NEM XEM whatever name it goes by, let's fucking talk about it. Why is it blowing up? I've heard talk of Japan...

NEM XEM whatever name it goes by, let's fucking talk about it. Why is it blowing up? I've heard talk of Japan, what's their involvement?

How much do you own?
>12k here

Meme it up and make bank bros.

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i talked about this at fucking 100 no one gave a shit

its solid

I wish I had seen your post and gave a shit...

What's so good about it? It seems to me like almost all of it's value comes from ease of use and asian interest. Not that any of those are bad.

your coin just dropped 400sats in like 20 mins bro. what gives brah?

The thing will be Sybil attacked if it every becomes seriously relevant because "muh reputation system" is a shit basis for a currency.

oh for real?

10x this year, yeah its ok, i dont hold

>your coin just dropped 400sats in like 20 mins bro. what gives brah?

Buy the dip.

And then transact with XEM.

"Proof-of-Importance" (POI) is the first reputation based blockchain algorithm that just doesn’t reward those that hold as much stake as possible without spending or those that do unrelated work outside of a blockchain ambivalent to the actual activity in it.

Each account’s individual importance score is calculated by stake, how much of that stake has been vested, the transactions going out of the account, and with which accounts it transacts. This encourages accounts on the NEM blockchain to be active accounts in the network"

So what are the benefits of spending it and improving my importance score?

I did buy some more on the dip. I'll be holding this one for a while

'Proof of Importance' is a way in NEM to make sure that all the computers on a network agree with each other and helps decide who can ‘harvest’. This helps to keep everything safe from hackers and keeps NEM working well. It’s a big part of how we make sure people are telling the truth about the things that our ‘Blockchain’ keeps track of, like how much money a person owns. ‘Proof of Importance’ helps to make sure that every person using NEM can agree on everything and stops people from spending more than they have. It uses mathematical formulas made from information about an account to decide how important a person is to the group.
The more important you are, the better chance you have of getting that free money when you’re ‘Harvesting’! That means people want to be important, so they won’t lie! Once you are important, there are a couple more things that decide just how important you actually are. Your ‘Vested Balance’, who you send money with, how often you send money, and how much you send are all considered when figuring out how important you are. To fake all of these things would take more money than a liar would stand to make. The best part? This means we can always trust an important person.

How do you buy it?

you can send bitcoins or ethereum to poloniex or another exchange, you can trade in one of them against your xem.

you can send money from your bank account to coinbase and buy bitcoin there then trade it for ethereum or xem or lisk or whatever other crypto before btc drops ideally.

I've had better experience using circle to exchange USD for Bitcoin and sending BTC from my Circle account to POLONIEX.

does it take less than 5 days to get either btc or usd to your Circle account from a usa bank account? or any bank account.

if not then it sounds like coinbase might offer very similar similar services. i gotta look into circle though.

With debit circle lets you instantly pull $150 a week. Coinbase is $40 a day. Kind of annoying, but good in a way I guess.

that's only if you haven't verified fully. On my circle account I can instantly buy $3,000 a week.

Oh wow that's not half bad. What did you have to do? I thought I did as much as I could already, when I tried to up the limits they gave some bullshit about building a relationship with them.

Call them and talk to an adviser personally about raising your limit. At least what I did and I'm at 4k/week

Thanks m8 I'm kinda getting it.

Any guess as to a realistic price expectation 6 months from now? 2-3 years from now? Seems like it'd be hard to get as high as dash or eth because of so many coins.

How is market cap so high? It's #6 right now.

Now you're starting to see what this really is
lol at falling for this meme.