Jobs for anxiety

What are good things to do for maybe part time work or at home work for a person with anxiety?
I have a hard time dealing with people as well as speaking comfortably in public.
Also have a hard time with having a boss and being worried about their oppinion and getting fired.

Stocking shelves is pretty good.

Gain a skill in your free-time and apply it to a market.

manual labor. That's what I do.

Although I'd say it would be best if you see a shrink, and start working on that anxiety.

People say just put yourself put there, work full time after a few months u will get better

Saw a shrink for 5 years. No change.
I have good days and bad. Usually botch interviews because i cant speak properly.
When im not under stress im eloquent as can be.
Also im not fat or ugly. Which sometimes helps with being hired despite my brain shutting down.

Tried with zero luck. Several times.

Stocking shelves is a great place to start or working thirds in general, ideally at a closed or lightly visited grocery store.

Do you work out?

I ride dirtbikes, fall trees for firewood, and work on cars a lot. Does that count as excersize?


cardio helps a lot with anxiety and depression.