- Anyone here have a successful and durable experience in forex trading ?

- Anyone here have a successful and durable experience in forex trading ?
- What's techniques did you use ?
- With how much money did you begin ?
- Gives me advice for a beginner like me, please.

I am really sad when i read specialized forums in forex, why?
Because all the trading journal I read ends the same way :
They end up losing all their gains and have their account to 0 dollars, after 6 months or 1 year.

I need testimonials from people who really live forex successfully since several years.

I think this method is the best to learn forex or index cfd:

Depositing tiny amount less than € 200 and try to make it grow until 1000, once in 1000 reached 900 withdraw.
With the remaining € 100, try to grow them again to € 1,000, remove 900 ... etc.
Do it 10 times successfully
Instead of dropping € 50,000, losing after six months, redeposit € 20,000 and lose again after one week.

Warning : this thread is only for winner in forex market.

Other urls found in this thread:


Warning, forex can be your worst nightmare.



This doesn't look like foreign exchange of currency

more nightmares incoming

it is bro. they added TTNP/GBP after brexit.

Here's a guy who does it right (not just Forex, but trading in general - Trend following):


His journal, documenting his progress since April 2015 till today.

Really hoping all of you shorted the fuck out of GBP. Friend of mine made 110k last night but he's doing super high volume

yeah, no one here has the money to hold 40 different futures contracts for months at a time...

on the other hand, i heard gold went up a couple of bucks

lot of pips with brexiiiit

>Friend of mine made 110k

i made 4500 dollars (with 39k capital)

after the SELL SELL SELL period with brexit, this is now a big BUY signal

greed is good


Forex is dangerous.

What was your volume?

Probably could have seen that coming. That doesn't just happen for nothing

Does anyone have experience with nadex

I made 4500 dollars mainly on cfd germany 30, with 4 positions of sales (10 200 to about 9200), with 1 pips = $ 1

I also do a lot of small gains (scalping) on the EUR / USD pair.

Yeah, it happened right after this was published: snb.ch/en/mmr/reference/pre_20150115/source/pre_20150115.en.pdf
You could see it coming for seconds.

Oh yeah he was doing somewhere around 250 a pip he said

As soon as you read the title you jump the fuck off. Also you can look at what their economy is doing and the government's history of the choices they make regarding interest rates

your friends is a professional trader in a bank or a retail trader at home ?


dragi rhetoric
global interest rate change/stagnation in certain regions
upcoming decision of it (biggest factor here)
i forget what else but i knew it was coming and pulled out that day

I'm sure people got fucked sideways that day

funnily enough, because my broker didn't hedge their positions well enough, whether nor not intentional, they were the only platform that had a negative spread on usd/chn, which I think is now just usd/cny. the spread was so wide that it beat the commission and was instantly profitable. this lasted about 15 hours.

God damn

>around 250 a pip

this kind of trading with big leverage is very risky, and they usually lose all their money in a few years / months

It's not my money, so I don't butt in with that. He knows what he's doing for now, it seems