What self-help book does /biz recommend?
What self-help book does /biz recommend?
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actively avoid self-help books
don't bother with self help books. If you want to "help" yourself learn and read up about a skill
If you are unironically a Tai Lopez fan you are susceptible to scams, you are better off taking traditional routes into business. Probably some IT course.
For students, cal newport's "how to become a straight-a student" helped a ton. I had the highest GPA in my graduating class (engineering). His website is also helpful.
On war- General Von Klausewitz
The Prince-Nicolas Machiavelli
Edward Bernays-Public relations and Propaganda
Max Weber- The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
Joel Greenblatt-All books
james altucher - choose yourself
I need a book called " how to give a fuck and do things"
tai lopez is a great source of information
his emails are anyway, dont like his videos, but his book club and and "book of the day" emails are amazing
how much did he pay her ?
>self-help book
I recommend you kys
"Starting Strength" by Mark Rippetoe
If you want fat tits
This video is pathetic.
Model bitch, mentions and shows his Ferrari, 100 Dollar bills as bookmarks, talks bullshit.
I already know how to become rich and I've started my journey. It's not that hard it just takes a few years of dedication.
if you want self-help go to religion. You need to understand philosophy first and then go read business leaders writings
The only way to get rich from a self-help book is to write one.
Avoid all self-help books. It's modern day snake oil.
>fullu ur dreems
>make sur to sey ppls names alot
>never gif up
>imagine ur suces
This guy lost at birth due bones law. With that face he will biologically trigger sexual attraction, that bad bitch on the side is legit dry.
Life is about being a CHAD. While that cuck is away, Chad is barebacking that model girl and shes enjoying it.
Remember kids, you can't buy the most valuable asset possible: God tier genetics.
>you can't buy the most valuable asset possible: God tier genetics
that you know of.
You have to read as much as you can, and take the small bits that resonate with you the most.
"How to Fuck Your Shit Up"
Brendan T. Fraser
If they don't give you actionable advice you might as well be reading fiction.
>you can't buy the most valuable asset possible: God tier genetics
What if you have them already and you ARE Chad but you haven't awoken it?
Plenty of people have "God tier genetics", they just never actually unlock their potential. If you don't actively train hard and reach your potential you'll never know if you're a Chad.
Some scrawny beta Veeky Forums sperg autist posting on /r9k/ MIGHT actually have 10/10 genetics for bodybuilding, but he doesn't know because his shitty body is covered by fat, a shit haircut, bad skin and never going outside
>Avoid all self-help books. It's modern day snake oil.
But to be honest some CAN be useful, but mostly for retards who don't understand basic social dynamics or can't fathom that you need to work fucking hard in order to get ahead of other people or do something different to get different results.
if you want to get ahead in life you can't be doing the same as everyone else, so while people are partying, you need to be training to get that little advantage
This thread is a fucking joke..
No, you won't be able to get dedication from self help books, what you can get is inspiration and motivation, no book is gonna do it for you but there's a lot of great advice out there and in the end it's better to read one book too many than one book too few.
Be open minded without being naive (nuance is dead here on biz so most of you guys won't get it..)
No. I have respect for him, I have respect for everyone who manages to earn money with bullshit like this.
But I have way more respect for people who hustle and give value at the same time.
Read biographies instead. Especially of political and business leaders. If the author is good it will track the beginnings and rise of very powerful people, and you can take from that what is useful.
i hate that faggot and dont even know what he does to be successful
i think he just writes books about how to be successful and becomes successful for selling to idiots that believe his bullshit
I hope so, I'm tired of being a neet. Feels bad man.
You're joking right
People googled what is EU after they voted to leave, the masses are stupid, I think what you suggested is pretty much all he does.
>start eating better
>get some exercise and sunlight everyday
>read about topics you find interesting instead of shitposting
>find and try out hobbies you think you might enjoy after reading about them
>study philosophy and find out where your existential pain comes from and how other people have dealt with it
>smoke a little weed, but not too much
I was astounded to find out that once I cleaned up, straightened out my attitude, gained a little confidence and stopped dressing like a homeless person, women were actually attracted to me. I spent all of college feeling ugly, and well, I was, but not because of genetics.
>People googled what is EU after they voted to leave
What if the people googling it were the ones who voted to remain?
This is true.
Unless you have a literal severe physical deformity you can become 7/10 and very presentable at the very least.
Nice haircut, nice facialhair, exercise, good clothes that fit you, bam you're looking good
I do pretty much all those thing (except smoke weed. I do acid instead).
My life is still never-ending misery.
I can agree with all of those things, except the last two.
>Believe in useless shit
>Spend money on dude weed
dude he's just shitposting stop believing Veeky Forums's lies
I am sick of people trashing 'all self-help' books as a meme.
What is the alternative? 'other help books?'
Or 'a getting people to help you for nothing' book?
A 'don't help yourself' book? 'how to be a fucking NEET?' 'Poor Dad, Poorer Dad'? 'How to be Socially Awkward and Claim Welfare?' 'The Welfare Slowlane?' 'How To Make $20 a month?' 'you're not OK'? 'Awaken the Lazy Faggot Within?' 'The Power of Negative Thinking?' 'How To Make Excuses & Feel Sorry For Yourself?'
I get some of the criticisms, I get that selling feelgood stuff is an industry, that some is contradictory, that some make a career out of it, etc but so what?
Professors make a career out of repeating the same shit for decades until a new textbook becomes the gospel of that subject (which is outdated by the time of is published, and even more so by the time students graduate)
Musicians play the same back cataloged for years, moat fans don't even want the new shit at concerts, they want the stuff they know they like.
Nobody says that about philosophy in the same tone, even though philosophy is largely theories, lessons learned, thought experiments, etc that is largely non-actionable.
'it's the same old stuff recycled, etc'
All of Shakespeare looks like the same old shit, and he still sells books, people still watch the plays and movies or remake them, etc - nobody complains. I know it's literature but still.
Hamlet is just words in a certain order.
In every form of art, people pay to see somebody give the same or similar lecture, song, concert, talk, story, symphony, etc
Not everybody is confident or comfortable with themselves, therapy takes time and/or money, I have read many books on self-help and still do, and took a lot away from them.
A textbook may tell you the how, but not the WHY. And it is the WHY that drives us
And another thing, many books are hard to define and, yes, borrow, ideas from several subjects or disciplines, which means a lot of books could be viewed as self-help, but also some books get lumped in with that negative view - 'oh, it's another self-help book = disregard' but that does not mean they should be discounted.
Also, it can be a video, speech, presentation, audiobook, etc - some listen better than read.
Some can teach you a little on philosophy, a little on psychology, business, marketing, self-awareness, body language, social dynamics, etc
Just because it is not some subject you can major in at Harvard, doesn't mean it is useless. You can't major in nutrition there either, but it's a helpful subject.
But the self-fulfilling prophecy of thinking you are dumb, uninformed, uncreative, lazy, ugly, you are helpless, it's somebody else's fault, whatever literally does lower your intelligence and helps nobody.
Psychologists unanimously agree that even anger, typically viewed as a negative emotion, is still more useful than despair, which achieves zero results, every single time.
Anger, correctly channeled, can achieve things.
If you are angry about, say, pollution, you're more likely to get things done about it, than someone who doesn’t see the problem, doesn’t care, or thinks the situation is hopeless, they can't help the situation or benefit themselves and/or others, etc
I realized self-sabotage is a negative trait I have, potentially a by-product of my diagnosed ADHD.
I don't take medication for it and never have, I coach myself and installed my PA as a coach.
This method was from a self-help book on ADHD. Authored by someone who suffered from it and interviewed high-functioning ADHD sufferers - CEO's etc and looked at methods they used to manage themselves.
I am way more successful because of info and methods like these.
He does just that. It's a common thing to do - Trump gets his money this very way.
>Establish an image/brand of being successful and rich
>Advertise and project that brand as often as possible
>Offer help and advice to people for their $$
>Enjoy new source of $$
"The only way to get rich from a self-help book is to write one"
I worked with a guy who was tall, good-looking, fit, smart, funny, stylish, etc and this was partly genetics and maybe luck, I dunno. The guy just seemed like a winner.
Funny thing was, while he was pretty good at putting on a front of confidence, without being a dick, he was very, very insecure, despite many qualifications, lots of pussy, etc. I actually thought I was insecure until I realized, via self-help, I was way more confident than him.
Turns out, while he is not 'stupid', he was capable of incredible stupidity, he had poor impulse control, would overcompensate, and is very disorganized. He was fired within a month.
It is incredible how you can multiply things like focus, confidence and clearer thinking, and build on them, and how even a slight perceptual shift.
If you reply to this, and you claim I am deluded, then your assert that YOUR perception is reality.
If you agree then, that perception is reality, do you not also agree that perceptions can change, and so can be controlled?
So why not...deliberately CHOOSE to perceive - opportunity everywhere, for instance?
Why not consciously choose to perceive yourself acting like a boss, making money, being happy/content/successful, etc?
Which comes first? Doing it? Or visualizing it? When you go for your first job interview, and you are shown around, your pay is discussed, etc
the only reason you show up if offered the job, is because you visualized (perhaps unconsciously) yourself successfully making sales, flipping burgers, or whatever, and making some cash.
Before you even apply for a college course in, say, STEM, you imagined yourself in a lab in a white coat, your name in scientific journals, maybe some patents or a cushy side job on an advisory board or scientific panel.
You didn't visualize getting shit from your boss, or having no funding for research. It's a potential reality, but there is no gain from worrying about it, only learning methods for dealing with a potential setback.
the alternative is here:
Actual books by intellectuals, academics and theorists. It's missing memoirs from great men, but they're solid too.
Reading itself is self-improvement. There's no reason for the genre of diluted, toxic, gratifying trash designed to sell to idiots rather than help them to exist and no one reason for any intelligent person to buy into them.
Stay pleb.
I'll take books from entrepreneurs who hustled from nothing, not politicians and generals and academics.
I'll cut and paste a page of quotes maybe.
Statistics, economics, and mathematics are academic too -
Here's a statistics/economics joke -
Q - What happens when Bill Gates walks into a room full of fifty people?
A - The average net worth of everybody in the room goes up by over a billion dollars!
How does that help me?
It doesn’t, I'd rather read a book from a Millionaire, deca-millionaire, or billionaire, hell, even a guy making a relatively $1K a month doing very little, if I can learn something from it.
I only need one nugget of information, knowledge or a mindset tool to leverage it and compound it, since I have systems in place.
>only books from an accepted epistemology are acceptable
You wouldn't agree that this mindset, in itself, could be considered a 'pleb' mindset?
>no knowledge is useful unless peer-reviewed and approved by hierarchical systems
Really? Consider that most MBA professors teach business without ever having created a startup or even a profitable side hustle.
Would I rather listen to someone with letters after their name, who never left the school system, or someone who hustled despite lack of qualifications or an intellectual mindset?
It upsets many academics that a lot of people are successful without being smart or being self-aware of their own strengths or weaknesses, many succeed despite disadvantages, so why wouldn't a small advantage of a certain perception or developing certain habits, Learning to play to strengths, etc pay off?
It can, and it does.
I don’t think Howard Stern or Michael Flatley could explain economics, or investment principles, but both are rich.
One from dick jokes, one from Irish dancing.
There are countless examples of this.
There's a lesson there, but it's not discussed in academia, whereas it is in self-help 'type' books.
Joel Greenblatt?
>my info marketer is better than yours
this, buying them helps the author and the distributor not you
>Psychologists unanimously agree that even anger, typically viewed as a negative emotion, is still more useful than despair, which achieves zero results, every single time.
I suffer from this.
I have a constant feeling of despair and hopelessness and end up never achieving even the smallest of my goals.
Do you have any advice for people like me?
Any good read/video/material?
Thanks in advance.
you can major in nutrition senpai
Read a little Buddhism, just the philosophy, nothing too heavy. Maybe some Taoism. Then a little stoicism.
Reccomend psychology next, Malcolm Gladwell or Kahneman - Thinking Fast & Slow.
Audio or video - Jim Rohn or Less Brown is good for motivation.
Self-hypnosis, meditation, visualization, are all good.
'the strangest secret' is a favorite, you can get it on YouTube.
Self-help books are absolute bullshit.
Even the "scientific" ones are just fucking bogus science.
Any book about "Willpower" is a fucking joke. They are only popular because they let people slack off and be lazy.
>Source; If you actually study psychology and biology you would know
Thanks a lot. Will definitely research/try them.
i wonder how many lamborghinis this guy owns
As a person who's read some self-help books in the past (even including PUA, fuck that shit with a pogo stick), this post is gold.
I would also add "Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes" by G. Belski & T. Gilovich. It seems like a biz-exclusive book at first but the clarifications inside are almost universally relevant to the Western world. It's also relatively short so not too much of a time-sink.
Also the highly controversial "48 Laws of Power" by Robert Greene - quite possibly one of the best books I've read in a while. Many claim it's an instruction manual for manipulative sociopaths but if you are truly intelligent enough you would see past that and understand that the "laws" are merely concise principles of efficiency. With hundreds of historical examples as well as fables and quotations by authoritative thinkers, it backs up its statements quite well.
How can you accept your life to be never-ending misery despite your acid use? Don't psychs give you epiphanies and shit?
You can find that information anywhere for free or go to community college and gain a qualification you can put on your resume.
It seems mundane, but every (genuine) rags to riches story starts at the bottom with everyone else, you will make real progress this way as opposed to TL's meme progress. When you know what you are doing you will be looking up practical things like EU regulations on exporting car parts, not TL videos.
Is there any consensus on how Tai Lopez got his money? i'm still confused about that.
3 monute therapy
Also brian tracey because you just need to docus on your shitty habits / behaviors and the goal not all that other new age woowoo fluff
Nihilism and existential angst are epiphanies, theyre just the ones choronzon puts in your head
Gomad is only for skellies you imbecile
i thought he was just acting in his house and there was no way it was his
then i saw him in mark cuban and my mind was blown
what the fuck is tai lopez doing with mark cuban
honestly, i don't even know any more
AFAIK Cuban just appears everywhere he's called.
He probably thought it was a great idea to appear on some guy's show about giving people financial and business advice, and probably didn't do any research on Lopez (I doubt he spends his time on YT or watching memes).
This. Also, pic related is pretty legit, despite the shitty cover. Few solid guidelines in there, helpful for business and life in general
>the beginnings and rise of very powerful people
You mean being born rich? :^)
You should try reading something. You've got some weird twisted concept of what books consist of.
>only books from an accepted epistemology are acceptable
I didn't exclude any field of books except for commercial self-help. His list is extremely varied, but as I said, it's missing the memoirs which you described
>I'll take books from entrepreneurs who hustled from nothing
>There's a lesson there, but it's not discussed in academia, whereas it is in self-help 'type' books.
They very much are.
You've got the kind of mindset that will keep you poor. Hope you get well soon.
You cant train skull width, wrist width, ribcage width, height etc
Of course everyone can improve, but you can't become a god tier genetic chad.
He's pretty vague about it in his videos, but apparently before doing all the self-help shit he started and sold a few successful nightclubs. He invests in various companies (also vague about this) using what I'm assuming is the money he got from selling the nightclubs.
How to win friends and influence people is the best one and the audiobook version is great.
The rest really fucking suck though
who the fuck is tai lopez
I thought the guy in the OP was Brent McKay, never heard of Tai Lopez. Who the hell is he, and what is his scam he runs?
There's this guy on youtube named FightMediocrity that does some pretty amazing animated book reviews most of the books I read have been mostly from this bringing them to my atention.
Second this. They're pretty good videos. I decide what book to actually read based upon the video.
>Read classics
>Go onto Das Kapital and Marx
>Now everywhere I look I see spooks and I feel like I'm being completely exploited at work. (which I am, but I didn't actively think about it before Marx)
>Now I fucking hate my bosses who I notice now always pull sneaky shit to fuck us over and my sychophantic coworkers who don't give a shit that we've been victims of literal wage theft.
I wish I went back to being ignorant.
>Try reading something
I read an average of 5-7 books a week, depending how busy I am.
80% is actionable advice from people who've been there and done that.
>theorists, academics, intellectuals
You excluded many fields and sub-fields within subjects, if somebody with no qualifications achieves a level of success, their success at that venture is what qualifies them, in spite of their intelligence or intellectual level. A biologist is not an expert in SEO or the elements of a well-designed website, for instance.
Expertise is domain specific.
I read a lot of psychology, that's a scientific field, but that was being studied long before here was an established epistemology or framework.
A Buddhist monk 1,000 years ago did not have a scientific journal or university to accredit his teachings, does that mean I should disregard him, or listen, if his work is commended?
I don't know much about Lao Tzu, or what qualifies him, but I know what I like and I like his work.
And he if he had a profitable side business making incense, or alcohol, as many abbeys and monasteries do, I'd want that info too.
Look have you read any Foucault? He wrote about this problem with epistemology of subjects and fields often.
I don’t know Machiavelli's earnings, his profit statements, his balance sheet, so, as an entrepreneur, it's of interest, but less so.
Do I want to kiss ass and play mind games with politicians?
Yes, The Prince was a good book, but I have read ebooks for -$10 written over a month by some yahoo who makes $500 a month doing something relatively easy, which has added thousands in profit because I know how to leverage that.
>dick jokes and Irish dancing are discussed in academia
No citation given?
I don't know what you mean about my mindset. My earnings increase every time I read a couple books, what's your ROI on mental masturbation with PhDs?
>keep me poor.
Nice way to jump to false conclusions.
Some user said he built & used to own that 'The Art of Manliness' blog and sold it?
I never saw a citation or source though, and haven't seen it discussed anywhere else, I didn't really look much for it though.
If so, that's pretty good, it's in the top 7,000 sites usually.
That's a Stirner thing, not Marx.
>but I have read ebooks for -$10 written over a month by some yahoo who makes $500 a month doing something relatively easy, which has added thousands in profit because I know how to leverage that.
Mind sharing those books?
Fucking hell mate, you're literally making another man rich whose only source of getting rich is making you believe he can get you rich.
LOL, I read one that was basically what some Pajeet basically scraped from a KingHuman video you can watch for free - 'The Broker Bomb' pt I &II.
I wanted it fleshed out a bit with some few visuals, which is what it was. His stuff wasn't great, but sometimes he would explain things really easily and would add some original pics.
- I tend to forget videos, some people are readers and writers, some are listeners and talkers, there's a lesson there too. There is priceless information out there, and 50% of it gets lost because of it's format.
It was like $5, and I got a few others of his for free.
Even if he didn't make money this way, I did, and do. This guy was just a casual fucking around with this, he actually wanted a job and I told him to stop being stupid, just keep doing this, and do it better - go legit, declare tax, incorporate, get all the licensing, permits, etc and go down to the chamber of commerce or what have you.
His ideas were gold, but he was not being serious about it, the positioning and presentation, organization was non-existent.
You can read about a small idea, and take away a big idea, or read about a big idea and take away a smaller idea, but it may give you the leverage you need.
>My earnings increase every time I read a couple books
Please teach me.
Where do I start, and how do I continue from there?
I'm not sarcastic.
The way you seem to be able to extract practical knowledge and leverage it to make money is super interesting to me.
The Bibble
Where do you want to start?
What are your strengths? Weaknesses? Have you taken an IQ or personality test?
'know thyself' is the best place to start.
In the previous post, there is an idea in those two youtube videos I mentioned, which requires only rudimentary understanding.
I think he overselling the learning curve, but at least 80% of people who watch it will not implement it.
It can be implemented right now, but the theory behind it can be leveraged if you have systems in place already.
One guy is being paid to find work, the other to email proposals, and forward completed work.
But why do it as a nobody? Have a professional website, liability insurance, escrow set up, etc
>Here in my rented vehicle, just bought this hired actress
You you still can buy while it's below 7 figures a coin.
Lamborghini is funding his YouTube channel, including renting the house and cars, so that he can advertise for them.
You got blue pilled mate. Still ignorant. Read austrian economics, hoppe, hayek (but not the rest of lolbertarian shit), etc. to get the antidote.
>I read an average of 5-7 books a week, depending how busy I am.
Seconding , share some. Not to judge, it's just, if anyone reads often, I trust the taste they've developed and would like to see what you've to recommend.
I've read Foucault. His post-script on industrial control societies is one of the more accurate descriptions of our contemporary stage of capitalism, imo, and I think his histories are useful for anyone to read to see the way in which knowledge can be manipulated and buried.
I'm not a fan of the Prince, actually. Frederick the Great's Anti-Machiavel is a necessary antidote for anyone who abides by it, imo. And Robert Greene's Laws of Power provides a more efficient distillation. What's important is that you need to approach machiavellianism, utilitarianism, positivism, etc. with some critical distance if they'll actually serve you usefully. It's the same with people who read lesswrong, you can't just take the thought experiments and toolkit at face value, or you'll just end up losing, not winning.
>A Buddhist monk 1,000 years ago did not have a scientific journal or university to accredit his teachings, does that mean I should disregard him, or listen, if his work is commended?
No, I highly respect these kinds of texts. Time acts as a natural filter.
>I don't know what you mean about my mindset.
I mean having a dismissive attitude towards academia. It's a corrupt field, as is science, but there's a lot to be gained from separating the trash from the gold.
>Reading books instead of googling the summaries and key points.
It's like yal don't value your time and want to utilize the most about of information quickly.
>Where do you want to start?
From zero.
>What are your strengths? Weaknesses?
What do you mean?
>Have you taken an IQ
Nope. The closest thing I ever did to that was a test my school did to see which field we're the strongest in, so we could choose the best high school (in my country there isn't a generic high-school. Only specialized ones).
Apparently I was the only one in about 50 kids to score "strong" in all fields, and had the highest overall score.
I was 13 and now I'm 22, so I'm not sure it's still relevant.
>or personality test?
Like the Myers Briggs?
I'm INTJ apparently.
>In the previous post, there is an idea in those two youtube videos I mentioned, which requires only rudimentary understanding.
Is this the one you're talking about?
Seems nice enough, but I think I'll need to be at least somewhat established, with at least a website. At the moment I don't have the budget to even buy the domain.
Is there something I can start for free (I only have a laptop with Internet access) to get the money to invest in things like that?
Thanks in advance.