Newfag to Veeky Forums here. I normally stay on /r9k/ or /a/ but I've decided to start investing in stocks, but how do I do it? Is there some sort of website for me to go to where I can buy and sell them? And how much should I invest and where? I'm the kind of guy that doesn't take big risks so I'm ok with only making small amounts of money as long as I don't lose any, or at least earn more than I lose over time. I also see people talking about some day trading app called RobinHood, do I use that?
I am starting college this fall so I want to try and branch out and find sources of money besides the shitty cashier job I have currently that I intend to quit soon anyway.
Pic related, it's my bank account and is all the money I have to work with.
If you dont like risk then trading stocks is not for you. Try index funds or bonds.
Hudson Morgan
Go to and start investing in trumpcoin. It will be worth atleast $1 by November and currently costs $0.03 per coin.
Michael Bennett
the most money you can safely make without taking on too much risk is a 4-7% annual return (and that's assuming the market doesn't crash in the next coming years, which isn't a smart thing to assume) so if you have $2000, you're looking at an $80-140 per YEAR gain
people who make non-trivial earnings from stock returns usually have in the hundreds of thousands of dollars capital to work with
with that much money, you're much better off buying things from ebay and alibaba and reselling on amazon, or starting a website
Cooper Richardson
If stocks require risk than I am willing to bite the bullet and take some of it on. I'm even ok with losing money at first as long as I eventually learn how the market works and earn it back eventually.
I've also already invested in bonds before but made very little off of them (I cashed them in too early), so I do know that little risk means little reward.
I assume trumpcoin is like bitcoin in that it will go crazy high eventually, only to inevitably crash? Well if that is the case then I'm ok with investing in these.
If each coin increases in worth by $0.93 then buying 100 coins for $30 dollars will sell for $100 and gain a profit of $90.00, I guess that's be pretty good, but how would I know when to sell so I do so before before the crash occurs?
Christian Barnes
>Doesn't take big risks >Goes to Veeky Forums for financial advice
Henry Hernandez
>how would I know when to sell so I do so before the crash occurs? that'd be a great thing to know, wouldn't it
Carter White
For the love of god don't listen to anybody pushing a particular thing on here, especially if it's a cryptocurrency.
Veeky Forums is full of shills pushing things they bought weeks/months ago hoping the price will go even higher.
There are a small number of good cryptocurrencies, but you need to be a tech expert to identify them. If you really wanna buy a crypto, Bitcoin itself is the only thing approaching a "safe" bet. (And you should still be comfortable losing half your investment over night.)
Xavier Baker
Did kind of a poor job explaining the coin. The point of the coin is to fundraise for Trump. 200,000 coins are set aside.
Currently the coin is at roughly 3 cents however this is with almost no marketing done and there is plenty of potential upside.
A reddit tip bot is coming and will be integrated into their subreddit with 150k+ with 5-10k usually online at a time. This will bring the price up along with stability
You should only put in what you're technically willing to lose but now's probably a good time to get in before the marketing plans fully roll out
Austin Long
Well, take an event like Brexit. You can either bet on it or against it. The market went for a remain, so betting on remain was the safe option.
I shorted betting on Brexit and made 2% in a single day. Now I am re-investing that money in financial stocks, as they are the hardest hit ones, and go long. Then sell them when they have restored somewhat. But that may take 1 year+.
Look out for major world events and bet on them. The next greek bailout talks would allow you to short Greek stocks based on news from the euro commission.
Dylan Anderson
your ignorant ass needs to learn the basics.
Jaxon Wilson
Congrats. I had a similar plan, but was on vacation and slacked off. Not jumping in long yet, though.
Gavin Allen
what does it mean to short a stock? Sorry but I have very little xp in this investing stuff, you guys really need a sticky like a lot of other subs.
I looked at a chart and it has barely changed value wise for many months and has mainly gone down. However, if a reddit tip bot is coming I may put a bit of money into it and see how things go. but do you have any sources where I can get information like what you have on trumpcoin?
ty, I'll look into it.
Asher Lee
Going short means holding a stock for a brief period of time in the expectation that the price will go up, than sell when you think it has peaked.
In my example: I bought stocks as soons as I heard of Jo Cox murder, waited out the market rising untill the day of the Brexit vote itself, then sold when I thought the market had peaked. But you can short stocks in terms of seconds. If you see a trend of increasing price, you can buy and then immediatelly sell. But thats only profitable in volume.
As for going long, that generally means holding stocks for a long time, either betting on markets increasing very, very slowly, or waiting for dividends to pay out.
Chase Nelson
Stocks already hit peak low, I expect. Mondays are always hectic, with huge fluctuations. The EU will take steps to stabilize the market. I dont think financials will drop any lower.
Pretty good time to be shorting oil though, considering the increase in the dollar.
Cooper Hughes
>Going short means holding a stock for a brief period of time Please stop confusing people. You have no idea what you are talking about.
Justin Ward
There is a trumpcoin general thread somewhere, can't find the link. The people in charge of the website and marketing have reported they will release their timeline of what will be released and have confirmed that they've talked to the subreddit moderators and that the bot will be incorporated soon because it's a great way for people to fundraise for Trump.
Also here's a BTC/Trump chart overall the price has hovered around the same, there was the initial buy period when it was released but it has only been out for a couple of months. Also at 3 cents its very likely to be volatile. For example someone performed a large sell off but the coin still held at 1.5 cents. There are going to be quite a bit of dips and pops as the coin has just started and that should be expected but again I believe the upside (the marketing and fundraising potential) are much higher than the risk.
I think the easiest way to mitigate the risk is to limit your investment which is what I'm doing. I'm comfortable losing a couple hundred because I believe there's a solid chance the coin can grow from 3 cents. Even if it doesn't hit a dollar at 10 cents that's still triple the price and is likely of happening with the tip bot
Thomas Jackson
Sorry, I always say short when I mean holding for a brief time.
In the lingo, shorting mean selling before you even buy, yes.
Ryan Evans
That's not what it means.
Here is an example from investopedia.
BREAKING DOWN 'Short (or Short Position)'
1. For example, an investor who borrows shares of stock from a broker and sells them on the open market is said to have a short position in the stock. The investor must eventually return the borrowed stock by buying it back from the open market. If the stock falls in price, the investor buys it for less than he or she sold it, thus making a profit.
William Hall
Plenty of info about the plans here.
One of the higher ups working on the project has fronted their own money to purchase (held by someone else for a bit of money)