What do rich people say/do/believe?
What do rich people say/do/believe?
>I'm self made
>My parents loaning me money had nothing to do with my success
>You're just poor because you're stupid
the worlds 400 richest people lost 127 billion in Brexit. Even Sorros lost a lot of money in bets, although he made it green with his gold hedge.
When it comes to currency, everything is a volatile bubble and there is no escape from risk if you want to store labor.
> say
I'm gonna do your mom
> do
Your mom
> believe
Your mom has the loosest pussy in town
>Hey, I'm rich
Those are just rich kids. No rich person says that.
A common one rich people say is when someone picks a fight with them they hit back with the
>my car is worth more than your annual salary faggot
they didn't lose anything you retard they stand to make money from this if they buy
eat a dick
You see this watch?
>bougie insecurity general
Self made millionaires usually say you too can become rich and successful if you want it enough, dedicate yourself and work towards your dreams, but this is so bullshit.
They seem to forget that for their businesses to be successful and prosper, hundreds if not thousands of others had to fail and dreams were shattered.
who the fuck does this guy think he is? coming here giving us this shit? fuck him.
>When you lose money you win
Here's a relevant story.
My Great Grandfather was a Kerosene distributor before the Second World War.
First he started pulling a cart on foot, then bought a donkey, then a tanker truck with a mechanical pump.
During the war his business was destroyed so he turned his tanker into a fire truck.
After the war, the city owed him money, so he traded for 1/2 of a bombed out city block, hired his volunteer fire crew as workers, and built it back up.
Then he bought more and more and kept on building.
By the time my Grandfather was 16, his Father was pretty wealthy.
My Grandfather had been educated at the best schools in the region and he expected to join his Father's business at a top position.
But my Great Grandfather wanted him to learn the business from the bottom.
Grandfather thought he was too good for that and didn't want to listen to his old man and after a temporary falling out, he bought a shovel and a pick and "went into business for himself" just to spite his Father.
A couple of years later he too was a successful self made property Developer.
After listening to this bedtime story all my life, I find out from my Great Aunt(Grandfather's Sister), that my Great Grandfather made my Great Grandmother give my Grandfather a hefty sum of money after his little pick and shovel stunt.
Enough to not only buy, and build a large plot, but a W111 Mercedes too.
You think this is abuse?
>They seem to forget that for their businesses to be successful and prosper, hundreds if not thousands of others had to fail and dreams were shattered.
Businesses are successful for CREATING value, not destroying or "taking" it. Stay poor faggot.
'why don't hungry people just kill and eat each other like our brave American forefathers did?'
'Jeeves, toss another dead servant on the fire'
'I saw a poor person drop a coin today and, no wait, don't laugh yet, that's not the funny bit, Natasha, this is the funny bit; he actually stopped to pick it up! From the FLOOR! I considered having my bodyguard kill him for mild entertainment, and perhaps to end his misery....'
>gift giving manners and etiquette. like writing thank you cards and shit. most of my middle class friends my age just buy their friends dinner and that's it. but the rich boomer parents spoil exchange shit like vases, decoration, vacations, gourmet chocolate among each other and have all these weird rules in doing so
>rich girls study stuff like interior design and have a sense of wanting preserve face so they don't get tattoos/visibly drunk/anything associated with low class
>a quote from Frasier "Careful with that Lalique vase and Wassily chair!"
>Thinks long term
>Has ambition
>Doesn't spend needlessly
>Does not get comfortable with his current financial situation unless there is absolutely nothing more he could wish for
>Has had luck
Also with that story, how successful would they have been if there had not been a war forcing them out of the kerosene business?
>I'm a self made man
>poor people are just lazy
>taxes should be lowered
>welfare should be abolished
>you don't have enough money? just buy more!
>I'm self made
This could very well be true.
>My parents loaning me money had nothing to do with my success
It probably did for most rich people, but that is just them taking advantage of the trust between them to loan money more efficiently. If you can trust someone to pay back your loan, then you can afford to loan to them at lower rates because there is less inherent risk.
>You're just poor because you're stupid
Well, stupid people tend to be poor, don't they? And smart people tend to be rich, especially the smart and productive. If you are poor, it is very possible that you became poor because you lack intelligence and foresight. After all, how is a person without these virtues to maintain any amount of wealth?
Now, on an unrelated note, does Benjamin Franklin have a large forehead? If you removed those locks on the side of his head he would look really weird, like his cranium is too tall.
"I deserve being rich"
"poor people are poor because they are lazy"
"are you poor? ugh"
>>welfare should be abolished
>>taxes should be lowered
also... "I totally deserve my govt subsidies!"
Literally parents loaning them money may have NOTHING to do with their success. If someone isn't smart enough to manage money...would someone else have done the same thing? Hurp Durp you fucking jelly financially retarded idiots.
something other than buying self-help books
>poor people will worker harder if I am taxed less
>If someone isn't smart enough to manage money...would someone else have done the same thing?
but you need money to do something in the first place, dumbass. also, it's really obvious that rich people get the best education in the best social context (they have all immediate needs covered), and are taught to manage money, unlike... poor people that barely have money in the first place.
So what you're saying is
>poor under privileged me
>even though I couldn't manage money like someone else
>it's not against me because I don't have the money or brains to do it
>what is education
do you think knowledge and experience comes with your genes or something? let me guess, you are less than 20 y.o., and a /pol/tard.
"I'm going to buy Lucara"/Buy Lucara/Believe in Lucara
Its not some grand unsolved puzzle.
Pick up any book on the subject and you'll likely be way ahead of the world.
Pic related.
Join the 1% for $20 or less.
similar thing happened when oil prices plummeted. no one is safe from volatile markets, but many people pay experts lots of money for investment protection. some experts get it right.
also, save then invest, don't just save. stop spending on stupid/useless/fun things, but take vacations. plan everything as well as you can.
"I bought Trumpcoin in 2016"
I'm rich and I post memes.
Yeah thanks for the Lucara tip, /biz.
Down like 15% today. Fucker(s).
>I've been running businesses since I was 24
>I founded 17 companies, I don't need anyone to tell me what to do
t: trust fund babby who wasted millions of his parents' money running 17 companies into the ground
hundreds if not thousands of niggers go to college now for free or next to it, and use their education for Jack shit.
Almost everyone i know either studies psychology art or music at university, it's a an easy meme gateway apparently.
I don't get that shit at all i probably would've studied some trade skill or marketing.
>Taking tips on long positions from someone trying to get out of their long position
>Taking tips from this shitheap pyramid scheme board
>Not only lurking to watch dummies ask how to get with immediately and laugh at the responses
>>Thinks long term
>>Has ambition
>>Doesn't spend needlessly
>>Does not get comfortable with his current financial situation unless there is absolutely nothing more he could wish for
>>Has had luck
Shit. That's pretty much 100% on all points.
Are you wealthy or just insightful?
>visit my sister in laws family in Swampscott, Mass
> a bunch of lawyers and doctors
>We are from South Carolina - entrepreneurs we live on acres of a beautiful lake, not redneck
>I get asked at dinner " So do you have air conditioning or just those ceiling fans like I see on TV?"
>I get asked at dinner " So do you have air conditioning or just those ceiling fans like I see on TV?"
Thats an honest question. I've wondered about those ceiling fans too.
You see them all the time on those big plantation homes.
>South Carolina - entrepreneurs
howzzat moonshine biznes
>It's all about the long-term
>Getting rich is more about being good at what you do and getting the good deals
>If you hate being poor so much, start your own late 90's e-commerce buisiness
>Why doesn't everyone own a giant corporation with thousands of employees like I do
>Everyone who doesn't own a successful buisiness is a failure and deserves to be poor
Not a commie and don't hate rich people or anything, but I roll my eyes when some CEO, even if they are 100% self made, implies that people who aren't in the 99th percentile of intelligence, buisiness sense, and being in the right place at the right time with the right idea like them deserve poverty.
t. commie whoner with no work ethic
Most millionaires aren't geniuses. Most geniuses aren't millionaires. Basically git gud, but with money.
My point was that not everyone can own their own company with a tons of employees, someone's gotta push the pencils and clean the bathrooms.
I don't get this mindest at all, really. I know plenty of very simple people, not too bright, who prioritize frugalness and handle their money very well, able to retire early and with plenty of cash to live well.
At the same time I've seen doctors who have to live paycheck to paycheck because they have no idea how to manage their money, even if it's coming in abundantly.
General intelligence may be weakly correlated with financial common sense, but when you compare groups like the working class and upper-middle class, it's very difficult to find vast differences in how they manage their money, simply different levels of IQ and education.
Books are free at the library tard, you are posting on the greatest source of information humanity has ever seen. You can bitch and moan about how it isn't fair you didn't get to go to private school, but that isn't the reason you are a failure. Your additude is. You would have failed no matter what.
Of all the things you could possibly say are stacked against you, a lack of access to knowledge is not one of them. The only thing actually holding you back is your victim complex.
>today was a good day, made 20k paper
good to know, dad!
I grew up with two parents who were both very educated and made $300,000+ yearly, was raised in a 10,000 sq. ft. house in Rancho Santa Fe, CA.
I've been around rich people my whole life. Some of them are very obnoxious, flaunt their wealth, spend excessively. Those are the "stereotypical rich people". Those are the ones that go bankrupt after 10 years too....
I was raised conservatively, politically and fiscally. I don't drive a brand new Mercedes or BMW, I don't wear $10,000k+ watches, my shirts don't cost more than $20. I got a job when I was 15, have always had a job, working in a kitchen, intern, whatever. I'm just a normal guy, sure maybe I don't need to worry about financial issues, ever, doesn't mean I won't pursue a career, be useful to society. Most of the people who give the "1%" a bad name are the loudest, most obnoxious. Most very wealthy people are just normal people, who worked harder, and are more fortunate than others.
I know kids who's families have less money than mine, and they drop out of college, go buy Lamborghinis, party every weekend, and live lavish lifestyles while never doing anything with their lives that is beneficial to others or substantial. And they'll never have to get a job or pursue a career because of how much money they have. THOSE people are the loud minority.
To answer your question, Most normal "rich" people are conservative, lightly religious, and have good morals. Not what the media portrays "the rich" as.
can't tell if bait, or uneducated...
Almost exactly the same as my family, it took me a long time to find out my dad was doing well. When I was a little kid I'd say "I wish we were millionaires" and he'd say "We are." but I thought he was joking lol.
Rich people have a soul too.
I inherited everything, which is essentially what had happened in my family since the Battle of Fulford. My father was an Army Officer, then by the time he reached fifty he just sat on the boards of various companies. My mother never worked, she had hobbies and that was about it. She was by no means a bimbo or a trophy wife, but she wasn't expected to work and didn't grow up in an environment in which women did. Being involved in charities, foundations or causes was acceptable.
As a child I never understood why people used buses. That was the stupidest thing of all. I never actually used a bus until I went on holiday with some friends from university. I managed not to make a complete hash of it, but I had essentially lived for 19 years without using public transport.
There was always the knowledge that everyone we associated with was in the same boat, which was comforting. I know for a fact that none of my childhood friends were reliant on salary income. I didn't associate with middle class children. It wasn't out of spite or malice, it just didn't happen. We went on holiday twice a year and at Christmas we made each other gifts. When we weren't away at school we used to play in the garden or try and peek under the covers of the old cars my father kept in the garage.
School was excellent. Anyone who tells you that Public School (in the English sense) is outdated, cruel, whatever is a liar. It was genuinely good fun.
Anecdotal, but I don't know a single person who studied for a professional or qualifying degree. Everyone either went for languages, PPE, classics, natural sciences or something of that nature.
>life isn't fair
>that guy is only successful because of (luck, parents, genetics, etc.)
>I'm smart so I should be rewarded
>nobody is successful because of hard work
>I'm better than everyone but they are too stupid to realize it
Wait a second, that's whiny poorfags on Veeky Forums, not rich people. Rich people typically focus on what is important to them and their goals rather than worry about what other people say/do/think and if life is fair or not.
There's a big difference between the ones that grew up poor(legitimate poor)
And those born into money
What are extraction businesses, Alex?
>for their businesses to be successful and prosper, hundreds if not thousands of others had to fail and dreams were shattered
Usually the entrepreneur's dreams are shattered several times before they finally stumble across something that works.
I hate the culture in the 90s that arose where people stopped saying "I'll take what I can get" and started saying "FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS". This is an enormously shitty unrealistic attitude, for a start while you are chasing your single dream, you ignore dozens of other better opportunities, ones that might ironically allow you to accumulate resources to spend on your original pipe dream. Then there is the fact that most people know very little about the world. How can you even be sure this is what you want as some dumb kid straight out of high school? Lastly, even if your dream is a good idea, how can you know how to achieve it right from the beginning? You have to do all the mundane things everyone else is doing to begin with, if you're so stuck up you can only say "NO I DONT WANT TO DO PLEB THINGS, I WANT SUCCESS NOW", what chance do you have?
We need to build a wall...!