Is there anything wrong with stealing money from foolish people?

Is there anything wrong with stealing money from foolish people?

Is theft inherently anti-capitalist?

Its not stealing money if they make the decision to lose their money.

No need to steal. They'll hand it to you.

But is scamming/theft/fraud capitalist or not?


All different things.
If most people buy a product for $10, and you get someone to pay $20, what is that?

That's nothing, but neither of those is theft by deception.

I'm just curious if theft and fraud are capitalist or not and where they fall in. I know there's a lot of capitalists on here who know far more than I do so I just wanted to hear them chime in and explain what it all means.

If you need to ask this question, you already have a pretty weak conscience.

It doesn't matter if it's 'morally' wrong since you'll just find an excuse to do it anyway. Don't even pretend otherwise.

>It doesn't matter if it's 'morally' wrong since you'll just find an excuse to do it anyway. Don't even pretend otherwise

I'm trying to figure out how theft and capitalism meet.

I'm curious and I can't recall anyone discussing this topic before(except one of my other threads before I made on Veeky Forums but we didn't really get to any serious conclusion despite hundreds of replies)

Theft is an abhorrent crime that should be prosecuted.
Selling a shitty product for 20 times its production cost that has no future value or warranty however is considered a grey line that is easily exploited.

Don't be a Slav and steal shit, be a Jew and sell shit for 20 times its production cost and offer no refunds.

My grandmother got scammed by someone pretending to be me over the phone.
If I ever see anyone that does that shit I would instantly destroy their face.

Isn't it survival of the fittest though?

According to the animal kingdom your gma was not fit enough for her money to survive.

According to my dick, your ass isn't going to survive when I fit it inside it

>muh 'survival of the fittest'

Yup you're probably a sociopath

>According to my dick, your ass isn't going to survive when I fit it inside it

What if that isn't the case and I beat you to a bloody pulp when you try to "take your money back"?
Just theoretically, have you considered that alternative, abrupt ending to your fantasy?

What the fuck did you just say about me you little bitch?

I'm just asking because I always see posts/people saying things like "If I... I'D BEAT HIM UP AND MAKE HIM APOLOGIZE", but I never see what happens when it doesn't work out and the other guy is stronger

Weren't you guys on my Seal Team?

Weren't you on the reddit team?

No i think we may have been on the occupydemocrats team.

I was the one holding the Karl marx banner

So you're from the Tumblr Feminist movement right?

No I haven't been there

I have been at a few trump protests and bernie rallies, gotta cheer for my man bernie

In what sense? stealing stealing or stealing in fraud scamming selling shit kinda way?

The free market becomes more efficient and secure by adapting to threats. Threats and risk are a natural part of the market and of capitalism.