What's Veeky Forums's opinion of based Shkreki?
What's Veeky Forums's opinion of based Shkreki?
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He is a fucking asshole.
But he is OUR asshole.
Friendless alphabeta
one of the best
Also post best Shkrekies.
He is a sociopath and has a bad PR voice. He could've just explain his motivation for doing the stuff he did in a calm manner, apologize and chill out and the shitstorm would've died down eventually.
Instead he went on to mock and make fun of anyone who wanted to discuss it. And just acted like more of an asshole. It almost seems like he wants to be seen as an asshole
Now he is the scapegoat of the media against Wall Street.
Someone tweet him
he's a Veeky Forumsraeli fellow
Why the fuck would someone with that much money talk to idiots
Because he has no friends form being an autistic.
He live streams his google hangouts on youtube. He always has a a couple of dick riders on screen, usually a cute girl and a token black guy to make him seem favorable.
That seems be how he enjoys spending his free time based on his streams
Based af
Seems like a bland individual, would be a terrible and incredibly boring friend. Untrustworthy, immature, condescending, etc
Can't deny he is intelligent though, perhaps borderline autistic and/or a genius. Not sure why retards try to debate with him.
Spent the last hour watching his videos.
Scary smart, holy shit
Maaaan you guys are dumb. Shkreli is an actual genuis, super smart and talented.
>What's Veeky Forums's opinion of based Shkreki?
he is a walking God
we need him as VP with trump, or as chairman of the Fed
>econ 101 with subhuman IQ female
>based Nick Lim
>shkreli rekts nigga female
these are some of the best blabs
I wish I could get rich like him and have stupid poor people liberals jump on a bandwagon of hatred and jealousy towards me because social media told them to, all while I troll them in live video chats and expose them for the retarded pieces of shit they are and remind them that it's their fault that they're poor and that they'll die poor.
He is living the fucking dream
Watching his VICE doc, he comes off as having assburgers. But he's pretty articulate in the group chats, even if a bit aggressive.
The way he lays down traps for people, honing in instantly on the core of their shitty arguments, he's a master baiter. I bet he posts on chans.
I hope he gets sent to jail, this kid is defined by his hubris
I like him, but only because he triggers my leftist beta cuck housemates.
11 mins in he says daraprim doesn't treat malaria.
>loses all credibility
yes I'm autism
Nope, he actually has a wide circle of friends.
He's your typical fucktard young adult who never actually matured but fell into a position of wealth and power and then became an Ayn Randian fuckwit sociopath.
I put him basically on the same level as Notch, but at lest Shkreli does something with his money like bang hookers and plans to build a temple in the mountains for that wutang album that people have to pilgrimage too.
Notch on the other hand spends his time on Twitter whining about video game feminism and how he's not a sexist cunt while spouting sexist cuntish things then complains that nobody loves him and he's all alone while spending his money on vanity shit like multi million dollar mansion and Lambo in his living room which doesn't actually bring him happiness.
but it doesn't it was last year classified as no-use for it as it might indeed worsen malaria symptoms?
Evil but he's Albanian and croat so I we can't blame him for it.
>It almost seems like he wants to be seen as an asshole
Fucker just wants to be seen. This is textbook narcissism, and as you said, he's almost certainly a sociopath as well.
>at least shkreli does something with his money
You dumb? Notch buys 70 million dollar house and shkreli sits in basement and rarely spends money. Which is kinda badass but js.
get out shekelekeki
You realize that his arrest and trial have nothing to do with his PR or even his healthcare companies right?
>based Shkreki
Yeah, nah.
There's nothing based about a grown man that sits alone for an entire weekend playing League of Legends while streaming it on the internet.
He's a degenerate. If you disagree, so are you. :^)
>Nick Lim
Holy shit watching that video made me want to murder everyone born between like 1990 and 2005 then kill myself to wipe away the memory that people like him exist.
>fell into a position of wealth and power
Yeah, testing into one of the best schools in the city then going on to build a massive hedge fund in your early 20s all while being from a poor immigrant household. Just fell right into it.
>>based Nick Lim
>vs Millenial "Know-It-All" Computer Programmer
he's a 18 y.o. that barely knows how to argue at all.
He technically isn't wrong tho
I'm friends with his genderbend
His supporters claim he's some kind of child genius. He's a crook who drew attention to his crooked activies by acting like a cartoon villain. Evidently not that intelligent...
hi marty!!!!
He's here you guys
hi martin
Based Shkreli himself is lurking in this thread!
biz is finally famous.....
he is cool, i have him on my steam friends list
You losers are jealous because you don't have nearly as much money as him nor do you have the street smarts that he possesses
>Implying I didn't start it myself
> IDs
Post Trashy with timestamp or gtfo
What other boards do you think he posts on? /a/ and /d/ are likely pretty solid choices.
If you don't think Martin is a good dude, then your silly ass needs to come visit Shkrooklyn. That'll change your mind up real fast. Everyone on the streets knows how it be.
Didn't he own an e-sports team at one point? He probably talks shit on /v/ or something.
mfw i linked martin to this thread
Fucking liar: twitter.com
Martin Shkreli was thrown under the bus and ostracized because he was creating a rift in the insurance company. He was fucking the insurance companies, not the patients, yet the media made him look like an evil villain, simply because he was royally fucking those who fuck us. Shkreli is GOAT
I bet some /sp/ too so he can pretend like he has friends
10/10 Would bang, but I'm a dude. MARTIN YOU'RE MAKING ME SEXUALLY CONFUSED
i sometimes think he could play his character even better but i like him. watched some of his streams before, enjoyed watching him fuck libs, would probably hang out with him
he plays league so Veeky Forums maybe. probably /mu/ and /pol/
Hi martin. saw you tweeted this.
hai guise
>based Shkreli is aknowledging me
He actually surprises me how smart he is.
Its fucking depressing, compare him to yourself and realize how fucking stupid you are.
He liked my response to a tweet and I admit it made my day. I'm a simple man really.
nice try shkreli
He does the funniest streams wrecking ignorant retards that hate him because the media they watch told them to do so.
He's pretty damn based to be completely honest.
This guy is an idiot. They will make an example out of him and send his ass to fed
Comes off as a try hard beta with no redeeming or interesting aspects. Also amoral or too stupid to understand morality.
I think I've found two people with massive amounts of sand in their vaginas.
Shkreli is one of a kind hero. I've been sick for four years with schizoid symptoms and whatnot and this dudes personality just gives me a smile everytime content of him reaches the net. I salute the guy, he is a sincere inspiration
He is an idiot and everyone who says otherwise is just a male version of a bitch gold digger. Just watch his streams, so many males sucking his dick or at least mad they arent girls so they cant suck his dick so they have to pretend to be bro's with him, its kinda of sad really.
A revolutionary in harnessing the power of collective asspain.
Is that his problem the way others are acting though? why does it make him a bitch gold digger. I can agree the people watching the stream can sometimes be kind of dickriding but he cant be responsible for what those kids are saying and thinking.
I love him, but the whole wigger thing kinda freaks me out a bit. I hope he's trolling us with that shit.
Because Shrekli is nothing out of the ordinary, he makes no good arguments to excuse his behaviour, or has any superior intelligence, he spends his days playing that virus blob game.
The fact people are seeing "more" in him is an effect of the money he has, he has money and that changes everything.. he acts like you or me but he has money, he is acessible but he also has money, so now it becomes like "he is not that bad" and everyone tries to rationalize a fucked up story to support him.
"he acts like you and me but he has money"
Isn't that the good part?
yea i think its kinda alright, its relatable, he does what we basicly do but has a few millions in his account. But he is no "hero" or whatever people call him
In what way
Seems to be a nice guy. I'm also pretty sure he is the hacker known as Veeky Forums.
I think you're missing the fact that he made his own money. He started from nothing and worked his way up.
If he made a sex tape I'd buy it.
>he's a master baiter. I bet he posts on chans.
wittle trump
sounds like hes trying to do some community service shit cause he owes someone
he should bleach his hair
If the medications he helps develop actually work and save lives he technically is a hero
A brusque, hip hop loving hero
And, surprise surprise, those very insurance companies have their grubby hands all over the established media. You'd think he realise what he was doing might've ticked off the wrong people eventually.
i had free time
Are you me?
>yfw shekelri gives you a free (you)
Hoooooly fuck!
>You can go down as the greedy posterboy for drug companies.png
I'm not up to dat on this guy.
I remember him losing most of his money the day after he talked about that Bridger Capital "Illuminati" group on a radio show.
Did he get it all back?
Did something new about that company come out?
I think the information he has disclosed so far is insufficient to say what his net worth really is, but most people guess around 50 million
Also here's his ex gf walking in topless lol: imgur.com
Yeah, but I thought he lost most of that.
Did he get that back or just didn't lose it in the first place?
Or that 50 million estimate is after losing that 40? (meaning he would have had 90)
If you Google his net worth the first result is 100m based on the appreciation of his shares at three companies
After his arrest he secured his bail with a $45M e-trade account, and he can't touch that account anymore until after the trial
So functionally his wealth is at ~50M