me. I hear it gives a mild boost without the edge though?

>Hgh and tren

Lol, no test base?

>leveraged microtransactions

wut dat

People take it and expect it to be like adderall, which is where they get disappointed. For me modafinil can drastically increase focus but at the same time I get tunnel vision/anxiety/headaches. The only benefit I found is that I completely awake yet I'm not "wired" like with amphetamines. You can easily pull an all nighter with very little fatigue and no disgusting crash. I'd try it out considering its not really destructive.