What's the smallest wage you need to live a comfortable, modest life in the US if you're single?
What's the smallest wage you need to live a comfortable, modest life in the US if you're single?
30k/year income for a modest single
Really? That seems pretty low, especially when every state seems to be making that the new minimum wage.
Uhhhhh maybe if you're not in a major city
you said comfortable and modest. you won't be saving much with 30k and you certainly won't be investing but assuming no medical or financial catastrophe it's enough
states are making that the minimum wage precisely for this reason: anything lower and you're a modern serf
It depends on where you live. Some states are more expensive than others.
In Texas, an inexpensive state, the minimum to live comfortably would be about $15k.
define "major"
you could live in minneapolis this way. maybe not new york or the big california cities but most midwest and southern you could scrape by
the op said "comfortable and modest". you won't have any luxuries but i stand by what i said
Worrying about one bad event fucking you over big time is not comfortable....
well we have different definitions of comfortable then. i was thinking enough to stay warm and put food in your belly. security of thought is higher up maslow's hierarchy, if you will
with a paid off house and medicaid and social security to supplement,
I'd say at least $2K a month take home, for most locations outside metro cities.
In delicious Phoenix, Arizona, around $12k-15k.
>comfortable, modest, single
I figure I could be happy on 10 or 12 grand a year. I have inexpensive hobbies and don't ball out because I'm not a retard.
Depends on where you live, dipshit.
This is like those tax thread questions where OP doesn't state what country he lives in.
Hell, I'm in the middle of Dallas, and that would support me just fine.
Minimum wage, in a van.
>128 degrees on xmas day
yeah fuck that
obv there's some Cali and NYC exceptions, but for 95% of the USA this is the correct answer.
>mfw I'm making $19k and working factory, which isn't even close to "comfortable living"
I'll break it down:
> Just barely survive
$25k - $30k ($35k - $40k NYC and Cali cities)
> Doing decent, just living, no extras in life
$30k - $38k ($40k - $50k NYC and Cali cities)
> Living well, but definitely not anything special
$38k - $50k ($50k - $60k NYC and Cali cities)
> Living pretty good, can afford some comforts now you have "extra money"
$50k - $60k ($60k - $70k NYC and Cali cities)
> Living quite comfortably and can take life to the next level, investing, etc...
$60k - $70k ($70k - $80k NYC and Cali cities)
> Living great and can begin to flaunt money and have power in society
$70k+ ($80k+ NYC and Cali cities)
This model assumes no dependent wife/gf and no kids
Kek. The heat definitely isn't for everyone, but I love it.
Go to China, Russia, Eastern Europe.
Live off comfortably with just 500 euros a month.
Or go to Vietnam and the Phillipines. Live with just 100 euros a month.
>make $12,300 - $21,500 per month from various avenues as 21 year old
>explained what i did to one friend that was adamant about entering it herself and had been friends with for years
>that friend ended up blabbing it to everyone she knew
>random guys now always acting like they're my friend or act openly aggressive towards me even when i don't know who they are and we've never met before
>girls now suddenly more interested in me than ever before, always asking about what i do for a living, probably to find out if what they heard is true so they can siphon some out of me somehow
>everyone generally acts weird around me
>how do you do it
father taught me everything that i know about personal finance and investing, gave me money to invest since 13, gave me ~$180,000 on 18th birthday just to invest, gave me the miser genes etc
>lol rich kid/didn't make it urself
neat but illogical
Does anyone here deal with this? I'm sure that there are some people here that have had to deal with this before after your financial situation got out in one way or another.
oh and don't worry, i'm handsome but 5'10 and 125lbs. you can feel better about that if you're taller or more muscular than i am before you start posting whatever terrible thing you're going to post to spite me.
may or may not
your estimates are way off for nyc/cali cities. add $20k to each of those numbers
and actually:
>flaunt money and have power in society
on 80k in nyc? lel
Jesus this nails it well. Similar boat, not as much money but thankfully no ones blabbed about it.
Have you had any luck making friends with people in a similar position or with the same money? 95% of the people I've met with money are old money and it's a different ball club and most younger college grads aren't usually building any wealth after they have to make their loan, car lease, and other payments
At least it help promotes a frugal life style, no reason to show off the wealth honestly, it's nice buying something nice for yourself once in awhile to keep yourself sane but for the most part I try to keep everything low about what I do
I think you posted in the wrong thread friend.
Well 23 here and i can relate but with worse margins, clearing about 4-5k a month via an automated website, frugal gene from my grandfather who raised me, never gave me a lump sum but i do t know if it would have changed that much.
If mind asking me what you do I get that but can I at least know what area you work in?
Thanks for this guide, but just from experience I know that even $100k doesn't amount to shit in any of the major California cities or New York (lived in all 3 at different times). You pretty much need to have upwards of a 7-figure salary to have any kind of real wealth or power in those cities. My salary doesn't allow me to even live comfortably in New York by any means. I pay $2k/month for the "privilege" of sharing a tiny cockroach-infested apartment with another person in one of the less desirable neighborhoods of manhattan.
The reason I even asked the question was because I'm so tired of how expensive life is in the city, the cancerous leftism, the minorities turning every area they touch into a third world country, that I'm ready to just leave my entire fucking career behind and try to start a new, simpler life somewhere out in the country.
I make 500/mo net
how do I make myself care about making more money?
I don't really want to be this poor forever but every job feels incredibly unfulfilling. I might be interested in working for more than minimum but obv you need skills for that. which I do not have. I just want my ambition back but none of the paths seem worth the trouble
This. It's even better if you own a house.
>have power in NYC
Hotdog stand guy makes more
About 10k$ here in france, 5k of which are benefits.
I though the US was cheaper.