I wish I were him right now.
Reminder pic related stole 4.3 million dollars and will never be caught
>mfw report hashocean threads
>mfw mods don't delete them
>mfw dozens of bizraelies were fleeced
>mfw grinning ear to ear
This faggot keeps shilling his referall spam, you can't pull a profit from Genesis Mining. I wouldn't be surprised if hes the same faggot that shilled HashOcean in the first place.
HashOcean is great they are going to return all funds minus operational expenses!
They've moved on to genesis ponzimining now. Didn't skip a beat.
well if you put money you are not prepared to lose in ponzi (or if you are really retarded to casino) you deserve everything that's coming to you. i only bet what i was prepared to lose and made it back 3 times over.
it was still nice having those daily payments i'm going to miss them. probably have to find an other ponzi to get my fix.
Operational expense : 4.3 million
Veeky Forums will never learn
makes you all giggly that you missed out on the best investment this year? funny that.
if you invested in january you would have made 200% or more on your money.
i love that investing in cryptos is a race to get in and out before you get robbed
if only all those mt gox, dao, and now hashocean users somehow magically knew to get out one day before getting scammed. lel
well hashocean was special in that there was no real exit strategy offered.
so it was more like you would have to time your last investment in a way that it was still worth it to you to get in.
but yeah it's all about timing you win some you lose some i won great on hashocean some of the profit went to hell on ahash tho. it was a young ponzi still you can't be sure they will take off so even if you invest early you can lose.
People please, stop fucking with "coins".
Follow politics, buy the dip.
Buy stock in good companies at low prices, make real returns.
It's really that simple.
how long did ahash last? Theres a new one called Biteminer too. Sometimes, even "investing" on the first day of starting is not a sure win at all. Takes 3 months to get ROI and youre not even sure if they will last as long as Hashocean did
42 days
jesus looks exactly the same at pricing and free 15k and all. doesn't mean it's the same crew behind it tho.
fuck that wasnt long at all. no chance to make ROI. I think we might never see another Hashocean again.. Lasted for a year, which surprised me
Even if you know its a ponzi, its still a big gamble to invest on the first day.. The cards are heavily stacked against the investor. .. the ponzi-lord can just pull the plug at any moment
Are you really still shilling this ponzi after it collapsed?
If you had put that money into nearly any o&g company in January you would be up more than 200%. As an added bonus they can't just take your money and disappear into thin air.
Obstetrics and gynaecology?
i'm not shilling i'm just reminding every cuck that spouts shit about lessons learned that we all pretty much know fully well what it was. i made 300% on hahsocean btw.
i'm eyeballing this biteminer thing now.
same here. gonna invest in this ponzi and see where it goes.. Im prepared to lose my money..
screencap this, it will probably go down in the next 3 - 5 months
>gonna invest in this ponzi
Jesus fucking christ you guys.
some people play poker some play blackjack we invest in ponzis fuck off.
Where is that fucker that kept spamming referal link's everyday?
holy fuck this is great
you knew it was a ponzi and you still threw money at it. i thought you were retarded before and i still do but i wish you well. best of luck in your future endevours, ponzianon.
he said he made 200%. hard to find any stocks that perform that well
theres great risk in ponzis, thats what makes it fun
Some of these investment firms (*cough* ponzi) give you 100,000% return after just 3 days!
how much do you guys usually invest?
I usually just go with the minimum amount, so i dont lose my 15k/hash for shits and giggles
Thing is he didnt
And if he did, he did so by duping others through referal links and is setting up for a new round on the next ponzi scheme.
Just report referal links asap.
i made 300% but i put one third into ahash and that was a bust. so 200% is the end result.
i won some on ahash like 20% in the first test run then lost when they got domain fucked on day 42 site was on for a while on a different domain then they deleted that too.
Top kek
>i'm eyeballing this biteminer thing now.
tried to reg with them but it's not working
anyone had success?
they don't send the email with the first password.
This takes fucking ages though.
Same thing. Cant use it
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