>tfw 18 years old
>tfw already en route to getting a business started
>tfw born at the right time to have access to so much information for so little
>tfw so much opportunity
Sure does feel good, not trying to sound like a cocky cunt but can we all agree that the early to late 90's and now is the best age for aspiring Veeky Forumsnesss men to be born. Also general business thread i guess.
--Business thread general--
>en route
Enjoy bankruptcy. Good advice, get into the business doing the thing you're trying to do first to figure out how things are run before you try to do compete against others.
Thats an interesting article, and it does pin point the problems with the "entrepreneurs" it writes about, but i'd argue that the success or failure of your business is very much down to YOU, and how hard you work, and a hint of luck of course, I was just saying that theres so much more resources for people now that for people before the internet and such.
Sorry OP I doubt you have any knowledge that you could sell beyond mowing lawns.
>muh tech startup
>muh organic muffin store
>muh pallet furniture etsy store
>muh aliexpress dropshitting
I agree, but i've done my homework as they say, i'm alright. I was making the thread to spark discussion. But as for me, i've got my game plan, or should I say business model all set in place... Kinda
Really, thats an interesting thing to say even though you know nothing about me or what i know... Or dont know. Explain more.
Non of the things in your list bro, don't underestimate any of them though, thats not a Veeky Forumsness man thing to ;)
Dip your feet in someone elses biz first, it's also a good way to make a lot of contacts which is key to anything you're trying to do, even if it is mowing lawns. Don't make the early mistakes, build a business on somebody elses dime.
Oh I see your point now, i've spent a month at a tech startup if that counts. I don't really know how i would go about "dipping my feet in someone else's business", could you advise me?
Well typically 18 yr olds are known for there ego and not planning very well. You haven't shown us anything to change that thought. If you have evidence to the contrary, please feel free to tell us. Otherwise, I'll just keep trolling.
Welp i have no idea what you're doing. But in general do something similar in structure, and find out the ins and outs of operations, what kind of contacts in general or specific contacts for whatever resources/buyers, costs/vendors for supplies or whatever. You can always learn something from even shit businesses/startups.
Month in a tech startup is alright but you kind of need to probe around more than you probably did. Tech startups without VC are likely to fail in a few months.
>i'll just keep trolling
Nice bro, real great way to spend your time. But the thing about "18 year olds", at least all my friends and the majority in my school anyway, is that they all could care less about starting their own bsuiness, are much more fixed on the mindset of "I want MONEY! AND I WANT IT NOW!", they are not willing to really work for it, but they are willing to work like a dog at a part time job at a mall or some shit, and all power to em but it seems, and I have proven to myself, that starting in business early is much better than later. Oh and no, I cant show anything for my business because its not even started yet, BUT i'll make another thread when it is... Probs by the end of summer. So feel free to keep trolling.
Thanks man, well actually the start up is my cousins (probs should have said that) and he already has a net worth of about 6 million. That HIS net worth, not the company's. But thanks for the advise! God speed user.
Lol your cute when your angry.
I bet you can sell your twink bunghole for $20 a pop.
nobody cares about your opinion on entrepreneurship. you're an 18 year old that has no experience.
Good luck boyo. Took me a couple of failed attempts to get a biz off the ground, that's what worked for me.
Well duh, would you take business advice of Bill Gates or me? No fucking shit moron. But you do realize that what most people take on business is literally just them repeating what they have learnet from listening from a successful business guy or gal's speech/article/documentary or whatever. But its fine, i'm sure you have some fantastic advise to give because ya know, your so much more successful and better than everyone else
What do you do now? If you don't want to say thats cool but good luck for the future bro!
Business IT, got a few competent hires so i don't have to do much outside of contracts usually. Like maybe 8hours a work /week so im working on a robotics project with a bud on the side, trying to push a prototype out the door in a few months. That's why i can afford to shitpost constantly.
Oh sick, robotics looks really interesting, i've heard that there's a robotics club at the college i've got a place at, ima join just because i wonna make a real life iron man suit and just fucking fly everywhere
I'm one of those "I need money and I need it now" type people. It doesn't need to be legal. I need lots of money. I don't care about risk, only reward. Anyone got any ideas?
Is quite the contrary you dumb millennial.
We live in difficult times. The average person works harder than ever and makes less money than his or her parents. The markets are increasingly unpredictable and volatile. Making, keeping, and growing money feels like a harsh and precarious science. The average investor has grown wary and cynical, accustomed to blurry messages and exaggeration, baffled by banks, angry at CEOs, exhausted by the economic highs and lows of the last few years. Wall Street’s reputation is badly bruised, many of its leaders led away in handcuffs or fallen so far from grace they’ve become untouchables. Esteemed investment houses have been brought to their knees by scandal and bad practices. Many banks and blue-chip corporations, the axes around which capitalism once revolved, have survived only because of massive government bailouts. Investors are increasingly reluctant to hand over hard-earned money to fast talkers making big promises.
*cough* bitcoin *cough* kneepads
But really, just try and get a part time job at one of the higher paying places. I don't know where, but some shops pay more than others. Good luck.
What the actual fuck. Is that some copypasta?
Same as always- everyone says the economy sucks. If you can't make money with it, then you too, suck, and I highly recommend some kneepads to maximise comfort while making cashflow.
List things to back up the shit clusterfuck you just said.
Jesus that was well written, but meh, I still think otherwise
From 1992 to 2001, one in ten deals got liquid and made money to their shareholders.
Since 2002 to today is 1 in 25
>econ major
I fucking call it
And if we compare the numbers, how many startups with no proper management out there?
How many idiots on forex and in general think they can make money on the stock market?
Source? You basically said that 4% of companies took growth off each and every single other company, and also imagine the inflation in that time.
What about the australian housing market? Property worth 500k being sold for 1.4-1.7 because of last year's foreign investment? Thanks for the free money.
Keep telling yourself the market sucks and you don't, like every other idiot who doesn't have a trace of intelligence or awareness at their own flaws.
Seriously, I'm enjoying this. I'm going to invalidate each and every argument you throw at me.
>exaggeration, baffled by banks, angry at CEOs, exhausted by the economic highs and lows
love it when they read something and think they know something. reverse his text in google.
Keks were had
wow you're a cunt. he is probably an autistic pajeet who just found out how to read...
>i think his statistics are made up too
>maybe he is dyslexic?
damn i feel sorry for him
maybe he is 9?
I am just laughing at how serious you reacted to something that took me 3 seconds to paste.
You made so many assumptions. Did I hit a nerve?
Aw shit
Sir, my apologies
Holy shit I thought this was where I go for my MBA?
Aren't we meant to assume each pajeet and old man can put their retirement fund in volatile markets and make money?
ye m8 u hit the nerve rite there. but its ok. are you american? if so i am afraid i have to send some cancer your way.
Shut up, you're derailing the thread you fag