Tips to save money

Tips to save money
>wear blue jeans. You can own 1 pair of pants and no one will ever question why you wear the same pair of pants every day. This saves money on pants.

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I've already done this for many years

I don't even wash them because it ruins them desu

I wear one pair of jeans all year round. I wash them once a month.

Ya'll are fucking disgusting.

Also reuse dental floss

I have three pairs of jeans. I wear them twice before washing.

Why? I'm not a fucking slob who dirties my clothing with droppings when I eat and go about my business.

Poorfag detected

Heres a little nugget I read in a book:
If you buy stocks when the price is low, and then sell those stocks when the price becomes higher, you will have more money than you started with! Lots of people own stocks just so they can do this

what book


What's disgusting about it? I shower every day and my legs never get sweaty. I could probably get away with washing them once every 6 months, and they'd still never smell or be dirty.

Ah... I'd say you probably wash your jeans more than 99.99% of people. I've never met anyone in my life who washes their jeans this much.

Denim is ruined if you wash it more than every few months.

TIL I blow money on wearing out my jeans.

Instead of spending money getting checked up at the doctor, leave your health in god's hands! Never go to a doctor even if something is wrong. Suffering is free! Tell yourself that if death comes searching for you, god did not want you to live.

>Never buy toilet paper. After I take a shit, go into the shower and let the water clean the leftover poop.

I do this

It's much cleaner and healthier for your ass

This isnt a fucking game, kid, this is my life. Live on the Alaskan tundra for a year and we'll see how your habits change when you come out the other side. You wake up and spit your morning loogie down the sink. I swallow it for sustenance. You're the kind who throws away bad milk. I make sour cream. You tie your shoes before you leave the house. I use one long lace between them both to save $ on shoelaces, faggot. I shit in a diaper for a year cause I couldnt afford to flush. Ever heard of a lambskin condom? I fuck lambs with a condom.. cause women are just too pricey. I have a mustache, cause it gets me free hotdogs. You're up a paddle without a creek, richboy. Ill only tell you once: I keep my promises kid, cause I cant afford to lie.

You guys know that bidets are a thing right?

Unless you literally shit and piss your pants there is no reason to wash your jeans more than a few times a year, or even ever.

Just change your underwear everyday and don't crawl around in dirt and your jeans are fine

I got a better tip for you poorfags.

Don't go out and you don't have to wear anything. If you have to wear boxers, only wash them once a week.

I haven't worn an underwear or socks in 3 months ever since it started to get hot. Nobody at work knows I'm full commando. I always wear the same pants too. Feels free man

>spending money on a bidet

shit is fuckin cash

>Steal Wifi
>drink only water
>Goodwill shopping
>Salvation army shopping
>steal little shit here and there

They're like $20 on Amazon.

>tfw washed my dark blue levis once and they've never looked the same

wtf that shitty comeback

I like you.

>I have a mustache because it gets me free hot dogs

How does that work?


OK, look, if you wash them once a month at least, or after wearing them 3/4 times or whatever, you get a pass, I got no beef with you.
The rest of you should be exterminated.

>I never get dirty though
>I don't work manual labour, etc
>my jeans don't get dirty

You are lying, retarded or misinformed.

Everybody sweats everywhere.
Your entire body is covered with sweat glands.
Millions of them, everywhere except your lips.
The average person sweats several litres / quarts a day.
I didn't get into specific numbers because it is so variable and different sources give different stats.

Suffice to say, it's a lot more than you think, and that's if you are an average sweater in a temperate climate who is not particularly active or stressed.

So, yes, your legs, crotch, butt, etc all get sweaty whether you realize it or not, and germs and dirt is unavoidable.
Everywhere you sit, in a bar, cafe, toilet, your jeans contact germs and dirt.
Every time your hands or arms touch your pockets, handle cash, a doorknob, food, scratch your nose, touch your hair, anything, you transfer some to your jeans.

Likewise your sweaty palms.

Also, urine, faeces, cum, etc can pass through underwear, unless you have kevlar boxers and remove all clothing before pissing or shitting.

You pull your pants down - did a drop of urine or piece of feaces just drop down your jeans?
Can you be sure?

It may be microscopic, but over time it accumulates.

They also touch your shoes, which fester with bacteria, and bacteria can move on it's own, it doesn’t just sit where it last transferred.

Once a week, I disinfect everything I handle often - my phone, laptop, wallet, shoes, etc

Tl;dr - you people are disgusting, and I just got 20% more antisocial

And there is nothing wrong with a little bit of urine or feces.

>Ever heard of a lambskin condom? I fuck lambs with a condom.. cause women are just too pricey


>Once a week, I disinfect everything I handle often - my phone, laptop, wallet, shoes, etc


You came off as reasonable until

>Once a week, I disinfect everything I handle often - my phone, laptop, wallet, shoes, etc

that's just fucking weird

fuck you thats bullshit sounds like a ponzi scheme

If you have friends you see more than once a week. They notice they just don't say anything. and they secretly laugh you OP. They Laugh AT You!

Disgusting people who don't care about the filth that they WILL bring upon everything they touch.

"filth" is a made up concept in ur head bro

Better autistic or weird than germ-infested, with months worth of grime, bacteria and dried sweat, shit, piss, all over my personal belongings.

Do you EVER clean them?
If you're going to clean them, why not use Lysol, Dettol, or what have you?

Or do you consider how your toilet seat is cleaner than the stuff you handle all day, then touch your face, lips, mouth, food, etc with the same hands.

I remember some successful guy was quoted asking another guy if he washes his hands when he goes to the bathroom.
So the guy replies 'sure'
The successful guy then asks -
'before or after you piss?'
The guy replies 'well, after'
Success guy replies
'that's conventional thinking, but I wash my hands before I urinate, I don't follow convention'

His point was if you showered this morning, or at least washed your dick, then it's pretty damn clean, and you are going to put your grubby hands (which handle everything you touch) on your clean cock, then wash your hands.

Think it over.

King of /frugal/

didnt read whole thing but kill yourself for sure

Dubs confirm that you are a faggot

Denim is antibacterial. Wearing them for 3 days or 3 months is basically the same thing, hygiene wise.

Sweaty-fag detected.

It's actually a manufacturer recommended practice.

Bacteria winds up on everything whether you like it or not, and mostly the stuff on your clothes will just be the same stuff as what inhabits your skin, which is covered with bacteria all the time anyway. It's all mostly benign so unless you get covered in raw meat juices or something then there's not much point washing jeans.

In fact there's also the argument that letting benign bacteria colonize your belongings is preferable to having them be sterile since the benign bacteria will compete for resources with dangerous ones and prevent them from becoming a permanent fixture on your stuff.

Does it make you sick? No. So stop being such an OCD aspie about it.
People who are so uptight about this shit probably have weaker immune systems than some third-world shitters in the street.

>The average person sweats several litres / quarts a day.
You had me until this

Every time you use a public bathroom, fill your pockets with toilet paper so you never have to buy any. If you're a woman, bring empty water bottles in your purse and fill them up to save flushes at home.


>using toilet paper

How would I/you know if it made me/you sick?
If you got sick, or a rash or something,
You would probably just think some bug is going around, you wouldn't attribute it to your grubby hands.

Also, my last sick day was over 10 years ago.
I'm not uptight, I just take precautions and don't like being smelly.

Are you disputing that fact? Google it and get back to me.

You're goddamn right, Smithers, they're covered in germs!

By the way, I have known actual germophobes, some OCD, some not.
You have no idea, this is nothing - they would consider me filthy by their standards.
'you only disinfect stuff once a WEEK? *retch* don't touch me!'

I'm not even close to that level.
I'm just aware.
It adds zero time or inconvenience to my routine.

>Cotton is antibacterial

>citation needed
Show me a photo of a garment care label that says 'do not wash' or 'do not wash too often'
If you can't, leave and never darken this forum again.

>implying you know which bacterial strains inhabit your stuff.
>implying the bacteria which inhabit your feet are the same as those on your phone or wallet or hands.
You're creating a soup of bacteria there.

Also, I would agree doing it daily would be counterproductive. I'm saying once a week.
Leave your worn underpants or socks on the floor for a day.
No problems.
A week?
Leave them for a month and you have a biohazard there.

Kek. Pic related. Not that guy but yeah agree that not washing your clothes is gross. Its not even really the bacteria its just the smell. I have not washed my jeans for a few wears before and they get a little stench. I cant even imagine not washing jeans for a month. You have to understand the demographic here though. Veeky Forums is made up of mostly shut in autist neckbeards. You cant really expect them to have great hygiene.

Regardless, you would be surprised how many people dont wash their jeans. I think even the CEO of Levi condones it. Sick times we are living in bro.


The amount of germs on the jeans after a few months is basically the same as after a few days.

I've worn the same pair of jeans for 5+ years, I bought them before jeans started to cost 150+. They don't smell and only need washed when they're visibly covered in dirt.

Hell yea user

Scrape sweat from body, allow it to evaporate and reuse the salt for cooking.

Cotton is not antibacterial. It also doesn't rot off your legs, which is what your holding up as a triumph of hygiene.

Sweat doesn't require bacteria to smell bad.


>Leave them for a month and you have a biohazard there.
I guess it's lucky I don't eat off the backcrotch of my pants?

Just realised your trip code says 'weak'. Sounds about right.

If you wear them a few times, fold them and put them in a large ziplock bag or air tight bag then put them in the freezer over night.

It will kill any bacteria on them making them smell fresh again without having to wash them and having them fade.

Have a mini freezer in my room i do this with daily. Havent done any wash uless i spill food or something on them

plus it feels absolutely amazing in the summer time putting on frosty clothing unless its dress shirts then u have to iron them ; /

mix your piss with some pond water for a cheap and tasty salad dressing.

bear grylls spotted.

>keep a sauce sachet in your wallet to avoid paying for sauce when you go out
>buy 2-ply toilet paper but use only one ply at a time - you'll get 2 for the price of 1

I only buy h&m and forever 21 mens.
it sounds dumb but the deals they have are incredible, check it out
its cheap and looks decent. thin too, so in summer its real nice

ebay seller here, can confirm this is 100% true

>buying diapers & shoes

Decadent swine!

Freezing does not necessarily kill germs.
It just prevents them from accumulating or breeding.
Many germs simply go into suspended animation when frozen.
Having said that, I suppose nuking them in a microwave would work.
Source : Uncle Buck

im going to just stick with freezing its been working well.

nigger h&m clothes will literally dissolve in your closet over time

Freezing doesn't kill bacteria you mong.

selvedge master race?

i got some h&m jeans i wear to lab everyday. had them about 3 years and they held up fine. major fading but they still look decent and i'm not gonna ruin nice clothes in da lab. also, fuck lab coats

>this idiot fell for the "clean = good" meme.

Every other nation on the planet in the Eastern regions are bewildered at how much us idiots in the West wash ourselves.
And using anti-bacterials and bleach on everything? Fucking crazy.

You only need to clean because you cleaned.
Humans have a natural smell, which is not strong or disgusting like BO is.
BO comes about because you wash all the bacteria off your body and the bad odour-causing bacteria are the quickest to re-colonize your skin.

Bacteria is not bad.
Your whole body has more bacterial cells than human cells.
You are a walking bacteria castle.

If you were to be brought up in a sterile, no bacteria environment from birth, you wouldn't make it past the age of 5.

learn to cook your own food, it's cheaper than eating out

bake homemade breads

avoid travelling by car, grab a bike instead

Try to grow your own vegetables if you can

also gonna drop few infographs


how to make homemade noodles

how to grow potatoes

some Veeky Forums recipe


some lockpick tips if you're that desperate

some emergency tips

that's all i have now

This is such a horribly common mistake when people plan for disasters or emergencies of a lesser nature: not rotating your stores.

Unless you are buying food that has been dried to within an inch of vacuums dryness, that foods going to go off even in controlled temps.

Equally, learning how to compost properly is a good skill.
That way you can recycle your shit and some un-eaten food scraps.

Going full recycle-mad and doing aquaponics is even better, but has more overhead to get in to and requires powered or manual operation.


Tips to save money
>wear blue balls. You can fuck only with blue beaten balls and no one will ever question why you always have bruised blue balls every day. This saves money on children.

You must live in a white neighborhood.

You've clearly never had to be around somalians and hmongs. They smell like absolute fucking garbage, it's disgusting. Hell, I just met this girl that was visiting from sweden who doesn't use deodorant and her stench made me want to throw up.

You can also make spare cash selling the Saracens you capture during the crusade.

>And using anti-bacterials and bleach on everything? Fucking crazy.
Exactly. A lot of diseases nowadays happen because your body is in a super clean environment all the time - your immune system doesnt know how to handle a normal dose of bacteria anylonger.

I'm pretty sure that's illegal, user. I hope you aren't doing that, because if you are the FBI is definitely going to send you to prison at Gwontonimo Bay.

Confirmed for having no auto-immune system
You won't even survive the winter, kid

> auto-immune

I used to wash my jeans after every use and they were all 100$+ brand names.
Then I started living on my own and realized frugality is more important than vanity.
i about 4 pairs of nice jeans & a couple pairs of suit pants. I only wash after about 5 uses or until it's dirty noticeably or smells.
> Running washing machine is expensive
> Running dryer is expensive
> Laundry detergent isn't cheap
> Jeans arent cheap (the more you wash the more it wears out)
> time isn't cheap (I save about a half hour a week)

I don't believe you faggot

This is one of those get rich quick schemes