Im about to cry biz

Im about to cry biz
>its just a dip they said
>it will rebounce they said
>hold they said
What the fuck is going on with btc

Other urls found in this thread:

You're going to The Moon
There are times when the moon is directly below you

If you can't take these kind of swings then btc isn't for you. Dump your coins forget it.

Btc will test $1k again before the year's end.

Dude, it's a fucking obvious correction after a sharp rise of 80%+.

Chill the fuck out, it's to be expected.

The exact same thing happened to ETH on the lead up to Homestead release.

I expect BTC will hit 900+ before Halving.

Im just really pissed off. I dont like how everyone is saying that its fine and it will be back up to $1k in no time. I used to believe that now is the time for btc to really shine but its not going very well especially after all the bullshit that recently happened. I hope that im wrong but i just dont believe that btc will go above 700$ anytime soon.

See my post;
With the world on the verge of an economic collapse, BTC can only go up.

I want this shitcoin to crash to $200 range so I can get in.

Will never be that cheap again, unless something goes horribly wrong, such as miners quitting after the halving.

The most important thing is that you have coins. Price doesn't matter.

>I expect BTC will hit 900+ before Halving
Based on.... what? I am a bitcoiner but I hate stupid ass predictions that never happen. It makes us look like idiots.

Based on the fact that the new supply of BTC is about to halve, which gives BTC more valuable.

The exact some correction of value happened shortly before ETH's Homestead release. This BTC crash looks almost identical. I posted a pic above.

Before this drop in value even started, I predicted BTC would drop to $550, and then raise back to $900... all before the halving.

I really hope you are right. I have invested quit a bit in btc back in march when it was about 400$ expecting the market anticipation before the halving. The last few weeks have been a rollecoaster of emotions. But after what happened with the DAO, the australian btc sellout, bitfinex and the whole -20% for the past week is making me lose my shit.

stop worrying about BTC price and just worry about accumulating more BTC

long term we are going to the moon

You're still up about 45% on your initial investment. That's amazing for a few months!!!

Chill out, you'll be fine!

I will try to relax a little bit and maybe get some actual sleep (been working a lot lately) since i havent slept more than 4,5 hours the past week. Btw what site are you using for following with the prices. I use bitcoinwisdom but i doesnt include a lot of the big crypto coins like eth.

double down, faggot.

So... based on nothing? Stop making predictions. Bitcoiners are wrong 10x more than they are right. I hate having to explain to my nocoiner friends why we are all idiots.

So you're saying that my prediction is wrong because other people who invest in BTC made bad predictions?

Do you understand how stupid that logic is?

Also, if
>Bitcoiners are wrong 10x more than they are right.
is true, then doing the exact opposite of what 'Bitcoins' say is just about the best investing advice available to mankind besides having illegal insider information.



No. It just means you need to stop makng predictions because you literally have no clue what price bitcoin will even be tomorrow. Nocoiners see these failed predictions and think we are all just full of shit all the time.

>bitcoin will be $10k in 2016!
>bitcoin will be $3000 before the halving!
>bitcoin will be $900 this week

The odds are that every single one of these predictions will be wrong. They are extremely wishful thinking and I have seen a thousand predictions like this over the last couple years. I would bet $10k that your prediction is wrong too if I could make sure you dont squelch on your bet when you lose.

In reality, bitcoin is probably going to be worth more in the next couple years, but it might not be. It is entirely plausible that it continues to go down tomorrow, a week from now, or a year from now. I am willing to take that risk which is why I have some but stop lying to nocoiners to try to get them to buy. When they realize you were full of shit they will sell and never touch bitcoin again. You are harming us way more than helping us.

This is what I am talking about. You guys need to stop trying to bullshit nocoiners.

But that dip. Don't miss the halve ing. Increase the block size limit. Never sell all of your Bitcoin

You really should set a stop loss on things like this. Huge losses accumulate basically all at once but gains do it more slowly so there's usually time to buy back in.

Why exactly did you not sell your Bitcoins for the large amount of time they were steadily at $750 ?

The fuck were you waiting for? A magic rise again in the coins? Jesus christ

>No. It just means you need to stop makng predictions because you literally have no clue what price bitcoin will even be tomorrow.

That's why it's called a prediction... because I cannot be 100% certain.

OP came here asking what's going on, and I gave my opinion based on my years of trading.

I'm currently up 320% this year, on my investment of $160,000. Obviously I'm doing something right.

>I would bet $10k that your prediction is wrong too if I could make sure you dont squelch on your bet when you lose.

Happy to set up a smart contract with Ethereum if you're actually game.

I love watching this feom the sidelines. Not even as a smarmy "nocoiner" - its just juicy both ways

Nocoiners miss the boat - tears

Bagholders buy at peaks - tears

Juicy drama

>has half a million because of cryptos
>made the money this year and wasnt one of the lucky ones who bought pre mtgox
Fake and gay. Kys faggot.

Thats bullshit. Go look at btc spikes and compare it to world economic turmoil. No correlation

Oh look Bitcoins doing that thing again where it shoots up, steals everyones money, then comes screaming back down again.

But why the fuck don't you sell at 770$? fuck...

What's going on is that you are all the bitch of players who are manipulating this shit for their own ends, and you.. are never going to be in on what they are doing.

The market is completely artificial, and there is no prediction you can make with any certainty whatsoever. Honestly you look like complete fools, screeching about your riches on every little rise. We all wish you would just stuff it for a while.

When will people realize bitcoin is inherently worthless because it isn't backed up by a legal entity or a government?

The only place people would use it is to dodge big brother and even then if you can't settle your debt with someone no one can step in and help like they do with legal currency

>I'm currently up 320% this year, on my investment of $160,000
What a load of horseshit. Is anything you post genuine or are you always in the habit of talking out of your ass?

>Happy to set up a smart contract with Ethereum if you're actually game.
Do you really think that I am going to risk $10k on smart contract code after that colossal fuckup with the DAO? You must be out of your mind. I am into risky shit which is why I have bitcoin but I'm not a total madman.

How about this. Gentleman's wager. I have already screenshotted your post. If you are wrong and bitcoin does not reach at least $900 by the end of the halving and not a minute less, I will come here to spam that screenshot and mock you repeatedly. If for some reason it does reach $900, feel free to do the same.

There hasn't been an economic collapse since BTC started...

wow is there anything bitcoin can't do?


Send the 10k here when you lose.

really makes you think

This is exactly what I am talking about: the complete and utter bullshit that dribbles out of these people's mouths, usually without even any attempt at substantiating their bald faced bunk.

>b-but bitcoin is only traded in the US and Europe!
I kekked. Go read some world news sometime.


The last economic collapse was 2008... they happen every ~7-8 years on average.

BTC has not lived through a collapse.

Wait till the banks start taking peoples money for bail-ins in the upcoming crash, and tell me that people aren't going to be looking for a place to store their wealthy where rich cunts can't legally steal it.

Hahahahaha. Best. Post. Ever.

So you're saying your prediction is right like a million of other bagholders have claimed and you think your prediction will be right this time?

Do you understand how stupid that logic is?

Also, this current collapse has already started, which is why BTC has shot up recently.

All the wealthy Chinese are desperately trying to get their currency out of China.

I'm saying my prediction is my prediction, and it should not be squandered based on what other people have said.

However, no one should just blindly listen to my predictions, they should go do their own research and make their own decisions.

Umm... hate to break it to you bro but there have been economic collapses all over the place in multiple countries. Again, read some world news. Get out of that little bubble you're in.

Yeah, those little countries that are falling apart sure harbor a lot of wealthy people with money to invest!

>Based on the fact that the new supply of BTC is about to halve, which gives BTC more valuable.
user are you legitimately retarded?
>Bitcoins sent last 24h:
The way mining works is that only 3,600 coins are produced each day.
Only a fraction of a percent of coins being sent around are new coins recently mined.

Thanks for Bitcoin 101.

Inflation is caused by the production of new currency, which makes existing currency less valuable.

Even if it wont have a tangible difference, it is a big deal when it comes to perception. This spike in BTC is proof of it.

>I'm currently up 320% this year, on my investment of $160,000.

Ok such statements are assumed to be lies, unless proof is provided. But lets just say you do have proof of that, then 99.9% of the people here aren't in a situation where they can gamble 160,000 on a hunch, or prediction or whatever you want to call it. So even though you're the loudest motherfucker in this thread, you're in a situation that's pretty much unique.

>Brazilian politics get salty with each other
>Angolan oil rigs get attacked by pirates
>Venezuelans have to clean their asses with plants

>Economic collapses

Nobody cares about this shit

>go do their own research
What research can they do? Tomorrow if a big whale decides to sell for whateverthefuck reason (wants to buy a summer home in belize?), it can spark a massive panic and selloff. If a major exchange has techical issues and decides to halt trading it can do the same. Hell, even nothing can happen and bitcoin will just stagnate. There is literally no way to determine what the price of BTC will be tomorrow. We are not saying you are retarded for your prediction, we are saying you are retarded for even making a prediction in the first place. It doesn't mean jack shit. Its just empty sentiment.

>little countries
Really. Go catch up on news. You're out of the loop.

Are you suggesting that someone else trading with only $1000 would not have been able to get 320% by making the same trades as me?

It's actually easier to make profit with smaller investments.

So you literally think investing is blind luck? You cannot make an educated investment? You may as well just write stocks on a dart board and start throwing?

Oh yeah? Fill me in on which countries with high GDP are collapsing.

Also, 320% would put your initial buy in at about $180. You want to explain the math there?


I invested 160k in January, and it's now worth a little over 650k.

I'm slowly buying back my BTC at ~550. If it raises to $900 as i expect, i should be over 1m in value.

I love it when people come onto Veeky Forums of all places and start boasting about how rich and successful they totally are for realsies.

I don't know. The price in Jan. wa appx $400 per BTC, and now it's $580. According to my handy dandy TI83+, that is an increase of 145%. Tell, what am I missing here?

Not only that, but $160k to $650k would be over 400%, not 320. Why don't you quit making shit and start telling the truth?

650k is a 306% increase from 160k. Learn math.

I made most of it from ETH.

Long'd all the way up to Homestead release.

Then shorted on the way down.

Then held BTC during its rise.

Then recently shorted ETH after The DAO 'hack'.

user do you have an android phone? I have a widget app that displays what coins I want and from whatever exchange I want. Pic related

>So you literally think investing is blind luck?
When did I say this? I think bitcoin specifically is not a real investment as it can not be predicted. Not much is known about it. There is certain information that you, as a pleb, are not privvy too. Hell, there is certain information that no one is privvy too. How much of bitcoin is actually used and how much of the trade volume is due to speculation and daytraders? How big is the actual userbase since number of new wallets is an unreliable indicator? How much market manipulation and insider trading goes on? How many people are using bitcoin as a pseudo currency and how many people consider it a commodity? Since the price of bitcoin is driven by public confidence and overall sentiment, what is to say that the sentiment will be favorable to its userbase tomorrow? What is the tipping point where people consider it a good time to sell? How much damage did MtGox do in the longrun? What happens when banks are running their own blockhain? Are there other willybots operating as we speak? What happens when mining becomes unprofitable anymore? What if bitcoin is overtaken by an altcoin with more features?

I can think of a hundred other variables that you do not have an answer to. So please excuse me when I think your prediction is pseudo-science and holds no more weight than tossing bones or peering into crystal balls.

if you define it that way, then sure. The rest of my points stand.

You guys are both fucking idiots
OP you deserve this shit by basing your judgements and decisions on "what you guys say" listening to fuckers that shill

Exactly. Why wouldn't there be insider trading and market manipulation. There's nothing regulating it, nothing to stop groups of people from getting together and colluding to make a bunch of money off of you, the little guy who is not in the loop.

so buy on this dip, right?


BTC is flashing a MAJOR sell signal you idiots.

Look how are outside the bollinger bands we are on the weekly scale. The stochastic is rolling over as well. Expect to go down to at least $600.

All it takes is an announcement that the Chinese central bank will devalue the yuan and bitcoin will be back at a new yearly high.

Be honest, did you ever really believe BTC had a future in the first place?

How do you even short cryptocurrency?

like every other currencypair...

>price climbing back to 620 as we speak

Nocoiners on yet another suicide watch.

best advice here

i dont want it to moon until i have much much more

Serves you right for listening to Veeky Forums

Seriously though, don't anyone buy BTC unless you can hold through a wild crash. (Or sell as it starts). Bitcoin is volatile.

If people come to Veeky Forums for financial advice, and take it, by itself, without any other due diligence, they deserve all the pain they get.

>things are legitimate unless backed by a government


That's exactly what makes BTC so powerful, is that nobody can control it or take it away from you.

>Do you really think that I am going to risk $10k on smart contract code after that colossal fuckup with the DAO?

For real though, anyone still pouring money into ETH deserves to be poor.

>other countries matter

Yeah an Argentina is white :^)