This board is absolute trash. No one gives advice to people. There is no sticky or guide to help people out. What the fuck is the point of this shit?
This board is absolute trash. No one gives advice to people. There is no sticky or guide to help people out...
Containment for cryptoshills
What advice would you like?
I've slowly realized this, and yet no one can bother to give actual helping advice even about cryptotrash. If people on this board actually spent more time trying to coordinate with each other and try to make dosh instead of fucking slinging dog shit everywhere and memeing out there asses, perhaps this board would be worth something.
>If people on this board actually spent more time trying to coordinate with each other and try to make dosh
dude how could you ever trust some random user from Veeky Forums to really cooperate with you and not fuck you in the proverbial anus and scam the shit out of you?
I'm talking about advice wise, not actually entrusting someone with monetary funds.
Follow scandinaviabras blog if you want real advice. What did you expect from a french frog eating forum?
Link to it?
you said coordinating with which implies you try to time your moves with other anons which means you have to trust them not betraying you for their own profit.
Oh look, it's another poorfag complains that Veeky Forums won't help him stop being a poorfag thread....
Stfu, faggot. Ask or question, or don't. This isn't your notebook of grievances.
ihaz and Li Sheng give solid advice, though they also probably didn't get money by being on Veeky Forums all the time helping poorfags.
Speaking of which, I forgot the name of that firm Li recommended for fixing my credit score. Never could find a lawyer that wanted to take the case.
Let me tell you something you fucker. I have only one fucking question.
What should I invest my $1,000 in?
>What the fuck is the point of this shit?
welcome to the internet, glad to see u learned how 2 post
>What should I invest my $1,000 in?
Nothing, faggot.
1. Get a job. You need a steady income to invest.
2. Establish an appropriate emergency fund.
3. Accumulate $3000k that you're willing to leave alone for 5-10 years.
Then ask again, faggot.
How do I accumulate $3 million
>Li Sheng give solid advice
Why would you take advice from someone that wont answer the question of if s/he is actually Chinese?
Buy the dip
Alright I will explain it to you poorfag.
If you want something then just fucking set a goal and reach it we don't have time to hold your hand and teach you everything if you actually want to be successful then start with yourself dummy.
Real Veeky Forums gets shit done and doesn't wait around if I have a question I google it and keep that shit to myself and get to work.
back to roots, this is how Veeky Forums worked back in the days.
lurk moar
Who cares if Li's trying to hide being Argentinean
>No one gives advice
Oh I disagree. Plenty of people give advice on Veeky Forums. It's almost universally *bad* advice, but it is definitely given.
I don't know what you expect. Economics is not a hard/natural science. Nobody *knows* shit, everyone's just guessing. Ask 10 economists about a topic, and if you're lucking you'll only get 11 opinions.
What do you even picture good Veeky Forums advice would look like?
Here's a list of actual advice: Stick to what you know and understand. Buy low, sell high. If there's a demand you can make a business out of it. Run the numbers, mathematics and accounting are your friends. If you invest in anything beyond bonds - only put in money you can stomach to lose completely. Be prepared to fail, but don't stop after you do. Diversify. Read the news.
Anything more specific and it's either complete guesswork or useless, because you can't capitalise on it due it not being tailored to your background and skills.
There is no advice to be given. It's all pump and dump shilling.
The same way /mlp/ was created to get it off other boards, Veeky Forums was created to get shitcoins off of other boards.
Moot would rather create an entire board instead of just IP range banning these people.
This board has always been bad. There were some people who used to give sound advice, but the board is too shitty for redemption.
>What should I invest my $1,000 in?
fuck all of you i'm going to invest my $1,000 into hemmrhoidal cream
I come around when something big happens politically and markets go apeshit.
I'm currently looking for an entry into some Boeing shares.
if this Iran deal falls through it will surely be a great price combined with the Brexit woes.
If not, keep looking.
Hell if you want to buy some shares of a fund that seeks to track an index like the S&P/Nasdaq/Dow this dip might be a worthwhile entry as well.
If you want to straight up bet, you could buy $RUSL at open. Very risky.
we're waiting for the US treasury to approve or deny the Boeing Iran deal.
The only safe move is to wait, hope for a denial, buy the dip.
that's a lot of kneepads
4 u
Airbus deal has been signed in January, Boeing deal in June - both are conditional on US Treasury approval. Are they delaying the announcement so it will be at the same time? I'd imagine Airbus getting announced first and you'd think both would be the same result (although US favouritims for Boeing has a long tradition...)
I have no idea what kind of timetable the treasury operates on other than weekdays.
>this board is shit beacuse it's not am advice board for ME!
Kill yourself OP you are the cancer.
Motley Fool saying Boeing and Airbus are doomed.
Lurk more summerfag
Literally every board is like this.
Look at /v/ or /tv/ and try to find a single post that isn't just memespam.
If you want actual discussion go to a serious forum.
Sounds like a philosophical question.
Ask yourself, how many people in the real world have given you advice, true advice, for nothing.
$1000 is little girl money.
It really depends on your personal interests, as where to invest.
I'd suggest something practical; like film equipment, or computer hardware/software.
Go make more money, leave me alone.
the only guy that actually made me money on Veeky Forums is wise user with his GXY analysis. everything else is cope,cuck,eth,crypto,btc spamming.
Most people who run businesses or daytrade are too busy to sit on Veeky Forums giving advice to user's.
Therefore demand completely outweighs supply. Lots of people asking questions, wanting guidance, yet getting very little.
i get my day-trading advice from here. no joke
.because of the rapidity of anons commenting to global market trends
You will always be disappointed if you think someone is just going to give you advise that will result in huge gains.
If someone had advise that reliable they would either keep it to them self or be getting paid for it.
Trading is adversarial and all free advise is misinformation.
>someone is just going to give you advise that will result in huge gains.
They are handing out that kind of advice on I believe.