How old were you when you realized poor people deserve to be poor?
How old were you when you realized poor people deserve to be poor?
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Poor people who don't try deserve to be poor. Plenty of poor people trying to better themselves who don't deserve to be poor. Don't lump them in with the retards who are content to be wageslaves for life.
Trying at something useless is worthless. You can be a poorfag working a bunch of hours at mcdonalds while going to community college trying your best to get a worthless degree like sociology.
Work smart not hard
Neat assumptions. Neat poster quotation. Neat generalizations.
Being born in shit-ass Africa surely seems like a choice.
Probably around 18 or 19
Working in a grocery store helped.
They buy shit food and you get to see the type that use government assistance.
Let me paraphrase my experience for you:
Single black mothers with tons of kids buying premade food on government benefits. There you go.
And yes, the stereotype of friend chicken and koolaid is true, but they also like crab legs.
>I'm poor as fuck
>let me pop out 10 kids
>we don't have enough food! Who would have thought?!
>with these lifestraws, why build wells? We can just drink from mud puddles and rivers.
Most poor people don't deserve to be poor, and most rich people don't deserve to be rich. Life isn't fair, and truth be told, being rich isn't everything there is in life.
Be aware that there are human beings who exist that elect to get pregnant (regardless of whether or not they want to continue their relationship with their partner) for the sole purpose of getting government benefits
These are American citizens, still in highschool
I'm not sure if that level of retardation can exist in places without welfare, it'd be great if it wasn't "necessary"
I'm trying so hard to get to my startup needed man but shit just keeps going wrong, transmission on car fucks up, need new tires, insurance, taxes.
I haven't eaten fast food in over a year just trying to get my first investment but random ass money necessities keep popping up. I'm almost there though. It's rough but I will get there.
I was only 12
I was watching the news
Dad comes in
"Finances are kill."
Right on bro. Perseverance is what makes wealth. You got this.
Good luck, have fun.
When they kept having fucking kids. You don't need kids to work the farm when you get old. Just save, work often enough and live your life instead of bringing more retards in it.
I've always known this.
Fuck poor people
Would you say that to Jesus' face?
Jesus was a cuck
Son of god who litetally got killed his people and died for another man's sins
But are they really poor? I heard 99% of them own refrigerators. How is that poor?
When I was an eleven year old edgy middle schooler. Then I grew up.
I was seven when I realized Bulgaria was a real country.
It wasn't until the age of 21 that I started to suspect it, and it took me to 25 to accept that in the first world this is accurate.
One step at a time dude, I'm on that journey as well
This. People don't get what they deserve, they get what they get.
Most homeless people deserve to be poor. Not true for min wage workers.
when i stopped being poor i was around 28 maybe
I forgot
Gradually realized it in college.
Enter teenage years:
> Hometown: grew up in middle/upper-middle class 99% white suburb with my dad making 6 figures. Thought most people in America lived like this.
> Thought socialism made sense at 16.
> Gave money to any homeless person and panhandler who asked because they needed it more than I did.
Enter college:
> Move to college town with huge poverty rate and high black population.
> Make friends with poorer kids who are there on financial aid.
> Bums walking around all day asking for quarters and cigarettes.
> Poor friends blow their financial aid on weed and beer.
> Notice that the kids going to school on student loans instead of scholarships skipped more class.
> Go to liquor store, same bums there everyday buying malt liquor and scratch offs.
When I saw real poverty face-to-face, I realized most poor people became that way by letting their vices and instant gratification control their lives. Most poor people I've met have been pretty unintelligent, so I don't think they have the self-awareness to realize this desu.
Work smart and hard you lazy cuck
And went on the be worshiped by billions, get some perspective.
If they did, they wouldn't be poor.
IQ is much more closely correlated to late life income than socioeconomic background.
Poorfags get exactly what's coming to them.
when i was about 22-23 i would see the same kind of people not having money.
>has newest iphone
>has car payment on a basic honda
>smokes cigaretts
>drinks 3-5 times a week
>goes to bars on weekends
>goes to raves
>goes to concerts that cost well over $100 just to get in
>smokes weed
>stays up on trends
After all this they usually say the system is bullshit and the 1% blah blah blah
The other are the ghetto people
these people
>buy $5,000 rims for their 2,000 car.
>adds a $800 sterro to their 2,000 car.
>buys dumb shit at the store constantly (lottery tickets, beef jerky, chips, soda)
>only trys to get minimum wage job.
>always buying club attire
>House party every fri. and sat. or club
>kids at the wrong time
>too many kids
>pays more than they should for rent.
>doesn't care to get educated about anything.
im a landlord and have seen alot of different walks of life.
When i was about 22-23 is when i really started to notice the difference. I started to see people stay in the same place and instead of looking at their finances they looked at the "cool" thing to do.
i hadn't realised it yet.
kids give you purpose in life, believe it or not that's why poor people have them. They don't have anything else to live for, it's pretty sad really when you think about it.
This. I was around this age when I realized why poor people stay poor. I grew up poor and never became those poor people who spent everything on useless shit. The sad thing is that this isn't exclusive to poor people as well. I see people of all income level do the same reckless behavior. Lots of millennials are broke because they spent like their parents. Now millennials like to say they're not like baby boomers but in reality they're super baby boomers. They're hyper narcissistic, big spenders, and blame the system(gov't or wall street) on their mistakes. In 2020 1 out 3 Americans will be millennials and the total number is 85.3 million. This is a human problem. Humans want instant gratification and never plan for the future except for breeding like rabbits. We act on our impulses rather than our brain. If people invest 10k a year on low fee indices they would be millionaires by the age of 45. It not hard to become wealthy in the US, if you delay gratification. Once you learn to delay it you'll learn your needs over wants; which isn't a lot. Heck you don't even need a car. Just bike to work or take public transportation. It what I do and I save a shit ton of money by not having a car.
>elementary school reunion
>literally noone went to college except me from my former class
>former classmates who used to bully me are working in tesco, factory, drug trafficking
>majority pregnant/has pregnant girlfriend
>boasts about all the sex they have, boast about not giving a fuck in life, about partying everytime
>cut all contact, ignore them on facebook
These people will have 3-4 offsprings during their life and they will learn to carry the same lifestyle as they did, while intelligent couples might have 1 or 2 children.
It might just be the hatred that remained in from all the terrible times they gave me in school talking from me, but seriously, fuck them, they deserve everything bad that happens to them.
that's a big generalization friend
>These people will have 3-4 offsprings during their life and they will learn to carry the same lifestyle as they did, while intelligent couples might have 1 or 2 children.
That's how its always been, sonny boy. Poor people die faster as well so think about that. Unless they live in a stress-free environment then they will live to their 100s. Your former classmate who work in factories will die younger due to their risk of being killed at work. Drug traffickers will become Muhammadans bitch in jail or get the gooch gooch treatment as torture. They will die before 30. Tesco will live an average life. Slags will bounce around dicks to dicks until a beta takes care of them. While you beat your meat until you meet those slags to breed or lower your standards to meet the intelligent girl whose a bit chubby.
If a Woman truly is intelligent, then how come does she not realize that health is important?
When you start working you'll see why. Not saying you can find one that does work out but chance are you're not at her level of fitness. Fit girls only like to date fit guys because they can keep up with them in bed and in life.
the most important aspect of all this is the missing father. it wasn't until the advent of missing fathers that the economic situation of black people in america started to decline - incidentally this was about the same time left politicians started to 'help' those poor black families ...
regardless of race, a missing father is the best indicator for future poverty, criminality and health struggles for a boy.
I worked as a cook in a cheap and sleezy Indian casino and I found out that the first of every month was when the most people came in, and there'd always be huge crowds in line.
It's because the first of the month is when people receive their social security checks.
My feelings are mixed. On the one hand I've lived next to a halfway house and let me tell you, those people deserve their shitty lives. I'd wake up to shouting matches and the cops got called on a regular basis.
At the same time I've lived next to Mexican families where the parents both work and they all keep to themselves. Sure they tend to play loud mariachi music on Saturdays but the fact is that they're doing their best to make it. People like that deserve success, I figure. I'm rooting for them anyways.
>killed at 33
Por is not about refrigerators and smartphone ignorant
>correlated to late life income
Read Harold Kerbo
> a missing father is the best indicator for future poverty, criminality and health struggles for a boy.
Which can be blamed on the mother for being spiteful and using the system to her advantage.
>mum has a poor friend
>she lives in a rural house with a bad foundation
>whole house is slightly at an angle, cupboards and doors always slide open
>she only buys individual things at the store
>if she needs yogurt, she will drive 10km to the store, and buy only yogurt
>she does this to save money on things she doesn't need at that exact moment
>realize what she saves on not buying today, she ends up spending on extra gas for all the unneeded trips
>ask my dad
>why does she shop like that? she's poor!
>dad smiles and says
"The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me."
He knew the deal
There's this homeless dude always panhandling outside of a deli in my town. The first time I saw him he asked for bus money, and my general rule is that they get one time. So I give him like 50 cents. He does his thankful speal so on and so on.
Two weeks later I see him again.
>hey buddy I need bus--
It's been 3 years. At this point I'd be more willing to let him have a shower for an interview if he asked.
How do people let this happen? How does somebody feel fulfilled doing this shit? Why not kill yourself?
Since I moved in with a buddy he got his income tax and stopped going to work because "he had money to chill" sure enough he just got fired and is my little maid/slave since he owes me bills
your willfully ignorant cruelty infuriates me.
you imply that, since jesus said the poor will always be with us, it's fruitless and foolish to help them. however, when he says that, he's actually referring back to moses in deuteronomy 15:11, i.e. "There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy in your land."
furthermore, the idea that jesus thought it was stupid to help the poor goes against a central and pretty obvious theme of his ministry. look at all the rich people he scorned and warned about their spiritual bankruptcy; look at all the poor people he praised and fed. i can't go on refuting you, it'd last for days.
18, when I went to America and found out about payday loans.
My reaction was 'won't the interest just make you need one next month', and I was quickly told to shut up.
Anyone who can't keep a chunk of savings around for an emergency, or get approved for a credit card sort of deserves it.
Especially considering that my bank literally gave me a credit card when I hit 18.
Read whatever you like to make you feel better dumb dumb.
Back in the real world smart people rule over dumbs.
point taken. i repent in dust and ashes
I disagreed with tax policy way before that but seeing poor people have Dish all over their shit apartments got me.
Last thing you shouls be doing when poor ia being complacent enough to not only pay for expenaive TV but to sit there and waste time watching it.
Your first greentext block describes a guy I worked with. Nice guy, fun to talk to, but holy shit when I started talking about the big picture (home ownership, career etc) he came across as real fucking dumb.
>"I'm saving money for a house. So far I have $500 but hey, that's just 1 year of savings"
>"I went to an awesome rave on the weekend" ($100 ticket + $100 weed)
Some do some don't.
This bothers me more than any other aspect of poverty, when poor people have a bunch of kids.
Birth control is literally free from the health department.
> 500 after a year
>poor people don't deserve to be poor
not always, but usually, they are genetically dúmber than rich people. do they deserve bad genes? well that's another question
compulsory abortions
About 7. Hit hard times and my family had to move to the shit side of town. We eventually moved out after getting it together but the people there both old and young are mediocrity in physical form. Poor people are poor because they didn't try when they were young and look for schemes when they're old.
More like
>be a poor shit born in Africa
>the only way to make money is to work on a Chinese owned farm because your government squandered the land rights for individual payouts from corrupt investors
>you can make marginally more money if you have more children to help
>contract AIDS because lel condoms
>infect your newborn children
>you all die if AIDS for lack of newborn babies to make your cocks clean with their powers
Such is life in the Congo.
So for you, your family 'hit hard times' but the next door neighbor was 'mediocrity in physical form'
>Take a hint, buddy
His dad was a chick too. Imagine being such a cuck that we had an entire religion based around the bullshit your wife told you.
>implying Mary want sucking down cactus juice on the daily with her front butt
Lewd desert whores man.
We owned a business that went under because of outside situations. We were out of the neighborhood within two years. They stayed their entire lives.
>Harold Kerbo
Come on buddy, there's a whole field for sociologists who come up with whatever convoluted explanations they can to explain social trends that are immediately clear if they didn't arbitrarily omit g from analysis. His work doesn't acknowledge it's existence, which is unscientific to say the least.
Here, for example, is a meta-study looking at the pointlessness of research trying to explain parental socialization on criminality
>The role of parenting in the prediction of criminal involvement: findings from a nationally representative sample of youth and a sample of adopted youth.
>The role of parenting in the development of criminal behavior has been the source of a vast amount of research, with the majority of studies detecting statistically significant associations between dimensions of parenting and measures of criminal involvement. An emerging group of scholars, however, has drawn attention to the methodological limitations-mainly genetic confounding-of the parental socialization literature..
>The results revealed very little evidence of parental socialization effects on criminal behavior before controlling for genetic confounding and no evidence of parental socialization effects on criminal involvement after controlling for genetic confounding.
Of course, you can lose your job, or at best all your funding, for making the mistake of 'controlling for genetic confounding', so you can see researchers conveniently choose to explain their way around it. But how useful is that to you?
IQ is very, very important. Anyone who recognizes that has an edge on anyone who denies it. Soros' investment philosophy is all about arbitrating the distance between the collective fantasy people believe in and reality itself.