Veeky Forums tell me about your asset allocation.
>international equities
>domestic equities
Veeky Forums tell me about your asset allocation.
>international equities
>domestic equities
Other urls found in this thread:
60% in single stocks?
>you're doing it wrong
The graphic has nothing to do with me at all. Its just a meme.
Single stocks are a joke
Also, no one under the age of 40 should own bonds
100% of $2,700 in my John Hancock Aggressive Active Strategy asset allocation 401k
I target 70% stocks, 30% cash and rebalance any time I pass 60-40 or 80-20.
How come no one on Veeky Forums can properly greentext?
95% US Stocks
4% Int'l Stocks
>30% cash
also tell your age.
5% memestocks
25% oil
40% derivatives
30% cash.
29 yo
My biggest play is long volatility I'd make a few thousand if we hit the 50's and like 20k if we hit the 60's
So that I CAN rebalance whenever I want to.
cause we dont know your stupid shit. i literally only come here because there is sometimes a right-wing view of the market as opposed to cnbc left bullshit
My retirement accounts are
>50% US equities
>30% Int'l Equities
>15% Bonds
>5% REIT
But I've got an additional amount equivalent to 15-20% of my retirement investments in a taxable brokerage account, invested in a handful of US companies, most paying dividends. Heavily leaning towards oil.
I intend to keep this allocation until 5-10 years from retirement. Once my net worth gets above $200k I'll start looking into purchasing a home, because at that point if I never added an additional dollar towards retirement(worst case scenario) I'd still be able to retire at a reasonable age. Hoping to keep contributing and retire in my 40s, however.
green text is for implying
>how new are you?
>no one under the age of 40 should own bonds
Said no intelligent person, ever.
Aside from your HIGHLY-questionable choice of dividend stocks (which are horribly tax inefficient and stunt your growth), your portfolio is structured poorly from a tax standpoint. Your income producing stocks, such as the dividend payers, should be in your retirement account. Your growth stocks should be in your taxable account.
When you guys are talking about bonds, do you actually buy single bonds or bond ETFs/funds?
>When you guys are talking about bonds, do you actually buy single bonds or bond ETFs/funds?
For 99% of investors, buying an ETF or fund is preferable.
An individual trying to buy bonds is going to be at a serious disadvantage compared to professional bond traders and bond desks. Bonds trade in large-scale private transactions and small quasi-public markets. Unless you have a dedicated broker buying for you, you're not going to get the best pricing possible.
60% cryptocurrencies
15% individual stocks
25% ETFs (domestic and foreign broad markets, as well as individual sectors such as real estate, health care, and water utilities),
Early 20s here
85% stocks (75% in US and INTL index with 10% in individual holdings I like)
10% bonds (split in US INTL again)
5% crypto
Greentext is for quoting a portion of somebody else's post and replying to it. That is literally the origin of it. Only underage Reddit hipsters from /b/ use it to imply or tell stories.
25% Canadian Stocks
25% US Stocks
25% International Stocks
25% Canadian Bonds
It's about the most basic asset allocation out there for Canadians.
poorfags dont have enough for both stocks AND bonds
if i don't report any earnings from my investments will the government kidnap me?
They won't if you choose not to realize any capital gains.
Or if you do capital loss harvesting.