what is the easiest way to create passive income Veeky Forums? I'm thinking of buying an atm, but Im not really sure how to go about getting it placed somewhere good
What is the easiest way to create passive income Veeky Forums? I'm thinking of buying an atm...
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You can do that?
. I knew a guy who bought his own vending machines and he just asked business owners
And now, an attempt at analyzing best spot for ATM machines.
I'm assuming you're trying to do that in the US? I don't know all that much about the economy there, but I'll give it a shot.
First, you need power & internet.
Internet could be mobile, so you're less tied down there, but it will probably be more expensive.
As for electricity, could do with a battery as well, but not sure how long that will last you / how expensive it will be.
Also, you will need to restock it with money, most probably daily.
Basically, that rules out spots like in the middle of the desert, unless you're determined to make Reddit frontpage once a year (with shilling, of course).
You need to make sure you have no competition. Banks normally give cash out for free, so placing one near those is a no-no.
Additionally, if there are no cashpoints around, it probably means there's a reason. It's very likely your machine will get smashed and the money inside looted.
Best place would be inside a relatively respectable business. Shops are fine usually, as you will get a free spot most likely, or a spot for cheap, and you will get some business as well, as long as there's not a free cashpoint right outside the shop.
Places with alcohol are probably best, ideally ones that charge for card transactions.
Drunk people don't care too much how much alcohol costs.
Probably missing quite a few things, but hopefully it helps you a bit.
I'm a full stack developer, my only issue is lack of ideas.
also security, and insurance, banks invest in anti-gas piping detectors, that shit isn't cheap.
Stocks that pay dividends.
what is this even; google returns anti gas siphoning devices when searched for
loan cryptocurrency out at 2% on poloniex.
you can also stock up on nxt there.
Try to hook up with some conventions of some sort. I was working a convention in Texas one time, relatively small with 20k visitors over the whole weekend. During my down time I struck up conversation with a guy putting money in the ATM. He said its a great business, especially for conventions because a lot of people need cash. They charge a flat fee of like 3 dollars to take out any amount of cash. The best returns are obviously people withdrawing the minimum of $20, where you'd be making a 15% return on your money. The guy said he was making roughly 10% return on every dollar he put in.
It does require you to have A LOT of cash on hand. This guy that owned the machine said he had a retired cop that would basically front the money for the events, in exchange for like 1$ every transaction. He said over the course of the weekend, he would do roughly 8,000 transactions. Which means he would make roughly $16,000 and his friend would make $8,000. At the big events he would do even more.
The good thing about setting them up at conventions, is that theres minimal risk of them being stolen because they're under 24hour watch, and it's only 3 days of work with huge amounts of transactions. You just have to have the money to fill it.
The machines they had seemed great. They had cell service built into it, so they didn't need internet connection. AND he could remotely view the money levels in the ATMs so he knew when he needed to go by and stick more money in. Just start off at some tiny ass conventions, and work your way up as you build credibility with the small conventions
Takes a huge amount of money to create any meaningful dividends.
(e.g. at least 2-3 million invested to have a decent annual salary)
Who pulls money from an ATM anymore?
Even my coke dealer takes BTC.
When I'm in Atlanta I use an escort service for a stress release fuck. Coolest thing ever the bitches all have card swipers on there phones. I'm even going to expense my next bitch.
There are a ton of places that only accept cash because they grossly under report income for tax purposes.
Google harder dude, I just found it. It detects explosive gas being pumped inside the ATM. Apperently that's something to be concerned about?! Holy shit! lol
holy shit
Guess we need to ban welding gas
3 ATM's in my town where blown out in about a month lol. I think unless it's a bank ATM best to have it indoors in a secure environment.
>my coke dealer takes btc
why lie friend?
>what is the easiest way to create passive income Veeky Forums?
Property, obviously. Renting appartments in a big citiy is an absolute cash cow. You need to put in a bit more time for like half a year to supervise renovations and find good tenants and then the cash keeps rolling in with about 30min per month spent on accounting.
I guess your ATM idea is kinda similar, but here's the key difference: In a year your used ATM will be virtually worthless. Your real estate instead appreciates (if you ever wanted to sell it and if the US doesn't crash the housing market again).
In the end everything that swaps a one-time payment for an infinite series of pay-outs is kinda similar I guess. You just have to evaluate the associated risks (inflation, market, vandalism, etc etc) and find the right option for you.
What about vending machines?
any tips on starting an ebook business?
Check out hashocean OP...
now where did I leave that referal link...
No shit.. As far as I know guy refuses to handle cash. He's not some corner nigger he's actually works on Madison Ave.
>vending machines
I will tell you up front most vending machines make a monthly income of $25 dollars.
First decide if you want to do bulk vending or full line.
Buy vending machines and vending supplies at:
Now once you have your vending machines and suppiles now you want locations.
Get locations at
Also you can learn from your fellow vendors at www.vendiscuss.com
Happy vending.
Thanks for the info, but why the monthly income is so low?
Except faggots drove down the loan rates to 0.015%.
my guess is no one buys from vending. Or if they do, they're owned by the mall they are located in. It's been done before, you're not providing anything new.
Hashocean is down and very much suspected to be a scam.
They pump has in and light it, here in the UK it happens a lot. It just blows the whole atm apart and the money stay intact.
What about buying atms or vending machines and then renting them to shops/events planners? You'll take a cut and transfer risk on them.
What, are you poor? :^)