Ask a trader who made 600k last year, exclusively using Japanese Candlesticks.
Ask a trader who made 600k last year, exclusively using Japanese Candlesticks
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oh yeah?
What kneepads brands do u use?
pics or it didn't happen
How do you feel about being a candlestick trader?
What's so special about Japanese candlesticks and why do people want to buy them? You must have sold quite a lot to make 600k. Unless you're talking Yen.
Good Lord I hope you people are shitposting he's either referring to stock trading or force. Even both.
If you trade force what are your future moves regarding the brexit?
Forex I meant
There are several rare varieties commanding thousands.
Kind of like Beanie Babies.
>he fell for the japanese candelsticks meme
Just put a DEMA 4 over the regular candelsticks and you have the same information (that is only easy on the eyes and nothing else)
Is it dangerous to put that dema thing on candlesricks? Is it legal to sell candlesticks with dema on it or is there a special norm just for japan? I am very interested but i so not want to burn my customers house.
I prefer Mongolian candlesticks desu
>bragging about selling nihon candlesticks in a japanese candlestick trading forum
What is that in ROI?
What are your research methods and trading strategies generally?
>1 post by this ID
>regular candlesticks
Candlesticks are from late 1800's Japan, used for rice trading.
Steve Nison brought them to the west in the early 90's.
it's a b8 thread, he posted this twice already
It depends where you live.
In some places there is very high tax when attaching dema.
in others it is flat out illegal.
" find that candlestick trading strategies do not have value for Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) stocks. "
last month the same thread was posted garnering 100s of replies. OP never commented other than the initial post.