When did you realize money was the most important thing in the world?
When did you realize money was the most important thing in the world?
I was born like that
It's not
but it can get you the most important thing in the world
If you weren't born knowing this, get off Veeky Forums
Pussy? Is it pussy? Or kids? Because, I can fucking guarantee that any 10/10 babe who acts like she loves you is in it for the money. Girls don't love the same way men love.
Early teens.
this. without money you can't have the most important things.
It's not, but I can't stop myself from trying to acquire it.
I suppose, if you factor in the fact that the things I truly want are (and perhaps always have been) completely out of my reach, it is the most important thing left.
P.S. I bet you will never be happy either.
25 years old.
I was born as rich as Ritchie Rich was. Then I lost all my money at 25. I've never thought about them before.
Today when i was walking around the nice parts of San Francisco.
When you are born filthy rich you wont realize it :^)
how ? whats happened?
Try eating money. Try sleeping under a house made of money. Try curing your illness with money.
There's a reason, politicians dont get paid anything, because they get it all for free.
When I was listening to The Millionaire Fastlane audiobook in my car.
Then I realized what a lazy bum I was and started a business.
It's not. It's the second most important thing in the universe.
Intelligence and imagination is the first most important thing in the universe.
If we had those 2 things then we would easily earn money.
You can sell anything. You can start a business out of anywhere. You can land a job at NASA.
But none of them are available unless you have those 2 things.
Money will never buy you intelligence. Intelligence will buy you money.
When I woke up to social stratification and realized it is my duty as a future parent and as a citizen who wants to have influence to be as affluent as possible. Wealth is essential to have opportunity and to self actualize to be free of petty work concerns. I hope to be one of the greatest in my lineage. I want to build a dynasty.
turn gay then. problem solved
>politicians dont get paid anything,
fucking top kek
what fucking planet are you living on m8?
Try eating with no money. Try sleeping on the steet because you can't afford rent. Try living a healthy life and not getting sick while only affording cheap processed food, and living out in the cold.
money gets you power, which is the most important thing
realized it when i was the only conservative in a libtard political "discussion" and they wouldn't even let me speak.
Wtf is that?
Do a little research bud. You said "top kek" and "m8" in the same sentence. Im gonna go ahead and assume you're a chronic masturbater.
If i had my own personal army i wouldn't need money. I'd be in control of the resources.
but gay people have aids so you wont live as long.
+ hell after death is not coom
But he is right.
Politicians get multiple salary and services for free.
Free car, free flat, free food
Might not always be free but is paid for them
you're a cuck
When I was 13. Since then it has been my sole purpose in life to own an island.
I think you sent that to the wrong person
Most senators could make more in the private sector. The salary is 200k I believe.
$174,000 actually
They don't get paid much. But it doesnt matter when you're provided with transportation, food, shelter, medical treatment, clothes, and pretty much any thing you want that rarely comes out of your own pocket.
> those who control resouces control money
> those who control money control people
After college ended
And how will you mantain that army? :^)
Unless you live in a banana republic
Ask someone who owns an army. I got a group of 8th graders who will fuck you up for an 8th of pot. That's about it. I'm just letting you know how shit works.
18 years old :)
Ah, so you are an autist
It isn't, but it facilitates access to that which matters and allows you to enjoy it.
Idek what the definition of that word is anymore senpai.
when I found out that people avoid me when I ask for the money I lend them few weeks ago and that they stopped talking to me when I don't lend them money.
I am by no means rich but I use money to gain friendship cause it was the easy way and now it has come to bite me in the ass as I'm poor now
Money isn't the most important thing, but focusing on its acquisition prevents me from despairing over the possibility of nothing being important
Also this desu.
Life is pretty much meaningless. There's literally nothing better to do than acquire wealth. I learned this after I completed suicide.
When I realized i wanted my freedom to be powerful (17) I want to make my dreams come true.
I thought magic /x/ was what i was looking for during highschool... wewlad
The relationship you have with friends/family/ loved ones is the most important thing in life.
Money is a close second.
Smoke weed, smash pussy, collect whats yours.
You had to start smoking at 5 tho. Real OGs start early.
Probably in the last year or two, maybe 3 years ago? Veeky Forums has been a major part of that, the other part being my finding of Mr. Money Mustache.
Money buys you freedom. Freedom gives you happiness, security, peace of mind, comfort, fun, the list goes on and on.
>It's not
Then what is?
>Girls don't love the same way men love.
How long have you been running it? What area? How much do you make?
Are you satisfied?
This is true but you can't do anything to change the intelligence you're born with. I think this thread is about money being the most important *external* thing in the world.
>I hope to be one of the greatest in my lineage. I want to build a dynasty.
Idiots don't know what you're referring to, so I'll spell it out: POWER
It can come in many forms, but money is the most effective way to gain it.
Your logic is broken and you'll eventually find out.
What's your logic?
when love was no longer an option and i hate getting up early.
Let me know what I'm doing wrong, I'm genuinely curious.
I am an engineer making 164k after taxes. Holy shit, I guess they aim for things more than money I guess.
Not him but freedom doesn't give you shit. It's how you use it.
>How long have you been running it? What area? How much do you make?
Same guy from my phone.
I'm selling skin care products to tanning salons. My core business was supposed to be a webshop but most sales and return customers are the tanning salons I visited in person.
I'm just starting this year so I still only earn like 2k a month from it. But it's increasing every month.
The great thing is I have products not available elsewhere in my country.
Eventually I plan to fund another business with it that I have been planning with a friend.
cope, girls love you if you look like David Gandy.
You can't buy elite genes..
When I found a job.
I realized that I can't buy things nor attract hot girls without having money, nice clothes and a decent/lean body (thanks to going to a gym).
I grew up with parents who had no control over money, and shat on my childhood until I was old enough to move out. I learned that money was the most important thing in the world the hard way I guess.
Or, to be honest, the most important thing in the world is using your money correctly. My parents weren't actually poor, just stupid.
>Freedom gives you happiness, security, peace of mind, comfort, fun, the list goes on and on
No. Talk to some of the anons here who actually have money. There is one on here I talked to in a skype chat for like a week and I just asked him about it. He was a good looking guy, worked out, made quite a lot of money(talking like several million) for his age(maybe 21) so you'd think this guy is like some 10/10 alpha unicorn that knows how everything works. He had high functioning autism and had a lot of problems with trusting people. He lives in his own house by himself and is for all intents and purposes, a total recluse. he has issues with trusting girls in personal relationships in relation to committing to them(pretty alpha desu). he was a sweet guy, a really smart one, but you could just tell that he had a hint of aspergers or something; a drizzling, a sprinkling, a dollop if you will.
that's a specific case, and the only reason he did any of what he did is, even he said, is from his autism giving him OCD characteristics, like a need to succeed or do well in whatever he bothers spending his time on, and eclectic interests and reasoning. he cared about time quite a lot. pretty ironic considering he has enough money to do whatever he wants yet just stays at his house all day grooming it.
just a weird guy. had a lot of money, yeah, but I don't think that he was happy. the guy could travel the world for the next twenty years living like a fucking king, and that fact doesn't really make him happy. the facts that he COULD do these things didn't make him happy. he was telling me about how people get all of these ideas for what they would do if they were rich, or this image in their mind of how their life would look if they JUST had money, but when you finally get that money, the people who would ever actually make it would never spend it on anything and that the image everyone gets in their mind of what they would do isn't logical at all.
Yeah but you shouldn't go into a relationship expecting anything different.
Its much better to fuck a whore that is honest about just being in it for the money then some bitch that lies to you and pretends she loves you
Except you clearly don't have intelligence.
Power is the most important thing in the world. Money is just a means toward it.
Mistaking the latter for the former is much the same mistake plebs make confusing money, a symbolic representation of value, for value itself. Stay pleb.
>I have products not available elsewhere in my country.
Ah, not from the US? Cool stuff though, congratulations on your success so far and good luck.
Sure, if someone has issues before, money by itself isn't going to fix it. I should have explained it more specifically though; when I say "freedom" I don't mean do whatever the fuck you want, I'm talking more like "you have no obligations whatsoever". I hate having responsibilities, even more than that I hate being *required* to do anything. Pisses me off at the most basic level.
If I had enough money to be financially independent, I would only and exclusively do things I want to do, and nothing that I'm "required" to do. Number one on that list is work. I am opposed, at a fundamental level, to working for someone else, where they become wealthy off my labor. Hate that shit. Pisses me off. But along with that, the other "freedoms": I don't have to save up to buy anything (in case I turn into a consumer whore), I could just buy it. I don't have to worry about my "professional reputation" because fuck you, I already have my money. I don't have to give a shit about anything except what I want to do.
That's freedom. That's what I was talking about.
The issues he has are the reason he has money in the first place. You don't sound like someone that will end up with a lot of money.
>I would only and exclusively do things I want to do
That's a slippery slope that leads to misery and loneliness user...
When I had enough to realize it's not
glad to see people are learning the difference between exchange value and value
Money isn't the most important thing you dumb fuck.
I've been lucky to have an extremely wealthy dad who taught me the importance of family and health. Money comes third.
Anyone that puts family or health before money is just a sad, sad individual.
money before family or health I mean**
Alright user, challenge accepted.
How so?
>I've been lucky to have an extremely wealthy dad
So you've never had to worry about money, but feel comfortable talking about it's importance. If you're born without any family money, you quickly learn that money is what is used to create and sustain family and health. But if you're born with money taken care of I guess you'd never learn that.
8/10. well disguised, got me to respond.
Agree that money is power and power is king.
There is nothing more satisfying in the world then having "fuck you" money.
>Anyone that puts money before family and health is just a sad, sad individual
Trust me, you wouldn't say this if you were raised by poor parents who aren't smart.
I'm not a jerk/troll, but do you even work to earn your own money and not rely on your wealthy dad ?
Money comes third but only after you have enough to not worry about it.
Sigh. Disregard what I say because I "dont know what it's like"
I've been around other rich kids my whole life. Wealth has separated them from their families. These kids treat their parents who spoil them like shit.
I also know many lower class kids and they obviously do not flash their Louis Vuitton bags and designer clothes. Usually they seem much more appreciative of family and friends.
When family is gone I am certain the wealthy will realize how over hyped money is.
you just sound like some kid that thinks money = every problem solved. you sound arrogant and ignorant.
>Sure, if someone has issues before, money by itself isn't going to fix it
You say that but I highly doubt you believe it.
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you guys? I get this is Veeky Forums and we all want to make a buck but are you seriously that Jewish?
When I was 17 I used to take my dads Ferrari to valet at the mall because I thought I looked so sick. I thought I was superior to everyone else because I had access to nice shit and was an overall faggot. Nobody else even gave a shit either. They just continued and enjoyed their day.
I literally would leave and be depressed as I returned home because I had no friends or girlfriend. Such a sad time in my life when I prioritized money. Grow up.
>confusing pursuing money with being an egoistic ballsack
Do you realize how powerful your dad is compared to the average person?
You don't even compare to him at the current form you're in. I hope you learn as much as you can from him about making money and use all the opportunities he opened up for you that are not open to the general public.
Also the reason you don't have friends or girlfriend is not because you have money. It's because you're a douche bag.
He sounds more like someone who may have figured out how to leave the rat-race to me. They're out there user, lurking among us, trolling softly for free entertainment because they don't watch television like normal people.
I'm also autistic with OCD and have the same problems with trusting people (no friends) and an urge to succeed. The difference is that i live in a poor shithole and barely make enough money to survive (like 100 bucks a month atm).
That guy indeed HAS freedom in the sense that he IS free to do everything you have mentioned - travel, live like a king and so on, IF he just changes his mind. Even if he doesn't change his mind he still have this opportunity. Today he lives in his mansion, tomorrow he decides not to. It's the freedom of choice, which is out of reach for poor schmucks like me.
>the facts that he COULD do these things didn't make him happy
"Happiness" is relative. Take all his money and put him in a cuckshed in the middle of nowhere, make him work 6 days a week just to make his ends meet and he will feel like shit, guaranteed. Give him his money back and bring him back to his palace and he will feel happy.
The guy was probably born with a silver spoon in his mouth and never had to break his bones to earn a living. These people are first to talk about "money isn't important" and other bullshit.
You forget a lot of people cant afford health or family.
And wasting 5 days a week where you only spend a dinner and nap with family isnt bliss or healthy either.
Money buys freedom, family time and often actual health.
You both seem to be forgetting one important thing. You do everything in moderation. You do not only try and accomplish the #1 thing. And if you say "money is the most important" then that must mean you would be willing to sacrifice money over your dad, mother, brother, etc.
However, someone could value family the most and still make a good side income.
And also I think everyone here is not just fixated on the idea of having enough money to get by, most here are deep down thinking about millionaires and a stupid high net worth. Many would sacrifice that over family. And I am saying from first hand that all these accessories are so over rated. And I'm sure more people would agree at the end of the day.
>money = every problem solved
Nope, it just solves *most* problems a normal person could have. Psychological issues have to be resolved with therapy or medication, and having money doesn't make much of a difference in the availability of treatment (unless you're extremely poor).
>confusing pursuing money with being an egoistic ballsack
Yup. I'm not trolling in this thread, though. I only do that when people get all pissy over the concept of someone retiring before they're 65 like a good goyim.
>The guy was probably born with a silver spoon in his mouth and never had to break his bones to earn a living.
This. People born with money, universally, don't have a true appreciation for how important it is. The same thing can be said for attractive women (even just average women, but especially the 8s, 9s, and 10s); since birth they have been showered with attention. Any time they go out in public, anything they do online, anything they post on instagram, literally every single thing they do they'll get an unreasonable amount of attention and praise. They just "have" attention because they're attractive, and they never have to go without.
It's the exact same causation for why rich kids are, 99 times out of 100, such fucking shitty people. They already "have" what others have to either 1) bust their asses for or 2) simply never get. I suppose the main difference is that women's looks fade in their 30s and then they go fucking crazy, but rich kids' money will probably keep growing.
When I realized money can buy freedom. Have enough money you can go where you like, do what you like, eat what you want, and work where and when you want, or not at all.
Why doesn't he buy a therapist then? What a moron.
the only value money has to me is the confidence and narcissism making it brings
i don't need to buy anything, but i like to feel powerful
>Try eating money
Just yesterday I exchanged money for food. That's how money works
>try sleeping under a house made of money
Again, I exchanged money for a piece of land and building materials and the labour and know how to build a house
>Try curing your illness with money
What is health insurance?