

How long can you go , how long can you go

Reached the £-5000
I ain't selling shit
I'm buying more, fuck it

Well i don't know if you believe in something but you better start praying faggot

>buy the dip they said

I've reached the point of laughing at myself right now

Christ, wait until the fucking dip levels out at least.

Look at a fucking 1 year chart, and a 3 month chart.

When you hit the lowest dip in the 3 month chart, keep waiting for the lowest dip on the 1 year chart.

Then buy the dip.

My god, you people are doing this wrong.



Ok thanks for the advice m8
It's going back in the low 4000 now, thank fuck

Alright but the most important thing to remember is: "Get it at the price you want."

That implies waiting.


>mfw people have so much faith in the American economy the S&P actually rises today while the rest of the world burns

it would make me feel proud to be an American, but it's not likely. Probably minor losses to be expected today, and even more tomorrow and the next day.

Is it time yet to buy barratt and Taylor wimpey? House builders getting fucked up atm. I'm just remembering missed opportunities in 2008

>Buy RBS

How low do you guys think gbp to usd will go? Thinking of exchanging all my britbux for real money

As low as the jews sees fit

I'd cum all over myself if it went 0.90. I'd put Big Boy money into GBP then.

I'm British I'm just not sure if I should get out or if the worst is over

>tfw I'm up +12 BTC this month thanks to siacoin

In your opinion what is a good entry for $RBS?

I know its falling more but how much farther? It will recover in time.

>mfw it's -7k
>mfw I have no face

How do I buy pounds?

You have too much beta exposure in your portfolio (I'm guessing a lot of FTSE 350 meme stocks?)

No wonder your losses are so huge


the money lost is irrelevant, you need to use %

Not sure how you're making any assumptions

what have you done

Bought the dip

Should I close everything and save the money I have left boys?

>haven't made a profit since the crash
>literally hundreds of millions in losses each year
>somehow still afloat
Thanks George.

On another note, my portfolio is attached. Considering dumping equities and buying gold. Wat do?

Doesn't matter m8, we're heading for recession your money isn't safe any where

>currency crashes 20%
>stocks crash slightly less
>looks like I've made gains

Explain indexes to me, Veeky Forums, I only trade stocks and go long at the moment. As far as I understand, indexes mean people investing for you, giving you a safer rate of return, but higher fees?

That's exactly it user, you're on the right path to trading indexes

just go out, waiting almost never is a good idea

Rises ? Are you fucking autistic ? s&p is at -2%

if you dont trade with currencies, it doesnt matter how much worth your money is

So its good if you want to invest defensively, but not much else? Why would I opt for indexes rather than high dividend stocks?

Bumping this question.

>-$9100 last 2 days
worth it
fuck the eu, way to go britbros

>not shorting the pound before every major referendum
Literally no risk.

Just keep buying at the dips.

In a couple months you'll have huge gains.



Made 100s of thousands from Brexit and if you didn't you're retarded. I bought gold + usd at 100x leverage before Brexit, sold after. Then bought as many stocks as I could o the American market at 10x leverage, eg. AMD, Google, Nvidia. Today I sold Amd for 70% returns, I'll sell the others when they rise. This was 2 ez

Those are mutual funds. Indexes are just collections of stocks for diversification.


Ayy lmao ty Lloyds bank, BTC and SPX500

I want to compensate fully for your losses. You couldn't have predicted this, give me your email and I'll send a $5 Amazon gift card your way