Lets talk hypothetical here Veeky Forums.
Now i would never do anything illegal because i dont want to be sodomized but it always surprises me when people hold up 7/11s and shit like that. Seems like stealing would be easy as pie
>snag a credit card
>list a laptop or watch on ebay
>when it sells use the credit card to buy the goods online and have them shipped to the buyers house
I dont see how you could possibly get caught. Just dont put the paypal account in your name and i dont see how you could ever get caught
Lets talk hypothetical here Veeky Forums
Try it and find out OP
Nah. Risk too high for a few measly grand
Any input?
Seems like theyd just gave to look at your ebay account. Paypals pretty good at making you verify who you are
Work in retail and people are always stealing shit, yes stealing is easy as pie.
Enjoy the $50 dollars you stole. I hope it buys you another pair of air jordans.
Remember, when you're going to steal go to a poor neighborhood since they won't send the cops after you since they are afraid of the cops.
>unironically missing the point
>I have currently no idea what's going on then I guess
I don't do anything illegal but like getting sodomised. You gay OP? Sounds like you're pretty gay.
How are you ever going to use the money Einstein? Give me one scenario where you actually spend any of the money you get from this.
Ummm i spend it on anything i want?
Ok, so you buy something, online or whatever. How do you get it in your hands?
Im not sure what youre talking about. I buy it put it in my car and drive home
Obviously, thinking things through is not your strong suit. So I'll work with you here: you got the money in a paypal account, connected to the ebay account that has been used for fraudulent transactions.
How do you buy anything with those funds without it being traced to you?
why the fuck would I use paypal?
I don't know man. You know what, nevermind. You got this. You're gonna be rich. I encourage you to pursue your dreams.
How old are you?
Did you really think paypal was the only way to sell on ebay?
I'm not in this discussion anymore. It's all OP now, ask him.
youre retarded
Wow, another home run from the future millionaire here. Let's give him a round of applause, boys.
I think op is saying he would be the seller of the item. So he would buy it from himself with the stolen credit card
I work at Walmart and niggers still shit all the time. Some flip their gains, others just keep them
>Department Manager knows niggers are stealing ribs, so she puts out a few
>GM comes by and wants more ribs out, because Sunday
>She tell him why
>Doesn't care, people need ribs
>Puts a whole case out. Prob at least $400 worth of ribs
>30 mins later ribs are sold out
>Telxon says 25 in stock
You don't understand carding at all mate, read about it, it seems way easier than it is.